Texting while driving

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by redstar, Aug 30, 2009.

  1. Doghouse Riley

    Doghouse Riley Head Gardener

    Sep 1, 2009
    "Pleasantly unemployed."
    The Tropic of Trafford, England.
    It's often the driver of either sex who's driving very slowly in front of me with a brakelight out and a "Baby I'm Bored" or whatever they say, sign on the back windscreen.

    I also am wary of elderly male drivers wearing flat caps.
  2. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    Ok, as a motorbiker, who rides in whatever the weather (although I draw the line at snow and ice, two wheels doesn't work), here are a few of my pet hates about other road users...

    1. Texting or talking on a mobile, fiddling with Sat Nav whilst driving. I've been known to stop next to a car with the driver doing this while in a queue and rap the window to shout at them.
    2. School run mothers spending more time chatting over her shoulder to the kids than concentrating on the road.
    3. Drivers who sit at the same speed, regardless of what the speed limit happens to be, whether it is 30 or 60mph. Usually it's around 45-50mph.
    4. Foreign lorry drivers on the motorway.
    5. Drivers who hog the overtaking lanes on the motorway, regardless that the "correct" lane is empty.
    6. Cyclists. Why do they think they are exempt from the Highway Code (especially in London)? Or insist on cycling on the pavement?
    7. Horse riders who do not give a nod of thanks when I pass them slowly, in a high gear to reduce the engine noise. Or worse, are unable to control their horse.
    8. Car drivers who decide to do a u-turn in a queue of traffic, without checking if a motorbike might be filtering up the line of traffic. Filtering is legal BTW (providing the marking in the road are not a solid white line!)
    9. Car drivers who deliberately try to block you when you are filtering through a traffic jam, possibly because they are annoyed I am able to get ahead and they are stuck in traffic. On the flip side, I like the drivers who pull out slightly to allow you more room to get through. They always get a nod of thanks or a hand wave :)
    10.Any driver who doesn't do a right side check over his shoulder to check his blind spot before changing lanes.
    11.White van man.
    12.Other motorbikers who ride around in summer in shorts and a t shirt. Oh and a helmet (that's the legal bit). Obviously they've never seen road rash.
    13."Weekend warrior" motorbikers who ride like maniacs, overtake on blind corners and give the decent bikers a bad name.

    Hmmm...quite a list!
  3. Doghouse Riley

    Doghouse Riley Head Gardener

    Sep 1, 2009
    "Pleasantly unemployed."
    The Tropic of Trafford, England.
    I go along with moving to the middle lane of motorways if there's no traffic, but in the same circumstances I won't drive on the inside lane.
    Because of the camber of the carriageway, all the debris dropped from vehicles of all descriptions, gravitates to the inside lane and increases the chances of a puncture.

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