Saturday Night Ghost Story

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Phil A, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

  2. stephenprudence

    stephenprudence GC Weather Guru

    Jul 17, 2010
    General Asisstant (for now), and full time immatur
    Wirral, Zone 9a
    Here's one from me, it's not my ghost story as I don't believe in ghosts, but the stories are rather entertaining either way..

    My mum and dad went to stay in Aberdaron on the Llyn Peninsula in North Wales sometime in the late 80's, back then my sister was just a baby, I think they said 2 years old... anyway they arrived at the property (a holiday cottage), and they claim to be hit instantly by a wall of really eerie atmosphere...

    The first few days were ok, but on the third night, my sister started crying wildly, and loudly. They claim they had never heard anything like it, and it was very uncharacteristic of her.. as they went into the room to see what was the matter she stopped and was just staring ahead and pointing.. their words were "she looked possessed".

    The next night my mum had told me she was going to get a drink from downstairs as she could not sleep, but when heading back she claims to have seen a shadowy figure, although apparently the face was quite clear, and it was staring at her.. she said the look was one of unwelcoming character.

    The remaining days were quieter but they said my sister had gone into strange states with more staring and screaming etc..

    On their last day they were leaving the property, and as they were leaving they spotted the figure of a man that was "semi-transparent", pointing towards the door, and my mum claimed to hear a voice saying "get out", needless to say they got out of there in a hurry!

    They then contacted the woman who let out the property, and she said many people had reported sightings and noises within the property, she indeed claimed she had seen them herself.. well she then said the property has once been a small scale childrens hospital treating children with diseases etc, many of the children were apparently mistreated by the one male doctor that ran that establishment.

    Now.. my parents are not ones to make up stories as lies.. they claim it's true.. myself I dont believe it, even though deep down I doubt they'd make something up like this, but I just don't believe in the paranormal.. make of it what you will!
  3. stephenprudence

    stephenprudence GC Weather Guru

    Jul 17, 2010
    General Asisstant (for now), and full time immatur
    Wirral, Zone 9a
    ps Coolsox. was anyone in the immediate area smoking.. most photographs like this (in fact the overwhelming majority) are proven as smoke, or lens flares, and just occassionally humidity.
  4. Bilbo675

    Bilbo675 Total Gardener

    Mar 15, 2011
    Gardener & Plant Sales
    South Derbyshire
    When my grandparents were alive my grandad always said that if he passed away first he would never rest until my nan was back by his side..

    When the faitful day came and my grandad passed away true to his word he didn't rest, 'things' happened at both my parents house and my nan's bungalow, from the day of his funeral we experienced things, these are some of what we experienced;
    • A picture that my grandad never liked coming off the wall, not just dropping but coming some 3-4ft away from the wall.
    • Cupboard doors in the kitchen clearly heard being opened and shut.
    • Footsteps on the stairs.
    • My mum's bedroom was always icy cold even when the heating was on, I myself recorded the temp at 5 to 11 degrees when the radiators were full on!!
    • Bed sheets rucked up as if someone had slept in the bed when we knew the bed had been made.
    • My mum's cat looking up the stairs and hissing at something we couldn't see.
    • My niece (baby in her pushchair at the time) managing to get her bottle back from the top of the 6ft fridge freezer after she'd had it taken off her for constantly throwing it.
    • A funny smell that smelt like my grandad if that makes sense.
    There were other things too and all this carried on over a 2 year period until the sad day of my nan's passing came, it then stopped instantly and not a single thing has happened since!!! :)
  5. Coolsox

    Coolsox Gardener

    Jan 26, 2013
    Insurance Broker
    Me and my partner where the only ones in that room at the time. Both non smokers. Whilst I'm sure there is an explanation, I found it quite amazing that the image shows what appears to be a female figure.
  6. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

  7. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    I've shown this before but i still think it's weird......after it's been raining this same 'face' shows up on the patio:rolleyespink:
    • Like Like x 1
    • Freddy

      Freddy Miserable git, well known for it

      Jul 15, 2007
      Retired - yay!
      That's nothing. Every night I go to bed, and there's a witch in there:lunapic 130165696578242 5:

      I'll get me coat...
      • Funny Funny x 2
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      • nFrost

        nFrost Head Gardener

        Feb 19, 2013
        Leachate Treatment Plant Manager
        Cottingham, East Yorkshire
        I've always been in two minds about ghosts etc.

