Looks like you've found yourselves a beautiful spot there Sheal. I can see there's a plentiful supply of bracken along one side of the garden, never tried it myself but I believe you can make really good compost using that. If you're like me, then I expect you've already started making plans in your head as to what you will do with your new garden. Exciting times ahead.
wow, @Sheal what a beautiful spot! It does seem like a blank canvas, hope you can get crafty with it and plan out a brilliant new garden to enjoy whilst taking in the surroundings too. Amazing! Will be lovely to see how you get on with making changes to it!
If you have a barbie or bonfire, you need to be careful with any flying embers particularly in the summer, as bracken burns - fast.
I see Bracken and think of Ticks. Map reveals where in Scotland Lyme-infected ticks are most likely to get you | Spectator Health
Thank you both. I'm looking forward to sitting on the back doorstep peacefully daydreaming. Not all day of course, there's work to be done. Trunky, wouldn't composting bracken transfer the spores all over the garden? Interesting. That's why the sad looking Hosta's are still in one piece. Thanks for the pointers @Fat Controller and @Scrungee. I was reared in the countryside amongst farmland and a previous home of mine was also situated amongst the same, so I'm very aware of the 'country code' shall we say. Scrungee our Doctors Surgeries and woodland areas here all carry posters about ticks. No not a pond @"M" just those sad looking Hosta's. Yes, the plans for the gardens are already buzzing around the few brain cells I have @toppington and Trunky. I have to make some alterations to the drive and front lawns before thinking about planting, also clear a lot of the bracken in the back garden as that's starting to dominate the septic tank area. I may also have to remove a couple of pine trees from the front, their roots are huge and prominent on the lawn. Plus those same trees block out all sunlight. I'm not a gardener that works to a drawn design or mental plan. I wander around, do a bit of thinking and then pick up one of many garden tools and make a start. The rest seems to fall into place as time progresses. I don't like routine and that follows through with my gardening I suppose, I just let things lead me as I go along.
Re bracken:- don't cut it back during the period it has spores on the back. There's some evidence that it can be cancer forming if you breathe in a lot of spores. Best wait until it has died back and then have a lovely bonfire. I'm sure @Jiffy would be happy to pop by and help you with the bonfire . November the fifth might be a good time.
I'd love a bonfire @shiney but I think it'll have to be an incinerator. The place is surrounded by trees and some of those are pines so I don't want to set off the whole area. There's also ponies in the field next door and I don't want to frighten those either.
With the move on Friday we were expecting to be called to sign contracts today or tomorrow but that won't be happening. Apparently, here in Scotland only the sellers sign contracts, buyers just get a letter of confirmation. With a good week of weather supposedly on the cards I'll be stuck inside filling more boxes. Friday? That's the day when it's going to rain and blow apparently, par for the course!
I've just seen this thread. How lucky are you Sheal. It looks like an amazing spot. Good luck to you in your new home and garden