Discussion in 'Photo Competitions' started by ARMANDII, Jan 9, 2017.

  1. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good evening @alana my friend but all that will do is to open a can of worms and the reasons "Why we haven't voted for images is a step to far" can we not just enjoy the monthly photo comp as we all do and I respectfully suggest that this discussion be concluded if that is alright by all the members,not sure what to say next but I have I think tried to make it clear in the guidelines and in previous posts that " Images entered for the monthly photo comp do not have to be garden related and every chosen Theme is open to every members own Interpretation,enjoy your evening:smile::blue thumb:
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    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      Well said @wiseowl :yay:

      Hugs to everyone :grphg:
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      • Jiffy

        Jiffy The Match is on Fire

        Aug 25, 2011
        Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
        Miss Jiff says do you have to be a member to get a hug :doggieshmooze:
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        • ARMANDII

          ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

          Jan 12, 2019
          As everyone, I hope, knows it is a deliberate policy of GC Admin to rarely step in or intervene in threads but in this case I think there is a need to. Questioning other members reasons for their own personal decisions is only something that can lead to offence, upset and general loss of humour. One of the things that, in my opinion, makes GC stand apart from other Forums is it's friendliness, tolerance, generosity and sympathy that is so prevalent every day.
          However, I do not see that in any of the posts that are questioning a member's decision in how they vote and, in fact, such reactions only leads to member's questioning if they should be open and honest and that then leads to a debilitation in what GC has fought to protect and that is ,Freedom of Speech that does not offend or breach the Rules and Protocols of Gardeners Corner.
          This Competition is run by a member of Admin that I have the deepest respect for and who loves GC to his bones and has put in a lot of time and effort to make sure the Competition is open, fair, with the rules clarified exactly. I believe that any further discussion regarding any member's personal decision on how, or why, they vote can only damage the standing of any member continuing to do so, or any member replying to a post of that nature, and also to the very essence of Gardeners Corner.
          I would therefore ask that no further participation is continued regarding those posts and should anyone have a problem with this request would they please pm me.
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            Last edited by a moderator: Aug 29, 2017
          • Fat Controller

            Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

            May 5, 2012
            Public Transport
            At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
            Generally, the answer would be yes, but Miss Jiff has special dispensation.... coz I said so ;) Please pass this along to Miss Jiff, with my kindest regards :grphg:
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            • Jiffy

              Jiffy The Match is on Fire

              Aug 25, 2011
              Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
              Miss Jiff says :wub2::imphrt:
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              • "M"

                "M" Total Gardener

                Aug 11, 2012
                The Garden of England
                Please, may I just state (from my own perspective) that at no point has anyone called into question that particular member of Admin who ensures the competition is open, fair, within the rules or any other implied criticism! I think it goes without saying that he is held in high regard, on a number of levels (not just the photo competition)!

                May I also, humbly, point out that this is a photo discussion thread? No one would have had any reason to "discuss" a members voting preference had not a member specifically stated their (and I use that persons own choice of words here) "prejudice" in their voting choices.

                I take on board that you may have interpreted any comments on this issue as not conducive to a "friendly" forum ... but, in all honesty ... it wasn't hostile either! :scratch: It was grown ups having a grown-up discussion ( as far as I can see).

                By that same token, by taking any comments to you, personally, via PM, takes the whole issue out of "discussion" mode and into the realms of autocracy? :dunno: Surely, discussing things brings clarity (which is the whole point of raising any confusion) and by reducing that to a one-to-one PM sends it to an "underground" situation? :scratch:

                Hands up! :sign0016: I raised the issue. I take it fully on my shoulders for being the person raising an issue based on a member's comment at a critical time of voting by an overt comment on how which entries they DISREGARDED (do, please, make a calculation on how many entries that excluded). The person making the comment I took umbrage at, came back and explained their stand point (that is healthy discussion; had I not raised the point, she would not have had an opportunity to explain her viewpoint based on her voting preferences) and I accepted that is her position. No hostility. All friendly.

                While I do take your point that "questioning" someone's reasons for their personal decisions could lead to:
                .. it could also be argued that as a result of a person stating their reasoning behind personal decisions may equally have led to "... offence, upset and general loss of humour" by entrants to the competition ... hence the utilisation of the discussion thread! Which came first? The chicken or the egg? (Purely rhetorical!)

                The result is this:
                An issue was raised based solely on the expressed opinion of a GC member. (It caused offence)
                The issue was "discussed". (For clarity on the rules)
                The "issue" was clarified.
                The "issue was re-clarified.
                End of!!!
                No one was critiquing the Administration of the voting.
                There are no underlying issues. (As far as I am aware).
                It is a discussion thread.
                No one was un-friendly.
                Taking it to PM (in my opinion) is not the most helpful suggestion in terms of conflict (even though there isn't one!) resolution.

                Ban me by all means for
                but I live in a free country, at this point in time, and I feel strongly that censorship by virtue of reply by PM to one person only, to be a little bit disproportionate to the actual subject in hand! Although, it does speak volumes on how strongly you feel on the subject.
                Heaven help us if we discuss something more fundamental than photography! :rolleyes:
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                • ARMANDII

                  ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                  Jan 12, 2019
                  "M", that is your opinion and choice :love30::snorky: However, in the interests of peace and harmony within GC, there are rare occasions when Admin has to step in and intervene and in this particular matter a decision was taken by all of Admin to request that no further questioning of a member's motives or reasons when voting should continue in this Thread.
                  I will again point out that Woo has clarified the rules and he, and the rest of Admin. do not want an continuance of the matter. If you believe that such a matter does not disturb the Harmony and Peace then that, again, is your opinion, but it is not your decision, that lies with the Admin Team.
                  I have no intention of taking part of any further discussion in this thread regarding the matter. If you cannot/do not want to agree with the request to not carry on with posts relating to questioning a member's reasons for voting then please do not post as that will only cause further lessening of Harmony.
                  I will therefore, if I may, ask that you follow the following procedures [a] Report me for attacking freedom of speech , pm me if you still have a problem.:snorky:
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                    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 1, 2017
                  • Fat Controller

                    Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                    May 5, 2012
                    Public Transport
                    At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                    Now @"M", what on earth would we want to go and do something silly like that for?

