New house new garden

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Helofadigger, Jul 8, 2007.

  1. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    ooh Helen i hope the new tablets work.. I cant believe you put up with all that pain and sleepless nights.. no wonder the doc told you off woman :( the hub has the same spondalitus they said its something your born with. pain in the neck [​IMG] thats where he has you he suffers, he takes Ibruffen..DEE
  2. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Morning Ste and Dee sadly as you can guess the drugs didn't work and boy am I fed up :( I was right depressed yesterday as it was a smashing day here and I couldn't manage nothing but a shuffle round the garden!
  3. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    goodnight helen 03:48 enuf said think you might have to have ten of these [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] as well as the tablets :mad: hope you get it under control
  4. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    Ah helen im so sorry the tablets didn,t work, in fact i feel quite angry.. in this day and age no one should have pain :( EVER..i hope they kick in soon [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  5. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Thanks guys I only have to wait until Wednesday and then maybe I'll get something to help me out this time.

    I think the doctor should be giving me something to take away the constant pain because once that's gone I know I will have no trouble at all getting some sleep!
  6. RavenMad

    RavenMad Gardener

    Sep 30, 2007
    Sorry to hear you're in pain. :( I hope they can sort something out for you soon.

    Well, this might cheer you up. I took your advice and started a thread about my "garden". That should give you a laugh. :D
  7. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    can't believe i haven't been on this thread for so long so have missed what's been happening with you. know i keep up in the project side but blimey! i soo feel for you.
    didn't understand what your back problem was or that it had been going on so long. that's bad.
    my ex started to have back pains before i left (was that karma??) but apparently has had quite a few problems. he is a big tough guy, not particularly big as such but wouldn't back down for no-one or nothing! he used to have to lay down on the floor of shops sometimes if he was there for a little while (for his work). he got some funny looks but 1 look from him made people walk away!
    i don't wish that on anyone. not even him (horrible, bullying s*d that he is, etc) can't feel anything for him now actually but it does help me understand how much pain this can give.
    it's so true that experience of age, time whatever gives you a much broader outlook on things. once everything was black & white now it's grey.
    so helen, i hope you are feeling better. as you know, i love what you are doing to your garden & will have to learn to 'look' all over this site for your comments cos they're so good.

    how are you getting on about the cats? we have loads in this street. loads of dogs too. but the dogs don't wander around doing their bis on everyone else's garden! any tips?
    sorry, helen - how did you get on on Wednesday? let me know.
  8. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hello guys and girls
    Been to the doctors and much to my horror he wanted to put me onto morphine :eek: he gave me some other drugs and as you can tell from the time of this post they are not working, so I'ave got to go back next week.

    After a very long break I did manage to do some 'work' in the garden yesterday sadly it was only a little weeding as that's all I could manage. I think it was because I don't do nice and steady as I keep saying to Bob there's slow, fast, pretty damn fast and then there's Hel's speed!

    Bob was fussing around me something rotten and wouldn't leave me alone treating me like a frail little old lady I'm 40 going on 16 by the way, after an hour or two I was 'done in'...I do hope I get better soon!

    Sandra many thanks for your sweet comments saying things like "i love what you are doing to your garden & will have to learn to 'look' all over this site for your comments cos they're so good" about me will give me a big head Lol :D

    Regarding the cats well I did manage to stop the deaf cat after all if you are cats lovers please stop reading the next bit :eek:
    I like cats don't get me wrong our last cat died just before last christmas and we did make sure she had a toilet area which she did use very well after she died we cleaned the area totally and started to get visits from next doors four cats.

    Brought a couple of scarers and that worked very well for all but the deaf cat, we tried everything, tea bags soaked in almost everything didn't work, tried sticks planted at random and this worked for a short time but sadly the cat just moved to elsewhere in the garden finally won and tried the Berberis cuttings.

    We were very lucky to find out that the corner council display across the road from us was planted with nothing but spiky Berberis and being a fine upstanding member of the public we helped the council out by clipping a bush or two into a tidy manner :D

    We then laid these cuttings down on the garden borders and waited for the deaf cat to do his thing and like magic the cat keeps off the plot...we haven't seen him since! :D

