Oh gosh remember that too Steve!! Supermarkets appearing, think Fine Fare was the first name I can remember.
Pricerites was a common one round here, what about Timothy Whites or David Greggs Or were they just round here.
Timothy Whites, yes remember them, not the other though. What about, International Stores. They were lovely old grocery shops. I remember they still had all the victorian tiles & brass fittings. You had to go & pay a lady, who sat in a little booth, made from wood & glass, with the desk built into it, if you know what I mean. The assistants didn't handle the money. That was down south though, not sure if they were everywhere.
For a very short while I used to work at International when I first left school. Wages 12s.6d per week! More years ago than I like to remember. Used to weigh out the sugar, tea etc. and pack into those blue bags. Don't ever remember being told we had to wash our hands before touching this food and the place we weighed up in was disgustingly dirty. Happy days. :eek:
Absolutely jjordie, can still smell them if I close my eyes, yes I know wierd, but it is just one of those smells that has stayed in my memory. I remeber the little blue bags & the biscuit tins with the glass lids & buying bags of broken biscuits!!!!! :D
Being sent to the CO-OP for my mums shopping with her reminding me 100 times don't forget my divi number I want to get stuff for Xmas still know it 66512.
Our cinema on a Saturday used to be left there whilst mum went to the shops as the films where serials we would go every week to see how Flash Gordan etc got on.Then she would pick us up and take us home Dripping butties Ugh I would be sick at the thought now
we used to have bacon dip! which was a slice of bread dipped into the fat in the frying pan that bacon had been done in..fried and then a dollop of tomato sauce and folded in half...which brings me to 1, How come we could eat all that stuff and be ok but nowadays eat all low fat healthy stuff and have high cholesterol? and 2, How come things that are bad for you taste so nice?
Long skirts - no I don't remember them, just been scanning all my recently deceased elderly aunt's photos onto Photobucket for the family to view. Long skirt, boots and hats - de rigure for any mature, self respecting woman. (My gran, by the way!)