Puppies Reunited

Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by Banana Man, Jun 25, 2006.

  1. wildflower

    wildflower Gardener

    Mar 14, 2006
  2. Poppy33

    Poppy33 Gardener

    Feb 26, 2006
    Go on Mr Waco..let Mrs Waco keep a puppy :D
  3. Poppy33

    Poppy33 Gardener

    Feb 26, 2006
    Ahh, wildflower..you have a golden [​IMG] they are addictive arn't they :D I am guessing yours is a male, he looks very handsom, whats his name? mine are called Bramble, Rosie,and the same name as me Poppy. We had a bandana just like the one your dog is wearing..only Rosie would wear it, and then the other two spent the whole time trying to get it off of her :rolleyes:
  4. wildflower

    wildflower Gardener

    Mar 14, 2006
    I wouldnt want to get rid of any of them..i would be crying when they went..the lady i bought connor off breeds and shows her golden retrievers but when i took connor she stood their crying as she is not a heartless breeder..men are allways the same saying they dont want to keep puppys they will soon get used to an extra mouth to feed..I wish i had a puppy... [​IMG]
  5. Poppy33

    Poppy33 Gardener

    Feb 26, 2006
    Lady of leisure, you cat looks lovely, he does not look 11. Did you take him with you or purchase him in Portugal [​IMG]
  6. wildflower

    wildflower Gardener

    Mar 14, 2006
    yes connor is a male he is a pain in the neck sometimes..he likes dressing up you ought to see him at xmas..anyway xmas is a dirty word in this house as he knows it.. he has a toy that sings xmas songs and every so often he fetches it out and we say its not xmas yet,and remove it..sometimes he wakes us up in the night with his toy singing jinglebells..grrrrr..he loves his xmas presents..as soon as they start advertising xmas on the telly he gets hyper!!
  7. Poppy33

    Poppy33 Gardener

    Feb 26, 2006
    Sounds just like our lot :D we love em to bits but being retrievers they allways have to have something in their mouths :rolleyes: this is usually something they have stollen!! My husband had to go to an important meeting with a very wet left shoe..one of them(nobody owned up) had taken his shoe into the garden the night before and it had poured in the night :mad: Its awfull in the winter when we have washing on the radiators, when the doorbell rings they all have to rush and get gifts for the caller..this is usually someones undies :rolleyes: Mine all have christmas presents, but they allways want what the other one has got [​IMG]
  8. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Thanks, Poppy33. Magic Sam is a moggie we got as a wee babe. He had a white Persian mother named Cairo and four white siblings. At the time we had two white farm moggies (aged four) and thought this would be great. Wrong ... he loved them and Skwij, the boy "took" to MS, but Puschka, the girl hated him but he, MS, loved her. Skwij died two years ago and Puschka "tolerated" MS until she died in December. Now he's on his own ... and loving it! He's fat and sassy, I say!

    All three of them have / had the Pet Passports so travelled with us back and forth to England every year but we've not been back since 2004 but keep the "paper in order" so to speak. We're going back to IoW in October but my sister and her husband are flying down from Germany to look after the house and MS in our absence so he doesn't have to make the trip this time. Shame, of the three he was the perfect traveller!

    [ 26. June 2006, 10:12 PM: Message edited by: Lady of Leisure ]
  9. wildflower

    wildflower Gardener

    Mar 14, 2006
    poppy your dogs sound a right handfull..i cant imagine having 3 ..ours lives here alone and is spoiled rotton..he isnt a lot of trouble he rarely barks ..if you came to the door knocking all he would do is fetch a toy..and he is the gentle giant the birds dont fear him as they sit down with him in the garden..the only things he chases is squirells and a big crow that comes visiting he isnt keen on him..as he had never seen children when the grandkids arrived he would approach them with his head bent so he didnt knock them with his teeth..he gets a new toy evry month they are his treasures..he is my third golden ..the first was a rescue that had been beaten up and starved..the next one we had to have put to sleep as his back end went but he was 12 and he was even larger than connor..i still see connors relations and i go to crufts every year to meet his breeder and watch her show the dogs,,cheer her on..and i come out bankrupt ..
  10. DAG

    DAG Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Sounds just like my daughters 2 dogs Poppy33, one of them always manages to steel a piece of sandpaper from my workshop and chew it up all over the lawn....mission accomplished!

    Earlier this year I found one of my brand new slippers on the lawn with the back chewed right off!

    People ask my daughter how old the puppies are, and always look surprised when she replies 7. :D
  11. Poppy33

    Poppy33 Gardener

    Feb 26, 2006
    Wildflower, what is Connor's Affix, We used to show Poppy and I know Quite alot of the Breeders, we used to foster goldens for south east golden retriever rescue, but now I am working full time that is no longer possible..my husband is lucky enought to work from home, but sometimes we would have 7 at a time (including my own 3) and with me not at home he never got any work done :rolleyes: so sadly we do not take foster dogs now...Just all the waifs I bring home from work :D
  12. wildflower

    wildflower Gardener

    Mar 14, 2006
    connor is hawksmoor poetic spirit..and his dad was amerine alliance with hawksmoor...his mum was emadale girl for all seasons at hawksmoor.. he isnt ashow dog allthough i have a letter off lyn anderson to say he should be in shows as he has a perfect head..and she cant understand why i didnt show him..he is our pet nothing more..he just lives like us..he gets xmas and birthday also..and treats, i didnt buy him to show i just wanted a friend and thats what he is..

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