    Drugs have just started to kick in so I'll be off back to bed soon!
  9. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    hi helen
    sorry the new drugs aren't working. i obviously understand why you don't want to take morphine, but what are they going to offer you next week?
    take it easy. i, for one, don't want to 'lose' you on here. i know i haven't been on here long but as i said i love looking for 'you'.
    being lazy for a moment (what's new my hubby asked) what is berberis? i thought for a moment it said 'beriberi'! is it the same sort of thing?
    i got up last night/early morning & opened the back door to have a smoke (i know, don't start!) & saw the ginger tom from up the road in my garden. i have a dog so didn't think cats would come in. how wrong has that been!! i nearly had to raise my voice at the cat to get him out, don't forget it was early hours so didn't want to wake neighbours with my 'dulcet tones'!
    cheeky (edited) he was.
    my neighbour who has a 'just so' garden has been moaning about poo on their garden too albeit at the front.
    what is a 'scarer' helen? does it make a noise like it seems to? if so, how does that not annoy everyone? maybe i've got it wrong again, but if you think they are good i will save up & but one.
    look forward to hearing from you helen

    [ 07. February 2008, 04:48 PM: Message edited by: Daisees ]
  10. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    sorry to hear that yorkshires braveheart is still having a bad time of it.. make sure bob doesnt hit you to hard wiv that stick [​IMG] hope you been good whilst i been away
  11. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hi Sandra you really are sweet and thats just how members should be on this wonderful site!

    I brought 2 cat scarers off ebay and was also very lucky to purchase a brand new one from a carboot for only �£4 just the other week, they run off 2 square batteries but as we use rechargeable ones if doesn't cost a thing to run and we switch them on at night...see below link.

    Cat scarer

    I would sugguest the berberis method but if you have animals of your own then maybe berberis is not for you as they are very mean spiky shrubs, we have some laid out on our front garden and our two Yorkies are not allowed on there now because of the berberis as we don't want a costly trip to the vets!

    The cat scarer comes on with movement in the garden and gives off a sound that humans can't hear and doesn't seem to bother my two old ladies, I have seen it work on a number of 'hearing' cats and it's really funny to see!
    One tom cat that would normally walk calmly through our patch walked a huge wide circle around out garden so he wouldn't get caught by the had both me and Bob in stitches! :D

    My two old ladies hate cats something rotten maybe it's because they are terriers but they did get on really well with 'our' old cat, the mum of the two dogs really hates the neighbour's cats and although she hasn't many teeth left she gives them hell.

    Something else that works really well is water pistols if you keep one handy while you are out and about in your garden or having a crafty smoke [​IMG] just blast any cat that's walking near your plot and they will soon get the idea that they are not welcome on your also works well on Bob if he takes too long drinking his tea while there's work to be done! [​IMG]

    Welcome back Ste what do you mean....hope I have been good? I'm always very good [​IMG]
    Nice to have one of the original members of the crazy gang back amongst us and I'm sure you will be up to speed again in next to no time Ste [​IMG]

    I'll have a picture to post later on of a little something I was given by my sister-in-law yesterday.See you later.
  12. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Well here's the little something that my sister-in-law Diane just couldn't wait to get rid of, Bob had to lift up one of our seats in the scenic and then it only just fitted in!


    I managed to get a tiny Jacob's ladder from her also which was really lucky for me as I couldn't find one at the local garden centres or any seeds which is such a pity as we left ours at the old house, she also gave me a little garden fern.
  13. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    very nice wont be long before it needs a new pot helen is looks big already how old is it. next time diane is throwing nice plants away let us know :D
  14. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hi Ste Diane said she's had the plant a year or so but I think someone gave it to her as she rarely buys plants so I think the plant is a couple of years old now.

    To give you an idea of the size of it the pot is about a foot or so high I can't measure it yet as it's still dark out but will try later.

    Diane's one of those people that if someone takes an interest in something she will give it away and I don't mean little things either.

    She brought herself one of those huge blow-up swimming pools late last year in the sales I think she paid just under �£200 for it (she likes a bargain too) only used it a couple of times and boy did she love it but a neighbour took a fancy to it and she gave it away to her! :eek:

    I'ave told her many a time she's silly doing things like that but she will never learn.

    Diane's been trying to give the cordy away for quite a while or so she says but I think she just wanted me to have it because I took an interest in it but saying that I give her things in return so I don't feel too bad about it!
  15. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    hi helen,
    thank again for your help. i checked out the link you gave but unfortunately the cost is abit too much at the moment (had some bad news regarding something that means we will be even worse off for the next 6 months, sob). good job i'm stocked up with seeds & pots for next year!
    my husband can't take walking around the uneven ground at our local bootsale so we don't usually go but i might try & drag him out (& drag me out of bed on a sunday morning too).
    definately going to try & get. i get so annoyed about them.
    i've never been on e-bay. i know, i must be the only one in the world! is it safe? i'm a bit of a scared cat.
    have read elsewhere on here that you've got the morphine. is it helping yet? i hope so.
    speak soon

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