New house new garden

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Helofadigger, Jul 8, 2007.

  1. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    the thing with cats though is you could give them a golden throne to use, a garden that is one big massive litter tray, but that would still not stop them using someone elses garden.

    I must admit it upsets me all this talk of shooting them. They are allowed by law to go in anyones garden, water squirting them is the best option, or use products like Keep Off.

    I'll never forget seeing a tv programme of the gardener who killed any cat that entered his garden, he had them lined up proud as punch. NOT saying anyone here is like that, but they are only animals. I had a neighbour who used to say she would kill mine, no one liked her and no one would have put it past her, i would have gone to jail if she had done anything to them. Another neighbour, thankfully DEAD did kill cats.

    This is why I am really hemming my garden off, I dont trust people. I've already had one deliberately poisoned.

    Just upsets me the way people dont like cats - you can not like their poo but dont talk about pellet guns and the like please.
  2. daitheplant

    daitheplant Total Gardener

    Dec 19, 2006
    South East Wales
    Being a cat lover as well, mgn, I totally agree with you. Only imbeciles use firearms on animals. And I hope there are none on this site. Where I do disagree with you mgn, is using cat faeces as a manure. You don`t know what parasites, or worm eggs are in it. In fact, manure from any meat eating animal should not be used on the garden.
  3. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    mgn, i dont think for one minute anyone on gc would harm a cat, its just banter for frustrated gardeners who would like there garden cat poo free, We get loads of cats in our garden, so I have to pick up after them, but hay thats life, the only bug bare i have is when owners dont put collars with a bell on to warn birds of there arrival, now that really gets to me, because i dont like picking up dead fledglings every spring.. now that upsets me..
  4. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    I wouldnt put a colar on any cat of mine, two years ago out walking I discoverd a poor tabby hanging dead from its colar in hawthorn tree.

    The cat must have been climbing, jumped and got caught in the branch and literally strangled itself.

    Asside from the risk of the collar being caught one of tuffty responsibilitys in my mind is vermin control ie mice and i wouldnt want to curtail this.
  5. Gogs

    Gogs Gardener

    Jul 11, 2006
    Nope me either Paul,can be an accident waiting to happen type thing,love the furry things too much to risk it.
  6. daitheplant

    daitheplant Total Gardener

    Dec 19, 2006
    South East Wales
    We put collars on ours, but they do not wander far from home. [​IMG]
  7. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    well i'm not realy advising people that cat poo is a great manure, just saying it really does seem to attract worm activity, and yes i agree it should be picked up. It's just one of those things, cats will come and poo. Unless you meshed off your garden then it's something that has to be picked up.

    it's just cats DO get gun pellets in them, people DO kill them for going on their gardens, people really DO set out to poison them, these people exist. They hang them, cut off their limbs. it's disgraceful and reperlant.
    I've seen some awful sights of cats mamed and it isnt youngsters doing it.
    It's a growing problem.

    i dont like dogs but i'm not going to talk about tazering them because i cant stand their yapping, or pooing outside my front door, or running in my garden. Because I know they are pets and they are animals when all is said and done, and no way are they as destructive as us humans.
    I can moan about it, but I wouldnt be saying i'm going to shoot them, even in fun.

    As for birds, gardeners are doing alot to harm the bird population , more than probably cats do. Must admit it isnt nice when a cat brings a bird home, but thats nature, they arent shooting them. It's not even in the same argument.

    Anyway it just upset me is all. meow!
  8. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Mgn totally disagree with you regarding cats not wanting to poop on their own gardens when there is a place made just for them, I have had 'free range' cats for many years right until the end of 2006 and I can tell you without a doubt our 'sh*t pit' was well used by them all.

    Sorry if I have upset you about the pellet gun thing but to be honest the berberis cuttings would have given the cats quite a fright as well and as I have said those have now been taken up.

    Having dogs only now I try to keep the garden poop free but unlike the dogs the cats seem to favour my garden beds which is not at all ideal when I have very young children round to help Bob and I in the garden as most parents know nearly everything goes in a two year old's mouth and a four year old just tries to clean away the mess for you!

