Square foot advice, please

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by DavidC1951, Sep 24, 2016.

  1. "M"

    "M" Total Gardener

    Aug 11, 2012
    The Garden of England
    Thank you :) very easy to do and great for climbers :blue thumb:
    You saw the newer model (different garden ;) ) and the Bridgwater Beans have smothered the other one I made on the arch :heehee:
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    • misterQ

      misterQ Super Gardener

      Aug 25, 2015
      Stamford Hill, London N16 6RU
      One of our exemplary temporary members in April 2014

      Some time later.

      At our community garden, each new member is allocated a plot that is approx. 1 square meter in size. There are 40 official plots in total and each one lends itself quite well to the square foot growing method.

      OP, tell your friend that he can grow almost any vegetable using the square foot method - it is mostly a case of careful management more than anything else.

      WeeTam's suggestion is an excellent idea, however, I would say leave the automatic watering system as the eventual goal or atleast until your friend has gained a little experience and can sustain interest in gardening.

      Advise your friend to use the first season of growing to gauge the "lay of the land" and to use that data to improve on their growing conditions in subsequent years.
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