Should single mothers be forced to go back to work?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by intermiplants, Dec 15, 2008.

  1. high kype

    high kype Gardener

    Oct 24, 2006
    Pete my name is Mary we cant put the world to rights wed like to but we cant

  2. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    Forget the single mother Issue, at least when the child grows up they will percentage wise be likely to work and pay tax. Gordon Brown is using this issue as a scapegoat to hide the real problem IMMIGRATION. A legal immigrant for example of Polish or Ukrainian origin is allowed to work freely in our Country, use our services, roads,infrastructure etc.

    They are frequently are highly educated people who have large family's back home who they are sending money back too. As they are here temporarily they can afford to share accommodation, thus making the lowest wages acceptable. If we were in their position we would probably consider doing the same. They rarely pay any tax as they travel back to the country they came from every three months or so thus keeping them below the limit. If they become ill, have a car accident, become pregnant, have a house fire or whatever then they use OUR services.

    The construction industry, is becoming rotten by this problem as are other areas, some say they do jobs that no one else will do eg hospital cleaner however it is more likely that no one can afford to do the job for the extremely low wages paid. Some of the immigrants spoken English is poor as in some cases is the work ethic therefore we have THILTHY hospitals or in the case of the construction industry bad work practices. There is a lot of unemployment in the construction industry at present and IMO this has been compounded not just by the miss handling of our economy but by the drain on it from foreign workers.

    Then we have the illegal ones who aren't even recorded on the system. If the police stop them they are given a paper telling them to report to an immigration centre..... do they heck!!!

    Immigration Is in my mind a cancer and one that must be eradicated, Unfortunately to even mention the word is now thanks to the labor government's cult of political correctness a taboo and frequently the word 'racist' is thrown about. The solution is simple, a limit to the numbers of workers we let in in proportion to the vacancies we actually have. This is the system used in Canada and in Australia.

    Couple this with immediate deportation of illegal workers and a proper border patrol/ immigration/ customs agency. Naturally if we were not subsidizing Poland or the like then we could afford to pay a decent wage for work such as hospital cleaning.

    If then there is was work paying a sensible wage available, then those who feel the need to set about castigating single parents might have the merest modicum of justification at present they don't and we are using a small problem as a large scapegoat to an even larger problem.

    To takle the imigration isue we may well need to look beyond the constraints imposed by our membership of the EU and posibly the human rights act however the EU is also a source of Rot to OUR country. As for the human rights act, the current goverment has already happily circum navigated it by coluding in the US policy of rendition for torture.

    I could go on for hours but I'm working tomorrow so alas must keep things brief.
  3. Paladin

    Paladin Gardening...A work of Heart

    May 13, 2005
    Retired but still grubbing the soil.
    Broadway UK
    If I'm reading this properly then I'm sure we would all wish you a belated Happy Anniversary.:)
  4. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    This is a great chat guys.

    But consider this;

    income support is what is being paid to these single mums.

    that means that their income is means tested.

    I don`t know the figures involved but let`s say £100 per week. now let`s just throw a wild card in this-the bloke who has done a flit ( through no fault of his own apparently ....) actually pays for the upkeep of the child-say £50 a week, her income support would be reduced by that amount, so she is financially no better off by his payments-at least whilst she is on income support.

    However, should she work at least 16 hrs per week ( I think that`s the amount) she will be entitled to claim WFTCs which would bring her income up to a certain level and she can keep the fathers contributions on top of that.

    She is no longer entitled to claim housing or council tax benefit which is fair enough you may think, but in real cash terms she will be financially worse off by aroung £15 per week-again fair enough we don`t all get handouts. But the killer is the CSA. I know of a woman who had two children and when the CSA got involved they ordered to the father to only pay £6 a week for BOTH (not for each child) children, to which he DISAGREED!!! This woman is now worse off by about £60 per week-that`s a big shortfall, and means some of the bills don`t get paid.

    It doesn`t matter whether they are together or not, if non resident parents ( usually but not always the father) actually contributed to the upkeep and upbringing of their child we simply wouldn`t be in this position. Absent parents need to be compelled to pay their share.

    Yes, it is the womans body, and she does have a right to say what happens to it. And ......................????????????????????????????????

    It doesn`t negate the responsibilty on an absent father or mother to support their own kids. My husband and I do it. The vast majority of people do it. So what happens when parents split up to the fathers sense of personal liability to the child. Or are they just cut and run types, taking out their animosity toward the Mum( like men aren`t like that!) by withdrawing financial aid to the child?

    If non payment of a satisfactory amount of child support was as legally backed up as non payment of council tax is, ie fines and prison, we`d be getting somewhere near where we all want to be.
  5. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :gnthb:Couldn't agree more Mary, oh & belated Happy Anniversary from me too Mary.... :gnthb: With many more to come..:gnthb:
  6. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Maybe I'm being very old fashion with my views but if you can't afford the time, effort, expense and all the love you must give to each and every child maybe you shouldn't have a child. Maybe a cat would fit the life style better for some people.

    I know things happen in life but a mother's job is for life and not just when the fancy takes them, even when your children are all grown up they still need to have their parents to be there for them.

    I have to admit I have only had paid work a couple of times through my married life and only worked to prove a point thankfully we didn't need the money but I did so miss my boys. I think there is something so wrong where you see your workmates more than your own family if you can get work that ties in with your childrens timetable then that's fine and dandy it's a plus to have a friend or family member to pick up the children if they are ill from school too.

    I have to agree with Pete some people sadly do treat their ever growing brood as some kind of pay rise and add to the brood each year just to make sure it's worth their while it's these kind of people where no one works in the family that needs to be tackled.....don't pick on the single mums yet pick on the idle b*ggers that treat benefits as a career!
  7. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    Hopefully we'll all have a chance to vote with our feet soon, if an election is called next year. If Labour get into power again, we're emigrating to New Zealand (OH has family out there).
  8. high kype

    high kype Gardener

    Oct 24, 2006
    yes Pal and Marley it was my anniversary yesterday thank you both

  9. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    Happy anniversary Mary.:gnthb:
  10. intermiplants

    intermiplants Gardener

    Aug 31, 2007
    well done pal whats the secret:thmb::thmb: pm the answers :gnthb:
    and help a learner
    not all but the girl who is lazy and wears knickers for socks and thinks it a way out should be made to work and the stupid kid should have it tied in a knot
  11. high kype

    high kype Gardener

    Oct 24, 2006
  12. cajary

    cajary Gardener

    Feb 22, 2007
    Interesting thread, this time around. At least we haven't got the "I worked 25hrs a day and still brought the kids up to be model citizens" brigade.

    When we're talking about the influence parents have on children, I think it must be borne in mind that the most important influence on kids is their mates. (Peer Group, apparently)

    I hope we all rebelled against that which our parents taught us. It has little relevance to a changing world. We can only hope that the children of indifferent parenting skills rebel against that and choose a different course. :)

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