New Aquarium

Discussion in 'Members Hobbies' started by Fat Controller, Sep 2, 2018.

  1. Fat Controller

    Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

    May 5, 2012
    Public Transport
    At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
    @ricky101 - do you have a camera in my living room, or are you tracking what I am watching on YouTube? :biggrin: I sat last night watching videos about filtration, and then read bits and bobs online and that brought me to carbon.....

    I am about to pop out and play with the traffic, so will post back later
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    • ricky101

      ricky101 Total Gardener

      Jun 15, 2016
      Ah, GCHQ not the only one with powers .....:lunapic 130165696578242 5:
      • Funny Funny x 2
      • Victoria

        Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

        Jun 9, 2006
        Lady of Leisure
        Messines, Algarve
        I had a fish tank in my office in the States for many years. I worked for a criminal and personal injury lawyer (still one of the most renowned and best in Alabama and going strong at 75). The clients found it relaxing whilst waiting and took their mind off their troubles momentarily. I only had four veil Angel fish ... Marco Polo. Captain Nemo, Columbus and Vasco de Gama.
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        • Fat Controller

          Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

          May 5, 2012
          Public Transport
          At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
          Right - sorry I had to dart out earlier, but I had to catch a bus.

          After coming back from town this morning, we started to get the tank cleaned, and as we were doing so our neighbour knocked on with the rocks and a couple of bags of substrate - completely unopened, and I have checked online since and this stuff is about £30 a bag! Guess who is in for a few beers when I get back to work?

          Anyway, as we were already in the mood, we kept going - tank clean and empty, we decided to keep on rolling. As it was such a nice day outside, we washed the gravel, rocks and ornaments outside (you should have seen the crud that came off the rocks! :yikes:, and then we began assembling the tank.

          We have managed to get it to the stage where it is now waiting for water, plants, cycling and then eventually, fish!

          That brings me to tonight's question - as there is nothing in the tank, and I know that it is a 300 litre tank, and therefore the amount of the Tap Safe that will be needed, is there any reason that I can't fill the whole tank and then treat the water all at once? Doing it bucket by bucket is going to be incredibly slow, and we can in actual fact run the hose in through the patio doors and use that to fill the tank (as we did to leak check it) - the outside tap and the kitchen tap are on the same pipe, so it is the same water quality? The other issue with buckets is that it would be entirely down to Mrs C to lift them into the tank, as I simply can't do it at the moment, and that really doesn't seem fair to me.

          @ricky101 - I have taken pics of the filter set up, and I will post them back shortly (need to get them off my phone, and need to eat me dinner and have a cuppa :coffee:

          In the interim, here is the tank now we have it all cleaned etc - I am quietly chuffed with our achievements today, getting it all cleaned up and I even think it looks pretty decent, given we have never set up a tank before.

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          • Fat Controller

            Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

            May 5, 2012
            Public Transport
            At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
            OK, I have fed my face.

            @ricky101 - here are pics of the lid/filter arrangement:

            Underside, and lights - they are not marked, but there is a rating lable on the side that says they are 2 x 18w

            Inside the filter - the bar that runs along over the length is full of holes to allow the water to run out into the filter media; the end of the bar (right side on this pic) is plugged.



            It is not easy to see here, but there is a wee red square around the outlet channel, and it is this that has a reputation for problems if the poly filter blocks up at that end. For clarity, there are no reports of this problem happening to this particular tank, but I have seen it highlighted elsewhere hence my thinking to be ahead of the game and prevent it flooding over in the first place.
          • ricky101

            ricky101 Total Gardener

            Jun 15, 2016

            Wow, yes you are lucky, thats an amazing set up for free ! and you have done really well to get it all set up.

            1. Your Tap Safe, yes fine to add all the water first then the drops, though do not worry about a few extra drops, nothing in there to affect things.

            When you add the water, put a dinner plate or something similar on top of the gravel and aim the hose at that so the gravel does not get washed all over the place.

            2. What is the name of that substrate and is it the only thing in there or was there some soil like medium under the blue pieces ?

            3. Think bucket lifting is out of the question, one for later, look at an auto water changer or a diy version; they basically operate like an external filter, but with a massive chamber containing the new water, commercial ones even have wheels and handles for easy moving.

            4. Filtration.
            Now this is where the pictures help, you describe them as polyfilter, I assume meaning polyester fibre filters, but there is the product I was talking about last night called PolyFilter, you can read about it here , and its expensive - Arcadia Aquarium Poly-Filter

            I think your filters are what we normally describe as filter pads made of just polyester fibres. but a matted version of filter floss ?
            If the spares are just a couple of pounds then they certainly are.

