Remaining Optimistic...

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Dols, Apr 5, 2009.

  1. Dols

    Dols Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 5, 2009
    Hi everyone! Just to give you a little update on my progress.
    Yesterday i had the privilidge of having my Granmother's expertise on assesing my garden. It is great to be gradually getting an idea on how i want it to look and what i want in certain places. I made alot of progress yesterday by completly ripping all of the Ivy off the apple tree, there was so much, that stuff is ruthless!!

    There is a bush next to the apple tree that i originally was going to keep but have changed my mind and will be taking that out hopefully this afternoon. I have so much waste and junk piling up in the garden that i dont know how i'm going to get rid of it. My Dad suggested getting a 'Hippo Bag' and at the moment as i don't drive it looks like the best option.

    I am lucky to have lots of Bluebells (English Variety) growing all over the garden which is fantastic! I'll upload a few more pictures after the work I'll be doing today and tomorrow!!

    I now have a massive encylopedia containg pictures of over 4000 different plants so i can identify everything in my garden!

    Let the exploration begin!!....
  2. Dols

    Dols Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 5, 2009

    I just wanted to post a few pics showing the progress I'm making. Today I've cut down one of the bushes at the back and have spent ages on my hands and knees ripping up weeds and roots, i still can't believe how much Ivy takes over, then again this garden has clearly not been looked after for maybe 10+ years, what a waste!!

    Walking In

    The apple tree that was completely covered in Ivy

    From the back facing the house

    Closer facing the house

    From out the window
  3. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    Looking good. How much sun does that panel fence get? If it's a sunny site, you could create a great mixed border there.

    Keep at it, you're doing a fab job. How's the back ache?!!
  4. Adam Moran

    Adam Moran Gardener

    Jul 6, 2008
    Hi there,

    Your garden looks like it could be an amazing little place.

    Progress looks good :)

    Ps I'm in southampton too
  5. Dols

    Dols Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 5, 2009

    I'm gutted as I wanted to be out in the garden all day today but the rain has stopped me, after yesterday the ground has almost become a bog, it certainly will be once i've finished moving all the junk, bushes and hedge trimmings out. Looks like i'll have to put down grass seed when its all finished!:)
  6. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    Its supposed to brighten up tomorrow:thumb:
  7. Dols

    Dols Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 5, 2009
    *Latest Update*

    Today has been the best by far. My Gran visited me to help out with a few jobs and give some excellent advice on how to tackle them. I managed top get all the roots out from the huge bush that was at the entrance next to the apple tree. I also heaved out the old porcelain butchers sink and was pleasantly surprised to find it was intact all be it in need of a good scrub up, but will come up a treat with a little TLC.

    What do you think would be a good use for it?

    We made a start on trimming back the hedges unbelievable just how much light gets in after hacking away at them! You can see the difference and i have been lent a hedge trimmer which makes quick work of the smaller branches up the top.

    The garden is a little boggy now as I'm trampling through it all the time and shifting piles of hedge trimmings around, i wish i hadn't laid down the feed and weed the other day, maybe the grass would stand up to a little more of a pounding, never mind its all going to be replaced when i lay down grass seed after the clear out that is just around the corner.

    I'm still enjoying it very much and apart from getting covered in mud and sufferening the aches and pains, nothing will stop me finishing the job!!

    *Note to self* - Time to invest in a nail brush!..


    Bush and sink gone!

    Hedge starting to come on nicely

    From window

    Space between the apple tree and hedge, amazing!!

    To be continued...
  8. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    If they butchers sink is the same as a Belfast sink, then it'll make either a great miniature herb garden or for growing alpines. They're worth a lot of money these days - a bonus that its still in one piece and useable.
  9. Dols

    Dols Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 5, 2009
    Yep,I have to say miniature herb garden is top of the list at the moment..:luv:

    It's very, very heavy though.. ha d to be very careful lifting it into the wheel barrow..:lollol:

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