Out if ideas for stopping cats pooing all over my garden! Help!

Discussion in 'Gardening Discussions' started by PhilC, Dec 20, 2022.

  1. Balc

    Balc Total Gardener

    Mar 6, 2022
    Huntingdon, Cambs
    I didn't know about this thread or I would have looked for advice on it. Some people have asked me for advice but cats are very persistent animals & will often frequent the same place time after time & it's difficult to know what to do with them. One thing I've suggested is prickly branches, rose or bramble for example.

    This has only become (a minor) problem for me since I dug up & replanted with Daffs a very narrow border at the base of a wall & delimitated by a footpath on the other side at the side of the church I go to. In the loose soil the cats starting doing their "business". It's been worse at one end where there weren't enough bulbs, or later plants, because the soil is too shallow & there is cement from the wall & path. I suspect it is one cat as they are territorial.
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