        I'd like to think they don't exist as some stories (and certain TV programs) are just absolute rubbish but then reading the stories in this thread make my eyes water and hair stand on end.

        I know none of you would make things up, thats the worst bit...!:hate-shocked::yikes::help:
        • Agree Agree x 1
        • EddieJ

          EddieJ gardener & Sculptor

          Feb 21, 2010
          Oak timber framer
          I can add countless stories to this thread, from clocks being pulled from walls and thrown, to sheets being snatched from the bed, and many accounts of seeing and feeling odd things. The latter could be explained as all in the mind, but the first can't be.

          Possibly one of the oddest was waking up and seeing a strangled teenage girl laying on the bed next me just staring at me. Oddly it wasn't her that my eye was drawn to, instead it was the rope. I felt that I was somehow being shown it, and it was very distinctive in design and colouring etc.
          I went back to sleep as quickly as I had woken and didn't think any more about it until two days later. I had some tree surgery carried out and there in front of me was the very same rope. The moment that I saw it, I felt physically sick and had a feeling that that this guy had killed the girl.
          I then spotted the tip of a knife sticking out from a bag and told him to watch it in case he stabbed himself on it. He opened the metal case that it was sticking out from and went on to explain that it was his torture kit. It transpired that he was into weird sex games.
          I didn't venture into conversation any further, but learned some months later that he had been arrested on suspicion of rape.
          • Like Like x 1
          • Phil A

            Phil A Guest

          • Lolimac

            Lolimac Guest

          • Phil A

            Phil A Guest

            There's loads of made up stuff on the net, but we don't make up stuff on GC.

            Tomorrow i'll tell you about the ghost of lunchtime.
            • Like Like x 3
            • nFrost

              nFrost Head Gardener

              Feb 19, 2013
              Leachate Treatment Plant Manager
              Cottingham, East Yorkshire
              ah, the haunted lunchbox.
              • Funny Funny x 1
              • EddieJ

                EddieJ gardener & Sculptor

                Feb 21, 2010
                Oak timber framer
                Another very odd one happened approx two years ago and involved a girl that I didn't know from another forum.
                One day I suddenly had a very clear image in my head of a hallway, landing and several rooms leading away from it, I also had a very clear image of a painting on a wall that was of a lovely summer scene of a girl/young lady dressed in a Victorian style bodice dress, carrying a sun shade type umbrella, brunette hair, lovely smooth pale complexion, and who was walking through an apple orchard.
                I also had an odd urge to contact the girl from another forum and tell her about it. I thought that she was going to think that I had lost my marbles (I have), but she wrote back straight away to say that I had described her house, and the said picture was of her Gran who had had the painting commissioned.
                She also went to to explain that her Gran had died the night before!

                The above has just reminded me about another incident whilst away on Holiday in Germany several years ago. A month or so before going away and in a passing conversation my sister, said that one of our uncles was ill, and that she had a feeling that I would know when he died.
                I never gave it any further thought as I wasn't close to the uncle and hadn't seen him in approx 20years. I just carried on as usual and went away on holiday, then half way through one night I woke up and sensed that something was in the room. I then suddenly smelt a very strong aroma of cigarettes. None of us smoke, and instantly I knew that my uncle in Ireland had just died. When I got home from holiday a week later, my mum said that the uncle had died, and I interrupted her by giving the time and date. Both had been correct.
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