well we'll never be trying Raw so, Snoop wouldn't give up his ears licking obsession for all the tea in china! may i ask how Gus got a Hernia Val?
Well the vet says it is a weakness he was born with but I have always linked it to the kibble (James Wellbeloved) which we were recommended to feed him as it used to make him constipated, which is why I would never feed "complete" kibble to any of my dogs again. When I changed him to Naturediet he was much better but the little "pocket" which is the hernia was already there!!!! Since feeding him raw he has had no problems for almost 12 months and I have read that the muscle is also capable of healing itself!!! Surgery was never an option which I considered!! Val
interesting! & James Well Beloved is supposedly one of the better foods too...although our boys were never too keen on it for some reason they've been on Royal Canine for a few yrs now & they do well on it....although it actually only makes up a small percentage of there overall diet as Fred & Snoop get a lot of what we're having (only healthy stuff though as a rule) so lots of chicken, mince, fish, tuna, sardines, veggies, brown bread, wholegrain pasta...that sorta thing (with meats its whatever we are having we put a little extra on for them ) so i like to think they get a good diet but of course hands down Raw is by far the best food for dogs, its what they're designed to eat after all! if i wasn't so squeamish & could do without those licks & kisses i would be feeding it too that reminds me of another strange one of Snoops...he absolutely adores wholegrain pasta...tasteless bland pasta he really is a strange boy
Just wanted to say, @Ellen sorry for totally hijacking your thread, this is what happens when you are a 'doggy' person you just can't resist the opportunity to talk about them!! Val
yes sorry @Ellen i think we got a bit carried away once you get me started talking about the dogs, seriously there's no shuttin' me up so technically, you could say....it's totally Vals fault! no really im sorry the doggy you planned to rehome fell through too hun...he mustn't have been the one for you...you never know he might even find/pick you! like our Snoop chose us we went to view the litter (just to see them & decide if this was the 'one') but as soon as we stepped in the door Snoop left his litter mates & ran through the kitchen & all the way along the hall (all by himself) & plonked his little fuzzy white bum on my mums foot (quite a distance for a six week old & he was the only one in the litter to do that) & that was it! he stole our hearts at that very moment...by picking us hey! do you see what you have done there? you've inadvertently started me talking about the dogs again! both you & @Val.. have a lot to answer for leading me astray like this
oh don't say that Val...i'll be off again! do you see @Ellen do you see what i have to put up with Freddy is my other baby boy, he's a Chihuahua & a right little character he is too he's a real wuss & is afraid of everything...prams & sweeping brushes being the most frightening things imaginable Freddy is very intelligent though...i swear he knows what your saying when ye' talk to him & you can almost see his little brain whirring away as he tries to figure you out...the lad is crazy clever! full of energy too...for such a little fella' he's almost inexhaustible...seriously we have on many an occasion come home after a long walk absolutely exhausted, we collapse onto the couch, Snoop flops into his bed....& Freddy runs to get one of his toys for us to throw for him! & thats another thing he's got loads of toys but none of them compare to an old sock with a knot in it apparently ...i mean whats the deal with that? anyhoo here is the little man himself
Awww, Freddy is lovely, these little dogs are very 'knowing' they do seem to take in everything that's going on!! Here is a pic of my 3 all together, taken a few years ago but they haven't changed much except Harvey (labrador) is grey in the face now!! This was taken at our house in Surrey.
awww what a lovely pic Val, Freddy is going grey around the chops too although strangely its only noticable in some pics...must be the lighting i suppose its something you never get to see on Bichons with their white fur thank you Ellen, Freddy says thanks too