    Dee's right I would never get the air gun out and use it on any animal (my son's only ever used it to shoot cans) it's just really sad that anyone would take it to heart that I would seriously do so.

    Mgn maybe you should start right from the begining and read this thread again as I'm sure you will see I do have a sense of humour sadly not all of us have one :(

    As for cat collars I always put one on my cats although many times they would loose them as I made sure they could slip out of them with ease, strange how even will a bell on my cats could still catch mice and birds :confused:

    Ste one down 4,000 odd to go! :D
    Not doing much in the garden other than an awful lot of weeding and clearing up the mess that the wind makes.... thank goodness Bob's wind doesn't leave a mess behind! :D

    I'm nowhere near as fast as I was in the garden although on the nice days I can spend hours just pottering about boy have I missed that, we will start once again with our new/old decking idea on the back once the wind and rain has finished even Bob's ready to get's gonna cost me good style in bacon butties and plenty of cuppas good job he doesn't drink the hard stuff otherwise I would have to run a hose pipe from the village pub just to keep him going!

    As for the prized Helofadigger 'Poo flinging' cup this year there's a regional grouping before you get through to the final Yorkshire's region is being called 'Yorkshire's Bravest' any ideas for your's Ste? or how about any of you other's?
  9. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    Helen I wasnt saying you would do it, I saw you say you stopped your hubby with the hose pipe even, but look at the top post of this page?

    I'm not going to apologise.

    i find it disgusting that anyone can talk like that, and i've seen similar comments all over this site, ffs its only a garden at the end of the day. i have as much a sense of humour as the next person, but I'm not getting the humour here.

    When your cat has an eye removed due to some 'gardener' with a pellet gun then maybe you wont find it humourous talk either.

    flinging cat poo over a fence is one thing, but why the talk about using a gun on them????

    I might be a bit more sensitive than the next person, but I think i am making a valid point.

    i think i'll have to give this site a miss, i knew gardners and cats have a reputation of not getting on, but i'm not reading stuff like that BECAUSE I KNOW IT HAPPENS. (and thats not to you helen!)
  10. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    helen said:

    Mgn totally disagree with you regarding cats not wanting to poop on their own gardens when there is a place made just for them, I have had 'free range' cats for many years right until the end of 2006 and I can tell you without a doubt our 'sh*t pit' was well used by them all.

    they would have used everyone elses garden too. without a doubt. I had litter trays and areas for plops but i know for a fact they still used next doors garden as well.
  11. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Sadly Mgn we will have to agree to disagree you go your way and I'll go mine. I'm not getting into a slagging match with you so pleased don't go there and I ask you not to post here if you insist on doing so!

    Intermiplants (Ste) has the same sense of humour as me as do quite a few others on here and I for one wouldn't have it any other is way too short to be miserable and I wouldn't want to be dictated by anyone for our sense of humour even if it may not appeal to everyone's taste.
  12. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    We did have some old bloke on here last year going on and on about wanting to prctically hang all cats because his Grand daughter was blinded by one,but Cats will not intentially blind a human unless it was an accident.Thankfully he has gonefrom here probably joined a forum to do with the killing of cats.

    I stopped reading this thread when guns got mentioned,but will do so now that my computer has been fixed. :rolleyes:
  13. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Sorry you feel that way Kandy but remember those without sin throw the first stone.
  14. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    It appears this whole 'pellet gun' thing has blown all out of proportion and it really saddens me that people would truly believe I could use such a thing...... it's a wonder I wasn't hung drawn and quartered for using Berberis cuttings on my garden beds! :eek:
  15. daitheplant

    daitheplant Total Gardener

    Dec 19, 2006
    South East Wales
    mgn , there is no need for you to leave this site because of this thread. Your input, into the site is , I am sure, needed and appreciated. Helen, I don`t think anyone believes you would hurt an animal, but, as mgn says, it is no fun when you, or someone you know, has had an animal shot by some idiot with a pellet gun. One of our cats was shot a few years ago and it was a few days before we realised. It cost us a lot of money in vet`s bills but thankfully, he went on to live another five years before cancer finally took him. And as for the Berberis, you should have used Firethorn. :D

    [ 07. February 2008, 05:13 PM: Message edited by: Daisees ]

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