strange new fish

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by loopy lou, Jul 4, 2010.

  1. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    It was. I'll usually do a discount for neighbours but he was getting a really good price for the amount of work involved already.

    Glad I didn't as he turned out to be a total bully, not just to me & my workers, but to his suppliers too, we could hear him on the phone.

    If only he knew about the guinea pig :hehe:

    Wonder if I could sue over the colour of Eric the fish.
  2. fred1935

    fred1935 Gardener

    Apr 8, 2007
    This is in line with a happening in my small pond, Sitting there one day I spied a single black fish, no idea where it might have come from but in time I accepted that one of the Goldfish had had babies and this single black fish survived being eaten because of it's colour. Only this summer has it started to change to gold after two years.
  3. jennylyn

    jennylyn Gardener

    Jul 17, 2010
    :) Yep - seems baby goldfish often start out as black, though did not know this till a few years ago when our ponds became inundated with smarms of little black tiddlers - keeps the local heron well amused as we have our ponds netted so he can only window shop!........some do turn back to goldish if they survive long enough - glad to hear others have the same experience.

    :what:Does this happen to other pond fish other than goldfish?
    Anyone bred any other fish in their ponds?

    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    You're right in saying those little black fish look like goldfish - they are! Immature goldfish start out black
    and slowly turn gold over time. If your pond is producing and supporting young fish then it's in good shape.

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