Hi All, Webmaster Nathan has asked to keep all questions & problems on one thread, http://gardenerscorner.co.uk/forum/Forum-Site-Feedback-Bugs.html Well done Nathan
Also want to say that I have changed my viewing to the Classic Mode which is quite different and pleasing on the eye ... I found this in the Options Section ... Thread View Options Display posts in classic mode. I really like it .
Guys: "Warning level" is only shown on YOUR posts (I am not seeing your warning level). Modern forums work on the basis of automatically locking people out who mis-behave. There will be a set of rules - if you keep swearing, or people keep giving you negative reputation, or ... well I don't know what they are but something like that. So mis behaving will increase that user's warning level ... this is just to make them aware of it. Good People will have to learn to ignore it. This should reduce of the amount of their precious time that the ADMINs and MODs will have to spend sorting out the few twits who seek to spoil the party. So ... YOU'VE BEEN WARNED Victoria: I've been using Classic Mode too, suits me better Any new issues please post here: gardenerscorner.co.uk/forum/Forum-Site-Feedback-Bugs.html
I only have two criticisms at the moment. I don't like the way I have to unsubscribe everytime I make a post at the bottom of the post reply page. Also I find the flowers (sunflowers?) on the main page a bit too overbearing. Apart from that I welcome changes, the photo attachments seem a lot faster to load up than before (might have just been my computer though)
"I have to unsubscribe everytime I make a post at the bottom of the post reply page. " I suggest you change the default setting in your OPTIONS: My Account : Edit Options Then set "Messaging and Notification" : "Default Thread Subscription Mode:" to "Do not subscribe" [attachment=2507]
I think all these grumbles are getting sorted now, but I advise as Victoria said....... Go to your pf profile & re-edit your options as,,,,,, Options DO NOT carry across from one board to another & VBullitin had no options for any transfers anyway.......... Rich has had to design & to all the transfers himself & there were some that not even he can do we have to do them ourselves as as most of it is to do with our profiles it is easy to go through & repset as Victoria has said ............... So although this is a difficult few days of changeover, our settings in profiles will be back & secure as WE want them if we edit our profiles again...!!! :WINK1:
Do you mean when you click on an attachment thumbnail and the full size one "pops up"? (Or did you perhaps mean uploading a Photo?) In case of the first I absolutely agree. What was on the old site is what is known as a "LightBox", and was one of the first innovations of design of its type and is widely used all over the web. But and I think its a triumph of design over function and I hate the way you have to wait for the box to grow and expand and then the image finally appears. And then when you pressed NEXT for the second image it animated again to shrink and resize to the next image. So there was probably nothing inherently slow about it, it was just animating the action of displaying the image (and stealing your time whilst it did the animation effects :() And, yes, the one on the new site is much more straight-forward and "punchy". It gets my vote too
Oh, and I for some odd reason want to be a friend with someone, so unlike the old system where it was 'do you want to be my friend', now it is 'I will just say who is my friend but they wont' know unless they look at my Profile because they haven't been told I'd like them as a friend ... doh! This is a dumb system ...
I thought I'd try it, but I have totally failed to figure out how to add you to my Buddes List :( I went to your Profile, but couldn't see a "Add Victoria as a Buddy" - I guess I'm just blind-as-a-bat any missed something?
Kirsten, I have tried to add you to my Buddy List but this seems an impossibility .. at the moment perhaps we can be friends from afar ... I'll keep trying ... [hr] Kristen ... added you .. go into My Account, Buddy List, add or delete .. add the name you want .. whoa, what a way to go ... PS Just looked again and it doesn't work ... boo hoo ....
Hooray, managed to get logged back in, the new software doesn't like my password utility and I keep going through an anti-spam image verification thingy which I'm no good at. Looks like many things are fixed, thank goodness, the Run-time errors and Stack overflow messages have gone.
Nice to see you've decided to have a re-think and come back John. Still lots of niggly things that need to be sorted (or ignored) but we'll all get there in the end amicably.
I have just been able to login after trying for two days and countless passwords and verification codes!!! I almost gave up and left it was that frustrating as it has happened everytime the site has been updated. :@