New Vegetable Patch in Progress

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Nikos Koukos, Mar 30, 2020.

  1. Nikos Koukos

    Nikos Koukos Gardener

    Mar 30, 2020
    Also just to add....another image update with some landscaping I done today to tidy the area up....

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    • Kristen

      Kristen Under gardener

      Jul 22, 2006
      Suffolk, UK
      I like the new timber border to the raised bed, on the slabs :)

      FWIW I put a Plank on my row of carrots after sowing, to keep it moist underneath. Watering them, on my heavy soil, creates a crust which i think impedes germination. Important to get the plank off before the seeds germinate though :scratch: If my soil is dry I pull the "drill" with e.g. my finger, for the seeds, and then water along that drill (from watering can spout without a rose), leaving surrounding heaped-edge of soil dry, so that the soil under the carrot seed is properly watered, then sow seed then draw back the soil from either side to cover, then plank-on-top. I leave the drawn-up soil dry as otherwise its a right mess to cover the seeds :) but could sift some other dry soil/compost to cover the seeds.

      If you have sown Carrots into pots? they will hate being transplanted. I would ditch them and sow carrots direct instead. Same for Parsnips (although loo rolls or tall newspaper pots can be used; you can do that for Carrots, but IMHO its way too much faff for each-individual-carrot ... for the number of Parsnips I grow, relative to Carrots, it would be more worthwhile)

      For Beetroot having about 3 plants per 3" pot will work well - you can "twist" pull one from each clump-of-three as they develop leaving more space for the remaining two to fatten up ... and after you've had one from each trio-location then you can further harvest the twins to leave singles to get bigger until the last harvest round. Yum! I like cooked Beetroot (allowed to cool) diced with raw Kolh Rabi (also diced) in Greek Yogurt. Great colour, and my guests spend a while trying to figure out what is in the mix :)

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