            You really need to add your ceramic rings and carbon to those channels so would suggest you fill 1/2 the length with the pads and the rest with bags of you rings and carbon and see how the flow goes.

            Some pumps have a flow adjuster, sometimes on the inlet, like a shutter or on the body like a dial , which helps reducing the flow if its too much.

            Filtration and Circulation

            As is, its will be ok for now, but IMHO I would suggest you need and external canister filter for two reasons.

            First, the existing filter just is not big enough in space or flow to maintain a full tank of fish and plants.

            An external one will give you lots of space for your filter medium and it will get a full flow of water though it.
            They also have a lot more power to the return flow which you really need in a tank that size.
            You can also add additional pumps inside the tank to give more flow if needed.

            I'm not up to date with external canister filters, but something like this would probably do; its important long term that you buy a well know brand where replacement parts are readily available. eg Fluval, Eheim, Hydor

            Eheim Classic External Filters Plus

            Fluval Number 306 External Filter: Pet Supplies

            Would be better if someone else with fish keeping experience joined in to give their view as think mine are a bit outdated and I don't want to mislead you.

            ps - am I supposed to get email notifications of replies , think my profile is set for that, but nothing seems to ever come in, for any post I make or thread I start; not in spam either.


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            • Fat Controller

              Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

              May 5, 2012
              Public Transport
              At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
              Hi @ricky101 :)

              Thanks - I am really chuffed wih it - - took a bit of scrubbing to get it cleaned up, but it was well worth it. I did some of it, but Mrs C had to do the bulk of the hard work sadly.

              The two bags that my neighbour gave me were called Caribsea - black, granular stuff that the bag said was a complete substrate designed for planting; it could be used on its own, or with any other gravel on top if desired, so we went with the gravel that came with the tank to be honest. It too was pretty grubby, but it was battered round in batches in the collander until it cleaned up and it now looks as clean as a whistle; in fact, the colour is much brighter than it was too, as it looked more like a petrol blue when we first saw it.

              I hit the credit card for noodles and carbon to add to that top filter, which will have to do for now - I will have to wait until I go back to work before I can even think about an external cannister filter. I am currently looking at ways that I can support the pump a bit better though, as it is held on three plastic turret things, and they look distinctly unhappy to me - - I have visions of it going plop when we get round to adding fish! I will come up with something.

              I am also tempted to get a file out and enlarge that exit channel hole as that is tiny - not overly sure of how else I could do it.

              I will fill the tank and add the prescribed amount of tap safe and then a slug for good luck which should cover me if I have put a wee bit more than 300l in. I will then run the filter for an hour or so before starting to introduce the good bacteria starter liquid, and hopefully that will get us off to a good start; I will get the heater on pretty pronto too, which will hopefully take sufficient chill off for planting once they have arrived and been quarantined for a wee while.

              Re the email alerts, I think the GC mail server is having a funny turn, as I tried to email webmaster last night and it bounced back at me. Sadly, that is not something I can do much with.
            • ricky101

              ricky101 Total Gardener

              Jun 15, 2016

              Would leave the carbon out until you are ready for the fish, just in case if removes too much of the tap safe or starter liquid.

              The Caribsea threw me a bit as I know it as a marine company for sands etc but see they now also do the planted tank substrate.

              What temp is the heater set to , 24c ?
              Worth keeping an eye on it with a separate thermometer to ensure it holds that valve, but some can have quiet a wide hysteresis.
              Can take overnight to raise the tank up to 24c , depending on its wattage.

              Re the filter outlet, think I would look at that piece that holds the end of the pipe in place, is it a removable part, it looks different to the rest of the moulding.

              Would just cut or file out an extra one or two V or U from its top and let the water overflow over that; it will the help create a bit of water depth in the filter area which would be better for the media as it looks quiet shallow to start with.

              Perhaps thats the reason the bottom hole is so small, they are trying to create some water depth but have not given thought to when it blocks and overflows ? so these V or U cuts should do just that.
              • Like Like x 1
              • ricky101

                ricky101 Total Gardener

                Jun 15, 2016

                Was wondering about the water circulation in your tank but found these instructions which show the pump clearly, seems its splits the water between the tank and the filter.
                LZ Aquarium Hood Filter Assembly Instruc...
                With it being split like that means you can readily throttle the spray far feed pipe to slow down its water flow if needed, without affecting the pump.

                According to some specification sheets for one of those tanks its got an 1800lph pump so that should give a decent 6x flow rate for a planted tank

                Seems its a far east Boyu tank or one of their generic versions, seems reasonably well liked on the shoppers reviews.

                Have the plants arrived ?
              • Sian in Belgium

                Sian in Belgium Total Gardener

                Apr 8, 2011
                Just south of Brussels
                That looks like a really good setup!

