Cars that had a starting handle! - wind up at the front. Remember my father saying naughty things when the engine wouldn't turn over. :eek: [ 29. September 2005, 11:16 AM: Message edited by: jjordie ]
frys chocolate, lucky numbers chocolates, jubilees... blocks of orange ice shaped like a pyramid that froze your mouth...fab and sky rocket lolly's...tiger nuts! so dry when you swallowed them you nearly choked!.....bags of revels....salted peanuts in a little round tin does anyone admit to liking the coffee chocolates in boxes?
you could get 5 park drive from our paper shop too, in fact he would break a packet and sell people one in a sweet bag
Bet you weren't old enought to smoke either Steve! Remember cigarettes called 'De Ritz' in a purple packet. They were absolutely disgusting but at thirteen we couldn't afford anything but the very cheapest.
cheapest I can remember were sovereign and players No10, I can also remember some called cocktail that were all different colours and solent and consulate were the menthal ciggies
I used to collect the tokens out of embassy cant remember now, how many you got in a packet of twenty. Still got some tools that I "bought" that way.
Does anyone remember, I think it was in the seventies, they brought out a tobacco substitute, or am I dreaming, cant find anyone that remembers it. It was lousy. :eek:
A friend of a friend used to smoke herbal cigarettes (no not those) they used to smell like a bonfire.
Yes. They were made from rose petals but tasted and stank more like the horse muck they grew in :eek: