New N.H.S. rules

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by cajary, Jan 1, 2008.

  1. Sarraceniac

    Sarraceniac Gardener

    Aug 6, 2007
    Pete. I think we have found one area where we can agree. Illegal immigrants. Don't want them. Not on a racial or ethnic basis but simply because they upset the economy. No economy can take into account the black economy. It's like British people who fiddle benefits or tax, Actually only the rich can fiddle tax in any big way but any self employed person can do it.

    The self employed contractor/gardener who says 'Give me cash and I'll knock you x% off is fine. Or is he/she? Of course he/she isn't. They rip off the legal economy for 5 times what the immigrants do. But at least they are British so it's OK.

    Isn't it?
  2. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    Blimey John, you sure are anti British, its the sort of attitude that makes people want to get out of this country and become immigrants themselves.
    There will always be the ducker and diver in society, but do we really need to import more?

    No we dont need illegals but at the same time we need more restriction on legals, one of the main reasons being, WE JUST DONT HAVE THE SPACE, for starters.

    The whole place around here is disappearing under housing. The government say we need more housing, build, build, build, its the only way to bring the price down, supply and demand.
    A couple of percent on the interest rate would have the same effect, and perhaps make it possible for first time buyers to get started.

    We would have reached bust by now, but the boom continues, on the backs of the imported labour.
  3. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    "The self employed contractor/gardener who says 'Give me cash and I'll knock you x% off is fine. Or is he/she? Of course he/she isn't. They rip off the legal economy for 5 times what the immigrants do. But at least they are British so it's OK".

    That sort of irational statment REALLY is daily star stuff.

    Talk about tarring all with one brush. The vast majority of us certainly arent on the take. What makes my blood boil is certain people who think we are.
  4. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    In Australia they vet imigration to ensure that only imigrants that can provide a skill in shortage are admitted.This is the sort of forighn policy we need.
  5. Sarraceniac

    Sarraceniac Gardener

    Aug 6, 2007
    Ah. At last we have a coming together. Apart from that rather stupid accusation that I am anti-brit. I am totally pro brit which is why I don't like any one that rips off the British economy, even if they are British themselves. I don't agree with everything the government does but they are elected and they have a legal right to do it.

    I think I take great exception to being called anti-brit. No. I know I do.

    I agree with your final post pro. The Americans have the same green card system. But I think you misunderstood my statement on home grown rip off. It's based on the Inland Revenue figures. Not the Daily Star.
  6. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    It might well be from the inland revenue but is still not indicative of the vast majority of trades people.
  7. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    Sorry John, but at times you definitly sound like you have something against the british worker, and come down squarely on the side of the imported labour.
    That is why I say anti British, in other aspects, I dont know.
    All I know is, that I'm glad I'm as old as I am, because in a few years there will be no jobs left for us in construction, other than management.
  8. Daisies

    Daisies Total Gardener

    May 26, 2005
    Try reading my post again, Sarraceniac. I wasn't decrying the surgeon. I happened to agree 100% with her decision. I considered it to be right even before my friend went to see her. (I could have used a bit more 'bed-side' manner, however, but that was Jenny Ackroyd. She was a bit of a prima donna all round. Rattling good vascular surgeon, tho but and I know because for 14 yrs I was nurse manager of the theatres where she worked.)

    I could cite many other similar situations where people have been denied treatment for obesity, smoking and drinking going back as far as the 1960s. All I said was it was not a new thing. What has suddenly catapulted it into the public domain is that the politicians got hold of it.

    I could also add, as a 17 yr old in 1958, I worked on a female geriatric ward. The sister there was known to discreetly dispatch dementia patients who had developed hypostatic pneumonia (through being confined to bed for one reason or another). She would simply remove their pillows, lie them flat and draw the curtains around them which was a signal to us that we were not to interfere there. Within about 6 hrs the patient would be dead. No-one said anything because, to be quite frank, we all thought she had done the patients a kindness.
  9. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    The whole imigrant thing has backfired on the government, Gord and his predecessor have let them in and closed a blind eye to those that got in illegally the theory was they would add to the economy, the only problem is they are sending all their money home to their families one point odd billion has been sent to Poland alone, money that should have helped our economy.
  10. Sarraceniac

    Sarraceniac Gardener

    Aug 6, 2007
    Quite right Walnut. Some people seem to think that it is being anti British to support the rule of law. Far from it. I think that being British incorporates being an obeyer of the law of the land. All of it, not just the bits you like.
  11. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    A message to Kandy. Please, i didn't mean any offence.

    of course it wasn't meant to mean i don't think IVF etc shouldn't be on the NHS. i was just trying to cover all sorts of examples. i know i'm not good at expressing myself but it certainly wasn't meant to be taken personally.

    although i have 1 child, my second husband had the 'snip' many years ago. we couldn't get any help on the NHS, couldn't afford to go private & were told that the chances of success would be under 30%. so i know from both sides about this.

    i've seen good & bad with regards the NHS.

