Pond advise and tips please.

Discussion in 'Water Gardening' started by Dean, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. Dean

    Dean Apprentice Gardener

    Feb 26, 2012

    I've been very hard at it since I last posted on here but here is a little run down of what I've done so far.

    First off I took your advise regarding the pond liner and went up to maidenhead aquatics in Ferndown, Dorset to get some liner. It was very cheap I thought and reminded me of Army issue blankets. lol

    Once I took up the rubber liner, put down the under liner, put the liner back down, I started placing the granite. It was had to get them to stay in place so I used sand and cement to hold it in place and in an attempt to hide the ugly sand and cement I pushed pieces of slate in to the wet mix. I think it does a good job of covering what I think is a ugly mess.

    I went to my local nursery (not garden center, I avoid them where ever possible as they are only selling other peoples hard work at for a cut.lol) and bought some ferns. I opted for ferns because the site gets very little sun and I know I can rely on ferns to perform in no sun at all.

    I also added a japanese acer that I bought from a member of my bonsai club. He brings on saplins for bonsai and I though this little one would look if I trained it in to a semi cascade down the face of the granite. I intend to hide the retaining paving slabs you can make out in the background with some thick bamboo edging. But I just haven't got around to it.

    You may notice how good my lawn looks. lol I have laid artificial grass because drainage is a nightmare in my garden where the lawn should be due to the amount of thick clay 2 foot down. I've dug to over a meter deep to try and get below it but to no avail. :(

    The photos I have uploaded are kind of old now. The ferns are almost fully out along with many other bits. I have also planted a number of japanese maples, chinese juniper and two bamboo's in the ground.

    I will get some new ones Sunday when I am finished a few other projects including staining the decking, shed and a few other little surprises.





    • Like Like x 2
    • watergarden

      watergarden have left the forum because...i'm a sad case

      Jan 14, 2007
    • Kristen

      Kristen Under gardener

      Jul 22, 2006
      Suffolk, UK
      Blinking heck that looks good. Wimbledon missing a patch of turf this morning is it? !!
      • Like Like x 1
      • Dean

        Dean Apprentice Gardener

        Feb 26, 2012
        Thank you.

        I have been doing a few 'finishing' touches although it will never be 'finished' But at least I can relax in there a little now.
      • Dean

        Dean Apprentice Gardener

        Feb 26, 2012
        Here are some photos from today










      • ARMANDII

        ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

        Jan 12, 2019
        Hi Dean, I dug my pond in 1993 and used sand, about 3 inches deep, two layers of carpet, and I haven't had a problem so far. Watergarden is right in saying that the weight of the water pressing down on the liner and the underlay is the problem. But if you've checked for any stones and removed them, and I'm sure you have, I don't think you should have any problems. My pond is around 4ft in depth in places and 3ft 6 inches in others so there is lot of weight on the liner but no problems so far, even though I go for a wade in it in Chest Waders every now and then to maintain it. The only guarantee with pond underlay is in the lifetime but there's no guarantee that it won't puncture, along with the liner, because of any stones you haven't removed!!

        I really like the style of the water feature and it's obvious you've put a lot of thought into the design..........well done, Dean:thumbsup::snork: I think it's a garden and water feature to be proud of, and I wish you luck with it.:snork:

        My pond is at the other end of the theme scale, i.e: looking like a natural English pond:


        But having said that, I do really like yours!!
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