
Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by daitheplant, Mar 4, 2008.

  1. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    walnut, you dont have to go out in the dead of night to experience paranormal activity.
    I was like you years ago until i experienced ghosts in my homes, 1 ghost in particular always was in my dining room and when i was out he used to hide things, found my passport under the mattress, eventually he was becoming a nuisance i got a clairvoyant in, she determined it was a young man, even told me his name and he was in the last war was blown up, he had ginger hair and he used to be a bit of a joker in his time on this earth.
    I had a large house and my back door was solid anyway i left my little shetland sheepdog in the kitchen, went shopping and when i returned the back door had blown clear off its hinges, this day there was no wind, even a heavy wind couldnt of blown it off, i had a joiner in to put it back on and even he said there is no way anyone could of forced this door off even wind wouldnt of done it,he said theres something strange going on in this house.
    anyway my dog had gone and i never got her back i broke my heart, it still upsets me to this day
  2. Jack by the hedge

    Jack by the hedge Gardener

    Jun 20, 2006
    I thought I'd give details of one of my silly premonitions that I mentioned earlier in the thread to see if anybody can come up with a "normal" explanation for it.
    I am interested in Shakespeare and watch "The weakest link" sometimes, so I wasn't particularly surprised when, one morning, the thought strayed into my mind,
    "If I was a contestant and was asked who accompanies Macbeth on his first appearance in the play, would I be able to answer it?"
    The surprise came later that day when I watched the programme and saw Anne Robinson putting exactly the same question to one of the contestants in the final head-to-head!
    I suppose it could have been a coincidence but I would have thought the odds on such a specific thing happening within hours of the original thought would be about a trillion to one.
    What strikes me is the utter uselessness of the premonition other than the fact that having it upsets your sense of reality somewhat.
  3. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Rosa no such things as ghosts they are thought projections,people believe they see things as I have tried to point out and for them it is very real but lets be rational here,ghosts have no sustance how can they move passports or knock doors in someone obviosly kicked your door in and stole your dog you and your joiner have made a story suit your "paranormal psyche".
    Jbth premonitions are coincidences many times I have read a word and seconds later it's been mentioned on the telly or someone has said it when its been in my mind,those odds you quoted are about the same chances as me winning the lottery but you never know maybe that dream I have about winning it(which I have every week)will come true then that will be a premonition.
  4. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    Dai, on the other hand can it be proved it does exist other than unn proven stories? I agree with Walnut on this.

    I think a creative mind can come up with many things, Rosa's door could have been forced and the passport culd easily have fallen down the bed.

    As for premenitions the same principle, also once a person has experienced a premenition or a ghost (in thier mind) they then use the paranormal to explain other things.

    Ive had several very near misses, Once climbing a single track snow coverd mountain road in the brecons with a bend at the top.

    A car sudenly sudenly rounded the bend and started to slide from side to side out of control on the snow. I had to reverse back and as soon as I started to back down my then the rear end of my isuzu started to slide. I managed (just) to stop the slide by stering the oposite way and shoving it into first gear, the truck ended up with one wheel half over and the other rear wheel 1" from the edge of the road and a 15' drop.

    Was I saved by a spirit, unlikely Im an aetheist, more likely a large degree of luck and a small amount of driving skill.

    Another example when a steel girder blew off a loory in front of my car and in steering to avoid it my car spun 180 deggres and sideways into the slow lane. I stuck it in seconed gunned the throttle and narrowly missed being run into by a van.
  5. Jack by the hedge

    Jack by the hedge Gardener

    Jun 20, 2006
    "Jbth premonitions are coincidences many times I have read a word and seconds later it's been mentioned on the telly or someone has said it when its been in my mind,"

    On the other hand, Walnut, it might just be that you are psychic yourself and and all those "many times" you mention aren't coincidences at all.
    With respect, I don't think you've read rosa's post carefully enough as the joiner told her that the door could not be forced. Why on earth would he make up a story to fit someone's "paranormal psyche"?? Surely he would advise rosa that she should have a stronger door fitted.
    As for my premonition, ask yourself how many Shakespeare plays there are, how many scenes in those plays, how many characters, how many quiz shows on TV, how many questions are asked in these shows, how many days in the year and the odds on my having such a specific thought within hours of having it fulfilled by coincidence, I would have thought, add up to odds of you winning the lottery a hundred times over!....and this is only one instance of a number I could relate, although probably the most striking.
  6. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    Trust me, the wind can do incredible things, and I suspect Rosas door was a freak gust or a burglar.

    Ive just been to quote some storm damaged fence repair. Last year I put in a 6" square 8' gate post and hung two solid 4' gates on it the gates latch onto the walls either side.

    The hinges were heavy 2.5' galvanised and hung using 3" coach screws and woodscrews. the wind had torn off the entire edge of the post literally pulling out the screws.

    Even using well placed blows from a large sledge hammer I could never have split the timber in the way it was.

    Also seen a big cedar green house that had literally been lifted up and moved 2' by the wind.

    [ 12. March 2008, 09:03 PM: Message edited by: Pro Gard ]
  7. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Sorry, you non-believers will never convince me I haven't seen what I've seen or know what I know.

    Pro Gard / walnut ... non-believers that you are ... explain this one that happened on GC ...

    Last year for some unknown reason I put a music link up (which I had never done before) of Dreamers by Jack Savoretti because I love his voice and the video is incredible ... fighter planes. Gardensponge responded and said that although it was beautiful it made her very sad as her teenage daughter was off that week to the Middle East for another tour of duty.

    So, again, against anything I've done before, I put up Butterflies by Dolly Parton (a love of my life and a complete opposite to Jack) ... a beautiful soothing song and Gardensponge came back in tears (on forum and off if I remember) asking if I was psychic or what ... how did I know her daughter's nickname was Butterfly?
  8. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    I keep having the names of absent GC members pop into my head for no apparent reason and I think to myself 'Oh yes,I havn't seen them on here for some time'and yet within days that same member has logged on and started posting again so how does that happen as I tell no one of my thoughts :confused:

    Also I often have a film title pop into my head and I think to myself that I havn't seen that film in yonks.Within a couple of weeks I go out and buy my usual copy of the TV times and when I raed through it there is the film title that had popped into my head and I swear that I had seen no trailer or heard it mentioned :eek:

    And one other thing.When I was up in the Lake District last September I took some photos of a small white flower that was around Tarn Hows on one of mine and Mr Kandy's walks and days later Shiney and his party came along and he took photos of exactly the same flower.Spooky or what [​IMG] :D :rolleyes:
  9. Paladin

    Paladin Gardening...A work of Heart

    May 13, 2005
    Retired but still grubbing the soil.
    Broadway UK
    I don't have, or look for the answers...
    My Mother took my watch for a new battery and was the only one who could open it at the jewelers to fit one,when she gave it back to me she said "This watch ticks as just as my heart beats for you my Son....Weeks later she fell ill and within days died. My Father told me she passed away around 10am..I knew better, because my watch had stopped on that day (dated) at 10.10am.
    It's here if you want to see for youself.
  10. daitheplant

    daitheplant Total Gardener

    Dec 19, 2006
    South East Wales
    Walnut, if you don`t believe.. Why are you talking about thought projection? Which is paranormal. [​IMG]
  11. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    David don't know were you get that from it's paranormal,there used to be a little party trick that went around years ago it was a circle with a womans head and shoulders in black and white if you focussed in the centre for a minute or so then looked away you could see the image everywhere you looked in great detail but in the negative,this is an image imprinted on your mind it's a trick of the mind an image projected to other places definitely not paranormal you will have us believing in fairies next :D but thats another subject.

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