Hans - 197* isn't that long ago (is it?!!)! (and watch your language, sir!) I remember 'inheriting' a vine plant from my 90 year old landlady when she died. She'd had various plants in her sitting room but this one always caught me eye as it was in a teeny clay pot and she used to give it about 2 ounces of water a week! It looked so pathetic and miserable that when her son said would I like a plant to remember her by, I instantly chose that one. I repotted it, fed it and looked after it and before six months was up, it was a giant threatening to overtake my lounge! But it didn't like it when I made two moves in a short space of time, so by way of protest, it turned up it's roots and died on me! I still miss my rampant vine!
Many years ago I was approached by a gipsy who asked me to buy a 'lucky gold charm'. I bought a little 'gold' boot charm from her for 2s.6d. which was quite a bit of money in those days. She told me to keep it in my purse and 'it would never be empty' - which when you think about it was not a lie! After 30 years or more I still keep it in my purse and I can honestly say that even when times were very hard I have always had just a little money in my purse. I don't think I would ever part with it now. Anybody else met a gipsy?
About 30 gypsies turned up at the pearly gates after a terrible accident, St Peter said how many of you are there, 30 said the leader, St peter said we only have room for 10 you will have to decide among yourselves who can come in 10 minutes later St Peter went rushing in to see god..They're gone he exclaimed! what all of them said god!....no said St peter...The gates!! Disclaimer, There are good and bad in all types of people...investments can go up as well as down, water coming out of a hot water tap can be hot
I was told by granny never turn a Gipsy away without crossing their plam with silver. One came to the door but I only had small change not enough for the expensive Lucky heather so I gave her a fifty pence piece.She touched my forhead and then pressed a small hidden object into my hand,said "New 9 old 7" and that I was ruled by a Goddess. As a finale she told me my pain would ease. Ready?..The object was a blue marble,and I surmised from that the 9 refered to September,7 to the old calender(Sept),and the goddess is Venus,Libra's ruling planet . Blue marble?,Sapphire is the Birth-stone. My pain?...Mum had passed away that week. Now you tell me how...????? (Got another encounter too)
:( Very sorry to hear of your loss Paladin. I do not understand how these people can predict what has, or is going to happen in our lives. I am a great beleiver in "what happens is what is mean't to be" myself after a similar experience. We are all part of "Lifes grand scheme" I suppose. Or are we able to read these things into them?? :confused: [ 01. January 2006, 06:16 PM: Message edited by: Marley Farley ]