                    I fear that the intention of @ARMANDII's post has perhaps been taken the wrong way. We, as a team, discussed some of the points that were raised in this thread in the office, and also went on to discuss the potential (and it was just that, potential) that existed for a bit of conflict over this. The discussions here around this point had extended further, and as you rightly point out @wiseowl had clarified the situation for everyone. No-one, least of all @ARMANDII, wants to quell or censor discussion, however it was the feeling of all of us that this particular part of the subject was in danger of being 'done to death' which may in turn have resulted in one or more members becoming aggrieved at others views, hence the decision was made to request that there was no further discussion of that particular point.

                    The reference to taking things to a PM was not to censor anyone, but more to allow people to ask why we had asked that discussion be terminated on this point, or indeed to raise their specific grievance with any of the current rules directly with us without having the pressure of feeling as though they were going against the grain somehow. None of the Admin team felt that there was any criticism of us, or anyone else for that matter, and as you correctly point out, no-one was unfriendly. Sometimes, we try to act pro-actively to prevent a situation arising rather than wait for people to fall out over something and then have to sort it all out afterwards - and it really is as simple as that.

                    Personally speaking, if and when we get to the point where we are having to warn or sanction any member, we all take it as something of a failure; no action of this nature is taken by one single member of the team alone, ever - it is always done on a consensus basis to ensure the utmost fairness and I can assure you that we all take it quite hard personally when we have to do so. Our preference is to work with our members, who are after all also our friends, and try to make sure that things never get anywhere remotely unpleasant.
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                    • CanadianLori

                      CanadianLori Total Gardener

                      Sep 20, 2015
                      Battle Axe
                      Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                      Well, I didn't vote . I had a long hard week and decided to expend the last of my energy in consuming a glass of red and then clean forgot. :doh:

                      I always love all of the entries and wish I had the creativity and skills to join in. But since I have my limitations, I am delighted to be part of GC and have fun living in your backyards , albeit vicariously through photos and shared experiences. :)

                      And I appreciate the amount of care and time the entrants have taken. ..a lot of effort and thought is an obvious element of all contributions.

                      Nobody died from not winning a photo competition and nobody died from a simple difference of opinion. At least not to my knowledge. :rolleyespink:

                      it's only 7 and a bit here. Anyone need a glass? I'm pouring now... Cheers :)
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                        Last edited: Sep 2, 2017
                      • Marley Farley

                        Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

                        May 11, 2005
                        Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
                        Under the Edge Zone 8b
                        Well everyone I started and ran the photo competition for many years and so I feel I have to interject here and I hope I don't offend anyone here either.. But.....

                        The fact that as I was very ill Woo took up the baton from me and has run it expertly since then and you all questioning how people vote now is very sad.!

                        The comp guidelines for the theme were and still are:-
                        That people interpreted the theme the way they thought best for them..

                        and voting was:-

                        To pick the entries you liked best voting on them giving a reason why you voted for it..

                        There is no room for members to say why they didn't vote on a particular photo.. Voting is to decide a winner for that month.. No to pick out a loser.!!

                        The remark made by The member is, I think is acceptable if that is how she decides to vote.!! Who are we to question it quite honestly.. Everyone has their own criteria in voting personal to them.

                        As you say "M" a free country, well supposedly.! So can we all put this to bed now..

                        Woo is doing a great job of a very thankless task in his own time and believe me it does become thankless when this kind of squabble happens.. This comp is for pleasure and not bitching and back biting.!

                        There I have vented my angst ... I hope now this can be put to bed and not spoil any more comps and voting..!!
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                        • Sian in Belgium

                          Sian in Belgium Total Gardener

                          Apr 8, 2011
                          Just south of Brussels
                          Before anyone says it (I'm sure some of you have thought it already!!)...

                          Yes, I know the composition of my September photo "storing the harvest" leaves a lot to be desired.

                          But I was in the midst of bottling and harvesting the veg, when I read @wiseowl's title for this month, I just looked at the kitchen surface and thought "this is totally the brief!". Of course, as I was getting stuff sort of tidy for the camera, I totally forgot to place the 300g of Lombardo crisp chilli, ready for pickling..l

                          Hey ho! They are pickled now!!
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                          • Sian in Belgium

                            Sian in Belgium Total Gardener

                            Apr 8, 2011
                            Just south of Brussels
                            Did I really use "totally" twice, in such close succession?!

                            I'm not trying to pass myself off as one of the "yooff", honest! I've passed my half-century, and my hair is well disguised ready for a snow-storm! I plead having to speak international English most of the time!!
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                            • HarryS

                              HarryS Eternally Optimistic Gardener

                              Aug 28, 2010
                              Yes Sian , your posts total of totallys , was totally in excess. :biggrin:
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                              • shiney

                                shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                                Jul 3, 2006
                                Retired - Last Century!!!
                                Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                                That's a Total lie! :nonofinger: :rasp:
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