Noob asking a question that has probably been asked a million times....

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by holbrook99, Sep 10, 2008.

  1. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
  2. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008

    A sensible option I think. I would ( as a"prove it" type of person:o ), ask how they can show me it`s my cat doing it-in which case a digi pic would then be shown, I in turn would humbly accede the truth and pop round with a poop bag and do it.

    Then dye my cat a different colour so as to deny it in the future-after all the pic clearly shows which cat is responsible.:lollol:

    I am sorry if I sound a bit truculent and honestly am not as flippant as I sound here. It`s no different to dog mess in truth, and would advise you have a bash at Helens ideas. Sometimes a problem needs a two, three or fifteen sided approach. Again I would mention ( the second time I know but that`s because it has worked) the outdoor cat lavvy approach as best, the prickly plant idea is perhaps unsuitable with little nippers in the garden.

    The lemon and lime thing well you could make your job easier and blend it and fling it round too.
  3. youngdaisydee

    youngdaisydee Gardener

    Aug 23, 2007
    Newcastle upon tyne
    If only all cat owners would make an outside toilet area for there cats Lollipop, Our gardens would be a nicer place, My dog does'e a pretty good job of keeping it cat free ( im glad she doesen't catch any, they'd Chin her proppa :) ) But its during the night the deeds are done, :(
  4. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    I agree entirely with you, it`s about giving a toss about other peoples spaces. If I whinge about next doors loud swearing then it`s only fair I respect their right to a poo-free garden and will do what I can-short of keeping them in.

    Slightly off the wall I think I read on another gardening site that shaving a cats bottom (eek) might help-just gotta catch the cat first. And maybe it wasn`t a gardeners site now I think about it, maybe it was some mad kinky thing (eek)
  5. Katherna

    Katherna Gardener

    Jul 17, 2008
    Shaving a cats bum might be a little painful - not for the cat but for the person doing it, lol, plus they'd still go toilet. I have 4 cats and all of them go in the garden in a part little used by us for anything. So you can train a cat to use your garden. My cats won't let any other cats onto the driveway let alone into the garden, neither will my dog.

    I had to stop my cats investigating my veg patch though. I used a small childs water pistol (not a super soaker or anything powerful like that as I don't want to actually injure the animal, plus if you did injure the cat and it had to go to the vets because you'd hurt it you could be liable for the vet bill as cats are classified differently to dogs) and everytime one of them set foot on the veg patch I squirted them or nearby them. Most cats don't like water, so suddenly getting a little wet startled them and put them off going onto the soil. within 48 hours they'd stopped going onto it.

    Big cat poop is said to work, sonic scarers don't seem to affect my cats (I've spied them walking through a garden with one), citrus is said to stop them.

    20 lots of poop a day is certainly more than 1 cat though. If they're coming over a wall you can get a Prikka-Strip They're sold as buglar and cat deterents.
  6. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Big Cat poop-I volunteer anyone but me to go and collect it LOL, seriously though, where would you acquire this?
  7. Shobhna

    Shobhna Gardener

    Jul 26, 2006
    Milton Keynes, UK
    How about a trip to Kenya?:)

    I'm going in February and if anyone wants me to bring any back, they will have to sponsor me now...after all, I have to fund my holiday somehow.

    Last time I went, I brought back some elephant poo. A friend had requested some :D althought it was not a lorry load, only a small handful. I did not have suitcases big enough.:D
  8. Little Miss Road Rage

    Little Miss Road Rage Gardener

    Jul 1, 2008
    They do sell it cause i've seen it somewhere :thmb:

    * goes to search
  9. Little Miss Road Rage

    Little Miss Road Rage Gardener

    Jul 1, 2008
  10. holbrook99

    holbrook99 Apprentice Gardener

    Sep 10, 2008
    Thanks for all your replys and suggestions guys, 20 a day was probably a bit of an over estimate on my part. but it is ALOT, im 90% sure its the same cat, i always spot him running off, or hanging around, im pretty sure he is not getting fed properly because like i say its always runny.

    i have a cat and he is too bloody placid to scare anything away, ive got tow guniea pigs and a rabbit and he just lays down snuggled into them when they are out in there run..

    im gunna buy a load of lemons and limes at shopping tonight, blend them up and water the lawn with it and see if that works. ill keep you all informed.

    Just wanted to say thanks for making me feel welcome.

  11. Little Miss Road Rage

    Little Miss Road Rage Gardener

    Jul 1, 2008
    Looking forward to seeing if it works.
  12. mztrouble

    mztrouble Gardener

    Oct 12, 2007
    Defo not just one cat with all that! Have you fozes in your area? Only asking because often they do runny poos and so it might be them too! Either way, waterpistol or a heron spray thing works. And as someone else suggested, citrus fruits scattered across the lawn should put the cats off, just not the foxes!
  13. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Hello everyone and in particular to holbrook99, welcome to GC, Paul. :)

    I always find these cat poo sagas amusing, to say the least. I have been a cat owner for 40 years .... or should I say been owned by cats for 40 years? Admittedly, the first ten years were in America and I had house cats. During my 23 years in the UK and now 8 here, I have never encountered these problems. :scratch::cnfs:

    I have used water pistols on cats but that was for scratching furniture. My cats have an indoor litter box, an outdoor litter box and a sand garden amongst shrubs in which they prefer to lie rather than foul. The neighbours cats just pass through on their travels. I live surrounded by citrus orchards and I brought three cats from the UK and I can tell you the scent of citrus did not affect them one iota.

    I too think the volume mentioned is too much for one cat ... and if it is runny then that cat has a serious problem. Have you actually seen it in the act? Another thing I find odd is that cats ..... for the most part .... do not like poo-ing on grass as they cannot cover it up and if they do pee or poo then there should be evidence of the grass scr*ped/scratched around it where there was an attempt to cover it up. Foxes does seem viable.

    If you are on speaking terms with your neighbour, perhaps you should have a word and, if it is their cat, then suggest they take it to the vet to sort out this long-time diarrhea problem.

    Enjoy the forum ..... perhaps in more flowery, pleasant areas. :)

  14. cajary

    cajary Gardener

    Feb 22, 2007
    Just got back from a weekend away and it's cats, again:D
    Glad that this is the first thread about them:D
  15. holbrook99

    holbrook99 Apprentice Gardener

    Sep 10, 2008
    well no ive never actually seen this cat going, BUT he is the only cat we ever see in our garden, and we have caught him severl times sniffing around readying himself....he doesnt try to cover it up and my grass goes from long to shirt and it has no effect on him.

    ive sprayed stuff specifically for keepng cats away over the lawn, £7.99 for one application, within 1 hour of spraying the lawn he had been again, ive soaked the lawn in diluted jeyes fluid, and again it has no effect on him.

    ive really had enough now, and drastic measures are going to have to be introduced, because im not keeping my kids prisoner in there own home because of some dirty cat spoiling their garden.

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