New house new garden

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Helofadigger, Jul 8, 2007.

  1. NewbieGreen

    NewbieGreen Gardener

    Jul 25, 2007
    Hi helen,

    Thanks for looking that up about sowing sweet pea. I hadn't read that before. To be honest, i was just too eager to wait till when the proper time to sow would have been, so hadn't even looked it up [​IMG]
  2. RavenMad

    RavenMad Gardener

    Sep 30, 2007
    BWAHAHAHA! :D (Why don't we have a laughing smiley?) No, really, it is literally a patch of grass, a shed and a corner bed with a lonely looking baby cordy in it. And some spring bulbs. Maybe I should take a photo though, as a "Before" pic.

    I love looking at everyone elses pics though.
  3. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Raven give it a go girl as you can see I'll post any old picture of my garden what I 'like' to call the good and the bad and the plain ugly! :D

    Newbie how about a picture of your little'uns spourting into life?
    That's if the peas have germinated yet.
  4. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hi Ste as you know I have been mostly sitting on my butt this past week [​IMG] but have managed to nearly knock down an old brick cold frame and strip the mortar off the bricks so Bob can use them elsewhere.

    Below you can just see in the picture where the brick cold frame was...this is where Bob's going to put the next lot of decking right from the side door outwards maybe even on two levels but we will have to see about that.


    Sorry about the satellite dish I forgot to crop that out!

    Also I did mention that I had marked out another border on the back


    Sorry about the mess Bob's going crazy about it but at least it's on the back garden.

    I'm getting lucky as well as it seems my two old ladies (dogs that is) like to use the gravel for peeing on so maybe yellow patches on the grass is a thing of the past!

    My neighbour (the one with the cats) keeps piking out of her upstairs windows to 'see' what we are doing and it seems she has started to 'do' her garden although all I can tell is that she has cut her side of the hedge down by 2 foot...oh well makes it easier to fling the poo right back at her! :D

    She had me and Bob in stitches last week as she was trying to burn her live cuttings in the rain...such a dum dum. :confused: don't get me wrong I do get on with her but it's her (edited) cats that drives us mad and how she is always moaning that she can't seem to live off �£200+ a week although she doesn't pay her rent nor council tax and lives off the state, hasn't ever worked and is one of those 'single mums' although the boy friend seems to live there all the time!
    Oh god I'm going off on one now so better shut up! :eek:

    [ 07. February 2008, 04:42 PM: Message edited by: Daisees ]
  5. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Here's a before picture of the old brick cold frame it really had to go the walls was made in a snake fashion and wasn't straight at all!


    Once again sorry about the mess!
  6. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    in manchester helen we call em lay on there back spongers :D and if they are burning cutting in the rain maybe they will sunbathe in the snow [​IMG] looks like you been busy it looks really nice but sorry youve still got work to for the patches on the grass we trained our lab to go on the soil at 3 month old and hastnt peed on grass now for three years.give em a treat for goin on the gravel . soon learn [​IMG]
  7. marge

    marge Gardener

    Jan 27, 2006
    Hi Helen - have just spent a long time enjoying your thread and just wanted to say what an amazing job youve done/are doing. I have a neighbour that 'borrows' ideas from me - and is always so surprised when I say 'oh, thats like mine'!!! [​IMG] Ihave learned to treat it as acompiment - funny, they have 4 cats [​IMG] [​IMG]
  8. NewbieGreen

    NewbieGreen Gardener

    Jul 25, 2007
    Well here a couple of pictures of my sweet pea, after a bit of a slug attack, but thankfully they didn't want eat much of it [​IMG]


    I'm so chuffed, its doing well considering i've germinated it too [​IMG]
  9. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Ste 'lay on there back spongers' what a laugh :D :D

    Well done with learning your lab to do their 'thing' where you want it to be done, I could do anything with our Rottie Dude but sadly the yorkies are as wild and crazy as their mum so no hope there!

    Hello Marge it is really nice when people copy you it does mean it looks pretty good...I'm doing the same with Banana Man (although I did ask first!)by copying his idea of planting a palm 'looking' plant into our new decking area... I haven't a hope in hell of having a jungle like him but I can always dream! [​IMG]

    I truly pity you being next door to four cats but I'm always trying to do things that wouldn't hurt them to keep them off our garden; cat sonic devices which we have three of and do work but I think one cat is deaf! sticks in the soil and now I'ave sadly had to resort to laying Berberis haven't been touch yet but if I hear a squeal I know it's working! :eek:

    Newbie looking good you have done well how many did you sow and what was your success rate?
  10. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    Looking good Helen.. Hard work but worth every ache.. and that brick cold frame was ugly needed to go, just like to say watch your back.. you have enough pain to deal with, send some more pics when its done, i also love to see other peoples gardens and nick ideas [​IMG] my dog cassy has ruined our newly laid lawn keep forgetting to try the tomato juice method, do you know if tomato sauce will work ;)and newbie well done, the first time seeds germenated for me i was so excited [​IMG] DEE
  11. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hi Dee it's the same old story dogs/children plus one nice lawn it's never gonna be, I'ave never been one of those people who demand that people keep off their lawn... it's there to be played about on and having fun! [​IMG]

    I used to be very nosey about what people's rooms were like in their houses now it's their gardens.... it's a sad fact that now not everyone looks after or trys to have a good garden.

    When I see a big garden all unloved and over grown I just think if only I had that space just imagine what I could do with it!

    Dee what's this about tomato sauce? my mind boggles with how you would used it in your garden. :confused:

    Well popped into Sheffield yesterday to yet another showing at the movies (only one this time) and noticed that Sheffield city council has tied up their cordys so have done mine point in chancing fate.
  12. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    Hi Helen theres a tip in GC to mix tomato juice in dogs food to stop the grass dying where they p... something about neutralising the acid in bitches p... im gonna try it :D DEE.. the pain in your bum Helen is it Siatica? gets worse when your still.... :(
  13. Sarraceniac

    Sarraceniac Gardener

    Aug 6, 2007
    IP. Is that the cordy having babies that we discussed way back? I think that I (and your garden centre guy) were right (should that be tight? All the letters worn off my keyboard).

    Just remember that the babies are very tender, so look after them this winter or no cordy and no babies. [​IMG]
  14. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hi Ste I may have 'just' got sorted!

    I'ave been to the doctors (finally) he couldn't believe how I managed to go so long and gave me a right telling off.

    It seems because I'ave been on the pain killers for nearly a year now I'ave built up a tolerance against them so have been given a couple of more pills to help me on the just because of it's 'side effects' which is that it sends you to sleep for about 6 hours...oh the bliss!

    He mentioned morphine to my horror but I'm not ready to give up yet!

    Bob's popping down to the chemist today to get his little addict (wife) her new fix!

    Dee oh I didn't know about the tomato thing not sure if my girls will go for that!

    It's not Sciatica Dee I'ave two slipped discs and my lower spine is fusing together called Spondylitis these last few years I'ave suffered something terrible with it but as you can see I still work through the pain...I'ave never been one to sit on my butt for long!
  15. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    thats it helen keep on going [​IMG] father in law in the same kind of pain after years and when the painkillers wouldnt touch it he now on morphine patches. even been sent to hosi for someone to tell him about how to control the pain. think he wants the op now..let us know if you get anything done in garden [​IMG]

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