woo, so how's Muffin doing? haven't been on here since last weekend but can't see anything about your little waif since last week. take it he is a boy, and named. any you're shot :D you now have another little one. how's it going? how are you training Muffin to behave in your garden? my regards to mrs woo. cheers
Muffin is fine, a little old lady wanted her as she lost her little lifelong friend a few weeks ago,but unfortunately she has gone into hospital so we have now got muffin back and If the little old Lady doesnt return home then Muffin will reside at my nest for ever .
Woo you're just a big softy really and isn't that lucky for Mrs.Woo....a house isn't a home without a little one be it human or animal running around the place. I'm sure in no time at all Mrs.Woo will have little Muffin trained after all she did a good job at training you! :D Helen.xxx.
Woo, I missed that thread, lapse of me eh Hope the Little Old Lady recovers, but Muffin is in good hands (I agree with Helen and Walnut, you are a big softy really :D ). With Muffins cute little face how could you say no :D
Hi Everyone Muffin says Hello ,Mrs Woo says that she as changed my willpower to Compromise and she says that she only had to change me a little cos I was almost perfect when she married me :D