Looking at Robert's designs again, they remind me a lot of Poole pattern plates with their modern art appearance. Should York minster be looking for ideas to raise money for the upkeep of the building, the stained-glass design of Robert's is right up their street. They would surely sell a lot of them... Again, well done, Robert. This is a wonderful thread for all the possibilities open to it.
Hi Robert Yes excellent Images ,just love "Williams Place":thumb: My first attempt.Just circled the Image ,then erased Background,only problem being Robert it leaves the original image as it was ,yours are certainly superior, Hope you did,nt mind me posting it on your excellent thread
Robert, your latest images are fantastic! It's amazing what can be done with today's photo image editors. Woo, your first image is a beauty. Great work all round, keep them coming.
Thats a great image woo. What I like about this process is, you just never know how the final image is going to turn out! I am beginning to see how positioning the square slice has a lot of impact on the final image.
Woo, you're doing very nicely for your first attempt. Robert, they are a couple of beauties. Is that York station I see in there somewhere?:hehe:
Cheers Robert. Now while I'm thinking about this latest image, don't you think that doing some images like these would make an ideal subject for the games area. Guess the city, town or whatever? Of course, I wouldn't want to burden you with extra work, but perhaps someone else who has the means to create such images could do some for us?
Thats an idea...a good idea. I could certainly produce the images. Lets find out if there is the interest first from our fellow forum members or maybe any objections. Shout now folks and forever hold your peace. With the winter coming we shall need a few brian teasers. robert