Royal Quays Marina, north shields

Discussion in 'Members Gallery' started by rosa, May 3, 2009.

  1. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    ha ha kandy thats sooo funny they dont use tub boats for that big ship i left a link about Azipod propulsion its used to power boat and turn it around, technology today is marvelous, its the biggest boat in the world and i would get lost in that ship, couldnt believe the size of it, was great to see anyway, i heard it from mine leaving sounded like a massive fog horn it left around 7 last night.
    pidgeons in love how sweet me and my friend just stood there watching them they didnt bat an eye, hehe
  2. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Great photo's Rosa. I didn't know that park was there, I'll have to try and get to it, it looks a lovely place for a walk.

    That ship.....massive. I was visiting back in Southampton a few years ago & there was a massive ship in dock and next to it was the QE2. I thought the QE2 was big but it looked like a toy compared to the other.

  3. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi borrowers, its not far right next to royal quays marina, iff you take first left when you get to royal quays housing estate park their and its to the right you can walk through a few houses to get to it.
    i couldnt believe size of that ship maybe it was the same one you saw, its the biggest in the world, the heron wasnt there and apparently to see the kingfishers you either have to go at 8 am or around 4pm to see them so im going one day hope i get to see them.

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