"guessing it'll be in the minus category after this!" Happy to oblige there Fidgetsmum ... can you do the same for me please? :D (Sorry, if this is not your idea of a joke too just let me know and I'll very happily give you a +1 instead)
sorry your all having trouble with the changeover, Im not computer savvy but could it be your computers or servers, Ive had no problems whatsoever, i did have to change my avi and DOB (didnt have the right date originally anyway) but it only took seconds.. and i dont mind being called a Freak
[size=small]Hi Cutie, nice to see you back. Like you, I am no computer whiz but I have had no problems either. I finally figured out how to get rid of my 'freak' status as there is a box in Options where you can change your status, so now I am a Sub-Tropical Gardener, which I am! Pete, your new status did make me laugh ... but I can't imagine why ... [/size] [size=small]For those having difficulties still, I suggest you go into My Account and go through each Option and just read. You will find all you need to know there, believe me. Everything I had before carried over ... I still have my subscribed threads (or I can choose not to have them). As I mentioned above, all I have lost is my reputation and thanks and the useless money ... but I can live without all them. :WINK1: Just remember when you make changes to save them at the bottom of the page or you are back to square one. [/size]
I'm not having the "Stack overflow" or "Out of memory" (suprising at my age!) problems either, but if several people have the problem then it most likely is a problem at the Server end, not on each person's PC
I to am fed up getting swamped by messages into my emails every time a there is a new post. Can you please stop.
I reckon this is because a setting in your options has changed. This thread may help: http://gardenerscorner.co.uk/forum/Thread-E-Mails.html
I don't care one bit (reminds me of being at school!) Now the ruddy smilies won't come up, however much I click on the [get more] (and no, I've not disabled 'em). There's a golden rule in printing and DTP which says that just because you've got 200 fonts from which to choose doesn't mean you have to use them and create the 'ransom note effect' - unfortunately these pages are the web equivalent. No, I'm sorry, but someone clearly got a copy of 'Design a new website in 2 easy lessons' for Christmas and ..... part 2 is missing.
Please help . I dont give a Jot About Reputation Numbers or Extra E/Mails being sent to me . But I Do Object to having a Warning Level 0% showing below my Reputation. what if i am a bad boy, is it THREE OF THE BELT and a higher warning level next time :WINK1:. oh and by the way why dont we see any birds flying past these two big gaps at each side of my monitor (about 3 inch's between the two gaps). or even a Ryanair Plane ,it seems such a waste of space. my previous post about finding the new set up to cold/bright, feel a bit warmer now, altered the season. music .
I have a warning level 0% as well!!!!! What does it mean :th_scifD36: Am I gonna be warned :th_scifD36: why is it there???? Val