I haven't seen the verification code here (yet!), so this might be irrelevant, but often they have a "Spoken version" which I tend to use even when I think I can read them they are often "different" to what I think I saw!!
After being locked out again for a couple of days and new passwords I have managed to log in. I hope this doesn't happen again as I was getting more and more p***ed off as no one else seemed to have trouble. My Birthday, yesterday, wasn't noticed either, not that matters but I am less impressed with the new site than most.
Hi Strongy we are all trying to do our best behind the scenes,please bear with us my friend and we will get it right,Sorry about your birthday yesterday. If it happens again just email me.Thank you Happy Belated Birthday wishes I sincerely hope you had a great day. [size=xx-large]Belated[/size]
Strongy, I knew it was your birthday yesterday because there are several other people who share your birthday with you ... so a belated one on this forum from me. xx I find it odd that when I finally got logged on I had an option to change my screen ... I do not like this 'cold feel' Winter screen so changed to Autumn (choice of the four seasons). The following day I was back to this cold screen and now have no options ... why?
This Week, I have been mostly liking, the New Posts button. Unlike the old one, it will let you come back to unread posts if you haven't replied to them Most excelent
Unlike you Ziggy, I do not like the New Posts button because I have read what is there and have gone onto the delete what I have read and ... goodness sakes, it's still there but not in bold print ... is this one step forwards, two steps back ... ?
Strongy, I've had problems logging in too (and I think Chopper is the other member who has complained about it). I've started a thread in the "Site Feedback/Bugs" section here: http://gardenerscorner.co.uk/forum/Thread-Logging-On-Problem.html?pid=405309#pid405309 Happy birthday by the way!
Glad you pointed that out, I hadn't realised it was different. THanks. [hr] I made the assumption (dangerous that, I know) that the intention had been to change the Colour with the Seasons, and that it was only by accident that that became a user-choice (along with some other experimental styles if I remember it). So perhaps that is where we are now - colour will change with the seasons. (Although I think on the old one you could choose "Classic", or somesuch, or "New" - and then the imagery for "New" changed with the seasons. (Which might be an idea if people have difficultly with any particular colours - such as those with colour blindness )