Some babies.

Discussion in 'Water Gardening' started by Outlander, May 23, 2018.

  1. Ned

    Ned Evaporated

    Apr 25, 2017
    Prime Minister
    The Moon
    It would seem extremely unlikely that a heron might have found an identical orfe to drop into the pond on the very next day after one actually died, and there didn`t seem to be any other fish disturbed or taken. No one else in the village kept golden orfe at the time, and no one had seen any heron anyway.
    I remember my daughter telling me at the time - quite seriously ''it just came back to life mummy'' :dunno: I have always put it down to being one of life`s little mysteries..... I know I buried the dead fish - and the kids all saw it go into it`s ''coffin'' box too.
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