No more council houses for life

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by JWK, Oct 18, 2010.

  1. Chopper

    Chopper Do I really look like a people person?

    Mar 18, 2009
    Seal Clubber
    Ilminster, SOMERSET
    I am rather fortunate that I own my own house, my mortgage costs me very little a month. I have worked bloody hard to get the house I now have.

    My army career ended when I broke my neck. I was given a lump sum payment as compensation. 11 years ago, 5 discs in my neck collapsed and I was in agony. The consultant at Northampton General said he would put me on the emergency waiting list for surgery. The emergency list was supposed to be three months.

    After 5 years and 4 months, the surgery was cancelled 17 times, 3 times I was actually in a hospital bed when it was cancelled. My old regiment threatened to sue the NHS unless they got me in for surgery very quickly. I was in hospital four days later. At the same time a chap from The Veterans Agency came to see me and asked if my pension was being paid properly. I asked him "What pension"? He was angry that yet another ex soldier had been conned out of years of pension. Nobody told me I was entitled to an army pension. I had no idea. I made the claim and was told that it could NOT BE BACK DATED! I lost 17 years pension which would have pretty much paid my mortgage off and left me with a lump of my compensation as a nest egg.

    By the time I had the surgery, my condition had deteriorated a lot. The Consultant neurosurgeon that eventually did the operation was livid that I had been so badly treated. He was and still is prepared to go to court and state that if I had had the surgery when I first needed it, my health would be considerably better than it is now. My health problems are largely a direct result of injuries while training. The army has confirmed that.

    Even though I was told not to work after leaving the army, I got myself fit again and worked right up until the discs in my neck collapsed. I now cannot take a job as I cannot guarantee from one day to the next if I will be able to move when I wake up in the morning. I have good days and bad days. I make the most of the good ones. On a bad day I can barely move and have to take very strong painkillers. I suffer blinding headaches and severe pain in my neck, shoulders, right arm and right leg. On a bad day I need help to get dressed or take a shower.

    I had a "Benefit Claims Advisor" pay me a visit after my last hospital check up. Now her job title alone must tell you something. Cheeky cow asked me if I needed help reading and writing! Was that why I had not claimed? Was I aware that I was entitled to claim housing benefit, council tax benefit, blah blah blah? By all accounts, according to this so called "Expert", I was entitled to just under £300 PER WEEK!!

    As I have been carefull when I was earning really good money, my mortgage is very low and my house is worth a hell of a lot more than I paid for it and what is still outstanding on the mortgage. I have two private pensions, which have been decimated by GBrown, but do still have some value. I live on my War Pension, which I earnt the hard way. I top that up with working on bikes, doing a bit of engineering, welding and some metal polishing. I taught myself and have all my own equipment.

    The price for claiming any benefits is the unrelenting snooping into my private affairs and that of my partner who lives with me. They want to know every little detail. I earnt every penny I have, everything I own is paid for with my own hard earned cash money. I do not have a credit card. If I cannot afford to buy what I want/need, I go without or find an alternative.

    Nuliebour created the mess we are in and the bankers helped them along the way while paying themselves huge bonuses and crippling thier customers and the electorate.

    Now we have a subculture of people living entirely on benefits. People that have never worked and will do all they can to avoid doing any work. When you look in thier homes they all have the very latest gadgets and home comforts, designer clothes, foreign holidays and more kids than they can possibly afford IF THEY WERE WORKING.:mad:

    Yes I am angry about this situation. Why should my income tac pay for other people to have hordes of kids? Why should I contribute to other peoples kids education? Why should I be harrassed and victimised by the police because of my chosen lifestyle? Why should I see idle people being given houses at a pittance rental when I have had to work very hard to get my own place with no help from anybody? Why should foreigners be given priority over British people, most of whom make some contribution to our society and way of life?

    I would liketo build a very high wall around my property with machine gun turrets at every corner. Just so that the rest of the world can rush headlong into self destruction.

    Simple answer to a lot of our problems is that a hell of a lot of people want everything for nothing. Well lit is time to wake up and realise that if you want a house, kids, cars, holidays YOU HAVE TO WORK FOR THEM AND EARN THE MONEY TO PAY FOR THEM. DON'T HOLD YOUR HAND OUT TO ME FOR A FREEBIE.:mad:

  2. ClaraLou

    ClaraLou Total Gardener

    Aug 12, 2009
    I didn't mean to suggest that it's right that people go on having children when they know they can't possibly support them, Pete. Far from it. It's just that I'm not sure what we do about it, short of taking the kids into care or leaving them to starve in gutters.
  3. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    I don't know the answer either Clare, they should be best off with their parents but what a terrible example they are. I'm not fan of taking them into care either. Surely that family will happily survive on £27k tax free a year, even with 10 kids it's a lot of cash - much more than I get by working 40 hours a week - not that I envy them in any way.

    Some of the comments on your link to thisismoney had me in tears, I wonder if the Smiths are reading them?
  4. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Chopper, you are talking lots of sense. I often wonder if, every year, along with our tax returns we were able to tick boxes for what we allowed our hard earned cash to be used for, these would be my choices:

    Gold Plated pensions fo civil servants........No
    Handouts to the feckless..........................You must be joking
  5. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent

    Perhaps sterilise the parents:scratch::D

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