                Out of curiosity, what's the depth of the tank? (Or have you already told us whilst I was sipping beer?!)

                I would love to see that tank planted up with really lush planting - it would give you an almost zen-like calm, every time you look at it!!

                I'm afraid my advice for set-up, filters, etc is seriously out of date. I'd be going back around 20 years.... oh, I'm hankering after a tank again, now!!
              • Fat Controller

                Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                May 5, 2012
                Public Transport
                At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                Hi @ricky101 :)

                That does look to be similar set up, although the way that mine is suspended looks completely different. As it happens, I have it out of the tank, so here it is:


                There is a hell of a lot of flex in these three wee pillars:


                There is simply a ridge along the top which clip into the lid - in truth, it really does not inspire confidence and I have already put a similar one, but with suckers that hold onto the glass onto my wishlist. I am also intending on getting an external filter, as this morning's saga (tell you in a minute) demonstrated to me that if there is any problem at all with the hood, pump or filter, we are left completely without filtration and circulation. Somewhat co-incidentally, the company you linked to are the ones I have got my eye on an external filter from - they do a 1400 litre per hour, with UV sterilising for £70, which isn't disgustingly expensive particularly as it comes with the filter media too. I am thinking that I can run both, and when it comes time to renew filter media I can do so in a staggered fashion to retain good bacteria? The UV sterilisation is a bonus to be honest, and being new to the game, I am going to need all the cards on my side. :biggrin:

                Now, this morning's saga - I went to start filing the tank, and flicked the lights on to see where I was going to put a bowl to slow the water; as I did so, there was a bit of buzz, and the front light went out. After a bit of faffing about, we had to take the hood off (not least as I cannot stand for long enough to faff with things like that) - so thank goodness we hadn't yet started the pump or we would have had wet filters to deal with, and would be removing filtration from the tank; we switched the two bulbs about and tested it, and the problem stayed on the same socket, so it is the connector itself or the wire to it that is faulty. I had to stop there as I had visitors coming for a meeting, so I will have to take a look at it and try to fix it tomorrow. I suspect that it is just the wee brass fittings that are a bit loose and not connecting with the bulb, so if I can get them to tuck back in a wee bit, I will get it working. Tomorrow will tell. However, this has proved to me that I need to get an external filter at some point, if only as a sort of double up protection.

                No plants yet, but the tank is now full of water, and the heater is on - I haven't yet used the de-chlorinator as I thought I would hold off until tomorrow when I can get the filter going. Once that is done, I will start to add the bacteria culture.
              • Fat Controller

                Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                May 5, 2012
                Public Transport
                At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                Hi @Sian in Belgium :)

                It is very deep (which I must admit, I love about it) - 28", so my wee fishy friends will have tons of room to play, and there is tons of hidey-holes for the times they are feeling shy. Hopefully the plants will arrive tomorrow and we can get them planted, and if I can get the lighting fixed I can then get the hood back on, and get some filtration and movement going. This time tomorrow night, I will probably be sat here watching plants wafting back and forth :biggrin:
                • Like Like x 2
                • Sian in Belgium

                  Sian in Belgium Total Gardener

                  Apr 8, 2011
                  Just south of Brussels
                  Wow!! Now, what I remember about the plants (can't look it up until we get back from our hols), is that many of the really stunning sword-leaf plants need a depth of at least 20-24" to thrive, so you can certainly grow some of the "better" plants in there. That's really good!!
                • ricky101

                  ricky101 Total Gardener

                  Jun 15, 2016

                  Hope you have turned the heater off with the pump out and not running ? - they really do need the water flowing over them or its can shorten their life a good bit.

                  If you are doubtful of those fittings I would use some all plastic cable ties on them or even around the whole pump.

                  Not sure about in filter UV , this link has some comment.
                  Is a UV light system necessary in a planted tank?

                  Seem those filter units do have spares listed, you usually have to replace the impeller after a couple of years, 7.99 for that one.
                  Have to say they look a nice enough range, though my choice would be a Fluval 306 or an Eheim , they are known for good units over many years.

                  The fish will not die if the filter stop for a few hours, the whole tank also has some filtering effect.
                  Think like power cuts do happen and they never seems to cause any lasting problem, unless your tank is very overstocked with fish.

                  Seems a shame they did not make the filter and light sections independent, as you have found a bit of a job if its wet and running.

                  ...all part of the learning fun ... ! :rolleyespink: :)
                  • Like Like x 2
                  • Fat Controller

                    Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                    May 5, 2012
                    Public Transport
                    At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                    I haven't turned the heater off, thinking it would be OK in such a large tank - would convection currents not ensure that the water moves around it? Even if the water didn't move, surely it would just get warm around the heater at which point the heater would switch off thermostatically?
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