    So Kandy i hope you will accept my apologies.

    As to the rest of this thread, i love it. Don't agree with all that is said, do with most, but definately can't join in now cos it's way too intellectual for me. Will just keep reading.

  12. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    OK John, your pro- British, I apoligise again. As regarding the tax fidlers, yes its against the law and should be stopped. But it has gone on ever since tax was invented, mainly by the rich, who mostly seem to get away with it.

    I know this basically is about the NHS, and you know much more of what goes on there than me.

    But what has happened in the NHS, is now happening in most other "industries". Jobs are being lost to workers who by nature of there circumstances can work for less money.
    The goverment have created this situation, at some of our, expense, its not the top end that are affected.

    Most of our manufacturing was wiped out by cheap foreign labour in the seventies and eighties,it all went abroad, now they are moving the labour over here to wipe out the rest of industry that cannot be moved.

    Where will we end up, we cant ALL go to Austrailia.
    Just saying the government were elected and have the right to do as they like is not much help.
  13. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi Borrowers,Don't worry I am ok with your comments now that you have said that wasn't what you were trying to say.

    It is just that for most of the time we were trying for a family we kept it to ourselves as it was no-one elses buisness what we did between the sheets so to speak,but we got fed up with comments from narrow minded people who delighted in telling us that we were selfish for not having a family and that we thought more of ourselves than of children.Little did they know the truth behind the masks on our faces.

    When we did start to tell close family and friends that we were going to be having more intense treatment,they were thrilled to bits for us apart from Mr Kandy's family who said they didn't believe in that sort of thing :rolleyes:

    Even the bitchy people changed their tunes when we told them and too were pleased for us.I even did voluntary work in our local Maternity Hospital three evenings a week dishing out the evening meals,collecting up the dirty nappies and putting the flowers in the vases for the new mums. It used to sadden me that there were ladies in there who had had abortions because they had forgotten to take the pill and had got caught,{lucky them}.

    It is all water under the bridge now and life is too short to hold grudges so don't worry about it.I often put my foot in it big time on here,as I am human like everyone else.

    I am glad that you had the one child,but sorry that you were unable to have any more...

    Take Care..Kandy [​IMG]
  14. Sarraceniac

    Sarraceniac Gardener

    Aug 6, 2007
    Agreeing twice on two different threads Pete? :D The only thing is that I don't think the Government has the right to do as it wants. The Government has a basic duty to obey the law. And ordinary people have a basic right to say to the Govt. 'We think the law is wrong so if you don't change it we will not vote for you next time.'

    Unfortunately all the major parties are very, very close to each other on a lot of important issues and no matter who you vote for the Govt. wins.

    Protest parties have some loony ideas I am afraid and there is no way I would vote for the loony left or the ridiculous right. I am proud to be a moderate. I wouldn't vote Lib-dem either because all the Lib-dem politicians I know locally say completely contradictory things to different audiences to get themselves elected. I think the only thing they were honest about was Iraq and whilst I agree with them there I have a feeling that in the unlikely event of their being elected to Govt. they would put a new interpretation on that policy. Anyway we went in and I don't think we can now just walk out saying 'bye-bye, get on with it.'

    Back on the subject of the NHS have you seen that the Govts. attempts to positively discriminate in favour of British trained doctors has been ruled illegal. I think that ruling is, in practical terms, wrong but they have to obey the law. I do not think that leaving Europe is the answer though but Britain should be shouting louder about a lot of the more stupid rules.
  15. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    The only problem with the "we will vote you out next time" thing is that in two or three years these very unqualified, (I dont think you need any qualifications to become an MP), persons (cant think of a better word), can cause a hell of a lot of irriversable damage.

    If the likes of the BNP or NF, had any positive points of view on other subjects, I think the other party, (the conservliblabdems) would have to sort themselves out.

    Your last parragraph sums up what really wriles people up, why is it ok to positively descriminate when recruting police but not doctors.
    The R word comes to mind.

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