Why is that "shocking"? people shop there because they want to - presumably because the price suits them and they have a range of products that people want. Supermarkets, like Tescos, have driven prices down, as a proportion of disposable income, over the last 50 years to such an extent that it has made a very significant difference to the quality of life for working folk, in particular the amount of money they have left to spend on entertainment and enjoyment. They have given farmers a rough ride along the way, and local greengrocers, and probably a bunch of others too - but I reckon that the fact that so much money is spend in Tesco's stores is people voting with their feet. But maybe I have missed the point that you were alluding to?
Sounds about right to me. Tonight's meal Fish Pie with fine French Beans, serves 2, Spuds 4p (£2 for 28lbs from Morrisons) Onion 4p (cheap sacks cheap from Lidl when on special offer) Smoked Cod £1.30 (reduced at Morrisons) Milk FREE! in fact it was from Waitrose and better than free because it was a reduced/muti-save combination from Waitrose and we were paid to take it away. Fine French Beans 2 x 19p (reduced at Morrisons) With a 5p breakfast and a 45p lunch that means £1.38 for my meals today (target is an average of £1, but it's winter and there's not much to harvest).
I would also like to apologise to anyone whom I have offended regarding having children when you can not afford to support yourself let alone a wee one. I know it is none of my business and I appreciate that but it is just something I cannot comprehend as I think if I cannot support myself ... without help from the government ... then I shouldn't bring another into the world that I cannot take care of myself. without stress and worry and illness.
Indeed. But why? I've never seen a satisfactory description of why coasting in neutral is "not in control of the vehicle". If I come upon something unexpected and I need to stop quickly I select a lower gear for engine breaking to supplement the brake pedal. I am sure its no hard to do that starting from neutral than 6th gear, is it?
I really can not be bothered with the food shopping lark, so I have a window table booked 365 here Jack McH
Isn't that the table where the Waiters are always complaining that the only tip left there is a note saying "Don't back horses"?????
Generally I might agree, but it is a poor show when a man in his thirties, a caring and responsible parent with a settled relationship and home, who works hard in a reasonable job might feel that a second child can't be afforded. What is the country coming to? Surely Clueless is exactly the right sort of person to be raising kids and most people feel at least two is a fair entitlement.
I think you will find, that since Clueless1 became an admin, then posts generating discussion have become the norm It is not clueless1 life, but a subject generating response :-) Jack McH
@Kristen I agree , but it's still against the law to do so. I won't tell the police about you if you don't tell them that I 'occasionally' go above 70 mph.
If I see lights change to red or a junction to stop at I, always go to neutral and let impetus get me there.
Clueless....poor me poor me. Why oh why can't you get a better payed job, preferably one nearer home. You obviously have the intellect and the time, as you spend hours churning out intellectual drivel on this gardening site day after day. Can't you pool this surpless energy into positive forward thinking workwise? I rest my case. Please don't find this post offensive, as it meant for you to look at the situation in a different way.
This might help. http://frugaldom.blogspot.co.uk/ There are loads of blogs out there if you google frugal living.
I could do with a better understanding of WHY coasting is "not in control of the vehicle", or whether this is just a hang-over from yesteryear ... that said, modern cars are more efficient in so many ways and coasting IN gear to the lights (assuming you have enough speed to coast IN gear) will use zero fuel, rather than "engine idle" amounts of fuel. Now ... having said that .... I don't know how many revs you need to maintain that - coasting in 6th to a stop is clearly going to stall the engine before actually stopping and I have a mental debate each time that the act of changing down will take me, and the engine management system, half a second which is fuel-used-at-idle rather than zero-fuel-used mode. Clearly its the best part of B-all, but scaled up to tens of millions of vehicles on the road it mounts up I suppose. I have looked at Hypermiling forums, and they are pretty keen on a gadget that can be plugged into the multi-function adaptor [common on all modern cars I think] which gives useful and accurate readouts on actual fuel used etc. The dash-computer on car, showing instantaneous fuel usage, only updates every half second and can go from 200 mpg (its idea of engine-idle fuel consumption), to 50mpg within that period, so not particularly helpful in determining if a particular "style" of driving is better than an "alternative" one. But I've known that for a couple of years and STILL haven't rushed out an bought the gizmo - I just fret about it every time I am coasting, in gear, to a roundabout - clearly I need to get out more - to somewhere with no junctions or roundabouts!!!