Reptiles, anyone?

Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by Maddie, Feb 28, 2010.

  1. Maddie

    Maddie Gardener

    Feb 21, 2010
    Hi all, sorry I haven't been back on recently. We had a bit of palava with our heating and hot water.. all sorted now I think!

    No recent pictures yet and everyone has just had a big meal, so will get some snaps put up in a week or so.. but for now.. here are some past piccies =)

    Your royals are absolutely stunning, I'm looking forward to adding more to my collection one day and my partner has plans for an albino male burmese and another coastal carpet python hehe

    Bloodred female


    Anery male


    Caramel Motley female


    A hybrid that no one can really work out hehe


    Will add some more soon =)
  2. strongylodon

    strongylodon Old Member

    Feb 12, 2006
    Wareham, Dorset
    I presume these are all Corn snakes Maddie, they are extremely attractive.:gnthb:
  3. Blueroses

    Blueroses Gardener

    Mar 7, 2010
    The hybrid looks like it could be a Creamsicle ( hybrid cross between an amelanistic corn snake and a Great Plains rat snake )
    Im loving the caramel motley. I also have a caramel and a Gold Dust motley called Nugget :lollol:
  4. Maddie

    Maddie Gardener

    Feb 21, 2010
    Aye, that was my first thought when I bought her, however I've since seen the parents (mum was corn, dad was a wild something with a partial stripe) and siblings and they all have partial or full stripes and the colouration is different. Dad is also not a great plains, he looks a rat to me but not a great plains. He was wild caught 7 years ago but don't know any more than that.

    She is a mystery but a fiesty, very pretty one lol.
  5. Blueroses

    Blueroses Gardener

    Mar 7, 2010
    Of my pair of Creamsicles, the male , which I had since a hatchling, grew into a massive adult. very strong when held but never feisty. His female mate was smaller, and she could be feisty. She always double clutched when laying, despite always being housed separately from her mate after breeding.

    Here is a photo of the big male

    and the smaller female

    and one of their babies :)
  6. Maddie

    Maddie Gardener

    Feb 21, 2010
    Aww they are absolutely stunning and he really is a HUGE boy!! I do love their vibrant orange colours, does highlight the difference with my Nixie though, she was more of a bright yellow with an orange stripe, strange little cookie hehe.

    Any big breeding plans for this year?
  7. Blueroses

    Blueroses Gardener

    Mar 7, 2010
    With the Royals I am trying breeding my Spider with 2 different normal females. One of the ladies has gone into shed but I dont know whether it is a pre ovulation shed or a pre lay shed.... or neither ! :lollol: The other female is rather stand offish, but we shall see. I had hoped to try for Bumblebees with my pastel, but she is not quite up to size and I wont take chances with her. I have a Butter, Mojave and het Albino coming in the next couple of weeks and if the butter is big enough I might try him with the reluctant female :o

    I usually breed some of the corns but I am giving them all a rest year this year. next year though I will be breeding the pair of Fire corns and the Golddust motley with the Butter Motley.

    Do you breed any of yours Maddie ?
  8. Maddie

    Maddie Gardener

    Feb 21, 2010
    No breeding for now. I had plans way back that would have started this year had things not changed but as I moved and the collection had to be rehomed, those got thrown out the window.

    These days, with only the one royal, one corn and one gecko, there isn't much breeding to be done! I'm so hoping that our collection grows over the next year or two so that I can make new breeding plans. I've helped others with theirs and temped at a rep shop, so was always present for the laying and hatching of new eggs, it was so wonderful. Can't wait to do it myself.. one day!

    I think in future though, I'll probably not do it with corns. It seems these days, too many are bred and up for sale and there isn't enough demand for them. My wish to breed is for personal pleasure and hobby but the babies need homes and good homes at that. So I'll maybe try to get another Royal or two or let my partner try out with his boas/burmese..

    Either way, I'm just glad to have reps around again at the moment and can't wait for the collection to grow.. with only the two snakes, they are both eating and shedding at the same time.. not enough snake handling time lol!

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