New Aquarium

Discussion in 'Members Hobbies' started by Fat Controller, Sep 2, 2018.


    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019


    • Funny Funny x 1
    • ricky101

      ricky101 Total Gardener

      Jun 15, 2016
      Hi FC,

      Sounds like a bad hair day ! :yikes:

      At least the plants have arrived ok, am sure they will be fine in the tank with just one light and the powerhead with the heater.

      What make /model of external filter have you got ?

      Never seen one with a primer, ( 20 years since I last used one) but expect its a one way vent to let the air out ?

      Even when primed you can still get an air lock, best thing to do is turn the canister on its side ( with it running) so the air is moved away from the impeller giving it chance to start pumping and so clearing the remaining air.
      You may have to keep moving it around like this for a couple of minutes to expel all the air.

      It may sound a bit noisy until all the air has gone.
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      • Perki

        Perki Total Gardener

        Jun 2, 2017
        Rossendale, Lancashire
        Hi FC sorry to see you're having some teething problems at the moment, you be rite when you get it up and running, I've read through the last 4 pages so may of forgot a few things. You have a nice tank bigger is normally better with fish tanks and are easier than a small tank.

        I've had fish for the past 15years are so, I never cycled a tank before :nonofinger: in my defence I was 13-14 so didn't have a clue, I just bought a small tank for 20quid put some water in it and bought some fish a couple of days later 6 tiger barbs and 6 green barbs, very lucky I didn't lose a fish and had them for a while until the red tail black shark murdered all of them. I then got given a larger tank off my sister about 100 litre had that for a few years. I now have a planted corner tank Juwel Trigon 190 litre which has a internal filter system. I am a bit of a lazy fish / planted tank keeper I keep mine LOW tec, it looks after itself but for fortnightly water changes and cleaning the filters/ glass, I am really into it though in December through to February mainly cause I can't play out in the garden, I buy aquatic plants like clock work same time every year.

        The external filter is now the recommended filter system but I like my filter so never bothered to change mine, I am not sure how your filter system works. Your pump fine I am sure it supposed to pump 3times the amount of water in the tank per hour , I have a 600 L / H ( litres per hour ) pump but Its perfectly fine to have a larger pump. Are they lights LED ? it hard to tell , If they are only blue they are not suitable for a planted tank they need a more natural light spectrum for the plants to grow, I think marine tanks use blue light more, Blue looks good for a night time setting in tropical setups.

        I think you may have some problems in future with the depth of your tank as well, they are harder to maintain and the light doesn't get to the bottom as well, my tank 24 inch deep and I find it a bit tricky getting to the back of the tank.

        What plants have you bought ? I may be able to ID some of them. It looks like some of your rock is dragon stone ?
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        • Perki

          Perki Total Gardener

          Jun 2, 2017
          Rossendale, Lancashire
          And your neighbour made a common mistake with the flying fox, as ricky has already said they get aggressive when they mature, they may eat a bit of algea when young. The fish you really want for black beard algae is a Siamese algae eater they look nearly the exact same as a flying fox but with a few difference, a lot of SAE sold are really Flying fox. I have black algae before and considered getting rid of the tank its horrible stuff, bought a true little SAE and it had it spotless in no time. MY SAE is older now so more interested in fish food but it still eats algae and it isn't aggressive what so ever, I also have Amano Shrimp you couldn't ask for a better clean up crew relentless workers.
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          • ricky101

            ricky101 Total Gardener

            Jun 15, 2016
            Hi @Perki,

            Sure you are not near the Yorkshire border ? you sound almost as tight as us Yorkshire folk :)

            As you have read FC was lucky to get some free bags of planting substrate / "soil" but its about £30 a 9kg bag to buy.
            Looking around there are even more expensive "soils" costing almost £100 ! and I thought marines were expensive !

            So as someone after my own diy heart can I ask what you have used as the Soil in your tanks and what results they gave ?

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              Last edited: Sep 8, 2018
            • Fat Controller

              Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

              May 5, 2012
              Public Transport
              At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
              Really long day, need to eat, need beer! Good hair day, and a bad hair day all rolled into one - will come back later and explain all. :)
              • Friendly Friendly x 1
              • ARMANDII

                ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                Jan 12, 2019


                This guy had a worse day, FC.:dunno::heehee:

                • Funny Funny x 2
                • Fat Controller

                  Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                  May 5, 2012
                  Public Transport
                  At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                  OK - have just eaten and now can catch up.

                  We got off to a good start, as the part to fix the lighting arrived this morning, so much better than the predicted Monday delivery date - that let me fix the lights today, so now that is all good.

                  The tour of the other fish shop was great - really nice, clean place, well lit with really healthy looking fish and plants and even quarantine tanks which inspires confidence. In some ways it was a bit of torture, as we were mentally stocking our tank as we went round, but at least we seem to have found a fairly local aquarium specialist that has good stuff, and the prices aren't even all that bad -- the bad bit is that it is across the road from my work, and I mean literally across the road, so it is far too easy to pay a visit at lunchtime or finishing time.....

                  Back home again, and we moved on to getting filtration going, and that was where the "fit hit the shan" if you catch my drift ;). We dug out my hole cutters to cut another hole in the back of the cabinet, higher up than the hole that is there to allow the external filter pipes to come in without going all the way down to come back up.

                  The first problem was that whilst I have been incapacitated, something has happened to my drill - I suspect the shed has leaked and the drill has taken the brunt of it - there was a bit stuck in the chuck, which my neighbour had to get out for me (I don't currently have the strength), however it appears that there is some damage to the gearbox of the drill itself as it has a lot of lash in it now. I am bereft, if truth be told - I really liked that drill, and it wasn't cheap. Anyway, it managed to cut the hole for us.

                  So, we then went to the tank end to try and sort the pipework out at that end - in short, the two holes that are into the back of the tank for pipes/wires etc have plenty of space, until the hood is on. Putting the hood on with large-ish hoses in place forces the internal hood filter up by about 7mm, flipping the filter cover open. Annoyingly, the hose connects to a much smaller diameter pipe once it is in the tank, so it is only really the size it is to accommodate the connectors at each end. The hoses that come with the filter are quite thick walled PVC, and I think that is now what is the hurdle - so, I will need to find some soft, very malleable hoses with an internal diameter of 15mm (silicone?) to allow them to compress a wee bit to let the lid seat in place. If anyone knows where to source something suitable, please let me know?

                  So, we scattered the ceramic noodles in the hood filter tray, put the spongey stuff back on top and got the hood filter running; a couple of hours later and the water is noticeably clearer (although still not completely clear). We have also added the first dose of good bacteria to get the filter going.

                  @Perki - thanks for the advice about the Siamese Algae Eater - I have looked them up since, and they look to be a much better tank member, so I will likely get a couple of them. I was already aware of the shrimp, and planning on a few of those (hadn't really arrived at a number), as well as a plec or two. As for the plants, I have absolutely no idea what they are - some are green, some are red :dunno: :heehee: - I will try and get pics soon.
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                  • Perki

                    Perki Total Gardener

                    Jun 2, 2017
                    Rossendale, Lancashire
                    Hi @ricky101 , I am very near the Yorkshire border its just over the hill how did you guess :snorky: . My tank at the moment is ever evolving, I didn't think of plant substrate when I started this tank. I just have Silver Sand with a bit of gravel, it depends more on what live plants you want to grow, gross feeders from the root like Cryptocoryne get a Root tabs in my tank cause silver sand has nearly no nutrients other than fish waste, other plants feed just through the water column like Java ferns - anubais , they is other plants what feed through both root / water column but a liquid feed will help feed these plants for me. I have used liquid feed in the past and had algae blooms and high Nitrate levels, a lot of liquid feeds have to much copper in which is fatal to shrimps, I just stick with water changes this adds trace elements and nitrates for the plants to feed on. I am not committed enough to the hobby for a high tec tank with injected CO2 - high lighting etc the high tec tanks are beautiful though. I'll put some pictures of my tank on soon.

                    Same as in the garden red leaf plants need better lighting than green plants, they can't photosynthesis the same as a dark green / green leaf, you don't get the red colour without good lighting more of a muddy green colour . I don't know as many aquarium aquatic plants as garden plants but can spot the common ones.
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                    • ARMANDII

                      ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                      Jan 12, 2019

                      • Funny Funny x 2
                      • Perki

                        Perki Total Gardener

                        Jun 2, 2017
                        Rossendale, Lancashire
                        Got a picture not easy to take with the light / bow front

                        I have Rummy nose tetra - Harlequin rasbora - SAE and Amano shrimp, I don't keep aggressive fish anymore, I would like some more fish in the future , and I can't forget the million Malaysian snails. I want some more plants but all funds for plants are for the garden at the moment :)
                        • Like Like x 4
                        • ricky101

                          ricky101 Total Gardener

                          Jun 15, 2016
                          @Perki - that looks a superb tank be it on a budget or not and just using basic sands!

                          Expect your tap water is soft, if its from the Pennines or is it from the Lake district ?
                          Do you treat / filter your tap water with anything, be interested to know what make of trace elements you add or do you mean just what comes out of the tap ?
                          • Like Like x 2
                          • ricky101

                            ricky101 Total Gardener

                            Jun 15, 2016
                            @FC - you sound exhausted, a case of Tankallitis ! :rolleyespink:

                            Think you both need a day of rest this Sunday ! :snooze:
                            • Agree Agree x 2
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                            • NigelJ

                              NigelJ Total Gardener

                              Jan 31, 2012
                              Mad Scientist
                              Paignton Devon
                            • Perki

                              Perki Total Gardener

                              Jun 2, 2017
                              Rossendale, Lancashire
                              My tap water is soft which normally means it would be acidic but its treated by the water company so the Ph is 7.5, you can look up where and whats in your water on in internet, my reservoir is 3/half mile up the road, trace elements are just out of the tap. I have to keep doing water changes fortnightly for the shrimp can't quite remember what it is but it helps them moult properly, if I didn't have shrimp I would do less water changes lazy .

                              I don't treat my water either lucky again I suppose or ideal water conditions, you want to try and stick with the PH coming out of the Tap @Fat Controller unless its in extreme acidic/alkaline , you don't want big swings in PH which can be bad for fish /plant health , same as the garden work with what you've got. You PH will be slightly lower in a planted tank before the lights come on, the plants will release CO2 when its lights out CO2 lowers PH, a lot of other things lowers PH also.

                              I would highly recommend the API fresh water master kit if you don't have something already, it has PH - High PH - Ammonia - Nitrite - Nitrate testing.
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