Non aerobic exercise

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Dips, Jan 17, 2015.

  1. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Even with Tai Chi you need to be careful with your knee but you must have a lot of experience with being careful about it.

    Tai Chi does a lot of pivoting moves and although gentle just make sure you don't do it wrong. When pivoting on your heel that leg will be forward and doesn't take any weight - so it's good. The weight is taken on the rear leg which should be flat on the ground. It's better, and will relieve stress on the rear knee if you have the leg bent in a slight 'sitting' position. Do your pivot, but not so far that it makes the rear leg pivot. It should remain in line with the foot that is firmly on the floor. Then you can move your body forward onto the front foot (so the foot is firmly on the ground) and will then be able to move the rear foot.

    Not all Tai Chi moves are like that but it's the best way to handle a pivot if you have a troublesome knee. I injured my knee fifty years ago doing an assault course and have had to be careful ever since.
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    • Dips

      Dips Total Gardener

      May 10, 2014
      Thank you for the tips shiney i really appreciate it :-)

      Just a tad of experienced being careful did the damage when i was 9 but didn't know it at the time as i also damaged my front tooth. Then my knee collapsed underneath me at 14 on a cross trainer so had to have physio and be taught how to walk properly again as i had been walking differently to compensate since damaging it at 9 without knowing which is why i don't have much cartilage remaining. My ligaments use to be really over stretched too but physio sorted that one

      My knees weird its never weight or twisting that messes it up just repetitive movement like cycling or even if i spent 10/15 mins just going from sitting to standing over and over again would cause it to shift.

      Anything keeping the muscles tight and strong tho will always help keep it in place in theory
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      • "M"

        "M" Total Gardener

        Aug 11, 2012
        The Garden of England
        Great news, Dips :yay: Long may it continue to be so for you :thumbsup:
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        • wiseowl

          wiseowl Admin Staff Member

          Oct 29, 2006
          Philosophy of people
          Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
          Good morning Dips I'll second that my friend:smile:
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          • Dips

            Dips Total Gardener

            May 10, 2014
            Thank you M and Wiseowl

            Did the same vid again today and my fingers still tingled even tho this time they werent cold and lacking blood

            Maybe its to do with the nerves when you stretch and reach out in some of the moves
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            • Autumn bliss

              Autumn bliss Total Gardener

              Aug 27, 2014
              Scottish Highlands
              Fantastic news tai chi is working for you Dips:yay:
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              • Dips

                Dips Total Gardener

                May 10, 2014
                Thank you autumn bliss.

                It really does feel so liberating to know whats the right thing to do and whats the wrong thing to do, so you can make positive steps to try and get better.

                Im keeping my fingers crossed and so are my ME mates that I'm one of the lucky ones that will go into remission. Im starting to think thats much more likely now i know that aerobic is what causes post extertional malaise and the more i avoid that the higher chance of my body recovering.

                Thank god for those clever scientists and doctors who are working hard on understanding this illness :-)
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                • Autumn bliss

                  Autumn bliss Total Gardener

                  Aug 27, 2014
                  Scottish Highlands
                  Wish you all the best my friend..:grphg:
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                  • Charlie996

                    Charlie996 Gardener

                    Jan 10, 2015
                    Retired Builder
                    The Vale of Evesham
                    You are stretching many things. Things that go tight if not used like veins blood vessels muscles and other things. This allows the rush of blood you mention. As time goes by and the more you do it the sensation will reduce as your body improves. What you are felling says what you are doing is working.

                    Someone mentions above taking care. The body has a huge warning system its called pain . Of course you/we must take extreme care but I feel we all know our strengths and weaknesses and will recognise that care must be taken particularly in the weaker areas. But the weak areas must be worked or improvements to these will not take place ..

                    Tip.. When doing Tai Chi take your time. Do each movement as slowly as you can. Dont stretch to far build it up over days. Taking it really slow will hold tension and stretch the areas and huge benefit will be had. Doing a movement really slowly is better than doing three movements to fast ..

                    You may remember from you taekwondo days form and structure is everything !

                    Take care above all .......................................

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                    • Gay Gardener

                      Gay Gardener Total Gardener

                      Nov 16, 2011
                      The Wash, Fens
                      I do Tai Chi and would recommend it for building core body strength, flexibility and lowering blood pressure and actually it is just a pleasure once you get into it. Although the online tutorials are good, if you get a chance I'd do a few lessons with a teacher as the breathing and general philosophy is important for maximum benefit and to ensure no bad habits are adopted.
                      I'd consult your GP first, you may also get a GP referral.

                      Good luck.
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                      • Dips

                        Dips Total Gardener

                        May 10, 2014
                        Thank you charlie. I did read before i start the slower you do it the more muscles you engage and thats why its not fast movements

                        Gay gardener one thing i hope it doesn't do is lower my blood pressure. Thats low enough i spend my life slightly dizzy all the time. Its hard keeping it up lol

                        I have the go ahead from a neurologists to just give anything a try that could be beneficial as long as it doesn't cost the world.
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                        • "M"

                          "M" Total Gardener

                          Aug 11, 2012
                          The Garden of England
                          And that is the real nub of it, Dips: it most definitely has to be "beneficial": to you!
                          And, from your posts so far, you are not doing anything controversial or debilitating.
                          Keep up the good work - what you may not realise is, you are actually contributing to the research: whatever you report back will be documented ;)

                          I'm really hoping that you will find that Tai Chi can provide you with the exercise you need (as do we all!), an improvement in your energy levels/motivation and a leap into your quality of life. Because, ultimately, what you most require is an improvement in your quality of life (as do we all!). Have fun with it and make the most of that aspect (first and foremost); let anything else be a bonus ;)
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                          • Dips

                            Dips Total Gardener

                            May 10, 2014
                            Thank you so much M that is so lovely of you.

                            I have decided im going to stick with that daily 8 min work out for now until i master it/memorise it which could be a while as my coginitive function is very bad at the moment so sorry in advance for typos.

                            I thought i would check out if there is any classes locally. Most are too far away and the one i did find in my area that would be accessible is only open to people aged 45 and above so thats no good, i couldnt afford the £4.50 weekly anyway so doesnt really matter.

                            Woke up with trapped nerves all down the left side of my body and especially in my left shoulder. No idea what i was doing in my sleep but think i have been active lately as the soap i have in my bed is always on the floor these days so i must be kicking it out

                            Anyway heat pad on all day and doing the tai chi has shifted it and my shoulder feels like new and no nerve pain now *happy dance*

                            Did find the tai chi harder today as my leg muscles are quite fatigued but wasnt a problem just could feel them shaking
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                            • shiney

                              shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                              Jul 3, 2006
                              Retired - Last Century!!!
                              Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                              Do you find the soap helps to keep the cramps away?
                            • Dips

                              Dips Total Gardener

                              May 10, 2014
                              Yes totally im surprised you know what its for most people think im mad.

                              When i heard about it i thought this wont work but may as well give it a go as its going to cost me less than a £1 and it cant harm me in any way.

                              I noticed a big difference after it put it under the sheets my legs were less achy i could walk better and further.

                              I knew it was def the soap helping when i went to stay at my parents place in solihull and the one in wales and kept forgetting about the soap so obviously had none there but totally not aware of it. I kept saying my legs ache so much i dont understand why and the one time i couldn't walk down the stairs had to go down on my bum. My mobility and aches got worse every time.

                              This happened a few times until my mum went theres no soap in those beds. Now there is soap in all the beds i sleep in and it does make a difference.

                              Dont know why or how but it works so cant complain

                              Altho only works if you don't kick them out of bed lol

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