Nuisance kids

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by clueless1, Feb 18, 2009.

  1. Hec

    Hec Gardener

    Nov 1, 2007
    Brilliant idea - not easy because of red tape - and because of those who are happy to blame but don't accept any responsibility (If you're not part of the solution then you ARE part of the problem) labelling (blaming) kids (or parents for that matter) will never be useful. Remember most of these 'useless' parents were damaged kids at one time.

    There are certainly issues around health and safety - some of them sensible, many of them about covering liability, but they can be overcome.

    I'm involved in community training in Sheffield and could possibly provide you with some useful contacts, depending on what area you are interested in working. There are many different projects going on in different areas - most geared to the more 'hard to reach' kids but as these kids are 'hard to reach' clearly most projects only touch the tip of the iceberg.

    Getting the 'HTR' kids to even look at a website that isn't about violent games is the first challenge but if you think about the cost of any one individual being antisocial, reaching only a few can be very cost effective.

    It is a great area to work in, as though there are still many problems - and no individual can change the world - the satisfaction gained from changing just one person's world is fantastic.

    There is an issue if you want/hope to eradicate the 'problem' but if you are happy that you have helped 'one' young person change the ''''''inevitable'''''' course of his life, then you will get huge satisfaction from being involved.

    PM me if you feel I can help in any way.
  2. maryinbrum

    maryinbrum Gardener

    Mar 1, 2009
    I have a 15 year old daughter who is very sensible but very annoying.
    My late dad used to get her to grow veg down the garden and even now, she loves to plant stuff.
    I think it all starts at home and how you raise them. Im not old but I was raised on allotments and grew stuff and was always outside in the fresh air. These days, the kids want to sit in the house eating **** and going on computers. I have set out plans for the garden this year and got her involved and she wants to grow veg. She is very fashion and musc driven and last year had no interest in the garden apart from bar b q etc and I am building a pond this year and want to buy a cabin thing from argos to sit in with a chimnea thing. I said we should camp out in it for a laff and she is interested in cleaning the patio.
    Same with me though at her age, I loved to have a dig in the garden and was a punk rocker too lol

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