That kid who's ran off with her teacher.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Robajobs, Sep 25, 2012.

  1. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    I had to chuckle Mandy. When t'other half and I met in Alabama it was legal for a girl to marry without consent at age 18 .... but for a guy it was 21! :hate-shocked: We did think about running away to Georgia where the age was 18 for both ... but thought wisely of it as we didn't have a car at the time and it was hundreds of miles away ... :oopss:

    So, t'other half's mother (a Mother-in-Law of the 1st kind who adored me and I adored her although she didn't like her baby going off with 'an older foreign woman' :heehee: ) agreed to sign and be a witness to our marriage at noon, which took 2 hours as the JP had only every married one British and American before. M-in-L never really honoured the marriage as we were all Roman Catholics and were married in a Registry Office which doesn't count in the Catholic religion and constantly kept asking us when we were 'really going to get married'. But after the ceremony (she gave me a lace mantilla to wear, cough) she took us to our apartment (where we had been living for three months) and said she would pick us up at 4pm for dinner. She duly did this and when we got to the house it was decorated with white streamers and balloons and flowers and she presented me with a bouquet and t'other half with a white buttonhole and t'other half's father arrived home from work at 4.30pm and we had drinks and a pork chop meal and then the neighbours arrived (one couple the boss and wife of my Father-in-Law) and everyone brought presents and a cake 'appeared' with our names on it and the bride and groom from M-in-L and F-in-L's wedding cake .... all within two hours of our marriage !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One angel of a Mother-in-Law whom I think of often. (My mother died when I was seven).

    I 'think' Alabama may have equalled the law now to 18 ... but left in December 1977 so really don't know.

    Maybe this relationship will work out and maybe it won't, but it seems like it's been going on for some time ... but the guy has got to get his act together regarding his current wife, that's for sure!
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    • Freddy

      Freddy Miserable git, well known for it

      Jul 15, 2007
      Retired - yay!
      Ah yes, his wife. I'd forgotten he was already married. Hmm. I suppose on the face of it, he's done a 'dirty' deed, but maybe it was a loveless marriage? Who knows:dunno:
    • EddieJ

      EddieJ gardener & Sculptor

      Feb 21, 2010
      Oak timber framer
      Sorry to go off topic..

      It does kind of make you wonder not just about this case, but how we as a species view age and correctness, and right from wrong.
      Death and war is one that always got me. What makes us turn an almost indifferent eye to an adult being killed, but not a child.
      If we could link the wrongness of the first, then perhaps the world could become a better place, as neither is right.
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      • Jenny namaste

        Jenny namaste Total Gardener

        Mar 11, 2012
        retired- blissfully retired......
        Battle, East Sussex
        She doesn't look like a child to me to be perfectly honest. Today's girls with their access to all forms of media, both good and bad, must find it virtually impossible to remain innocent.
      • Victoria

        Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

        Jun 9, 2006
        Lady of Leisure
        Messines, Algarve
        Jenny, I looked like a 'child' in the 60s (this was in the States), well, I was but also a bit like a 'tart' people would say now ... :rolleyespink: ... skirts that barely covered my undies, crochet tops with not a lot underneath ... a bit like they all wear now ... :biggrin:

        I certainly can't make any comments or cast nasturtiums on anyone. Still like to wear 'risque' clothes now ... :heehee:
        • Like Like x 2
        • Freddy

          Freddy Miserable git, well known for it

          Jul 15, 2007
          Retired - yay!
          That made I laugh:biggrin:

          My Aunt Sally caught my eye, with her short skirts, and those legs! I'm sorry, nostalgia:biggrin:
          • Like Like x 2
          • Fat Controller

            Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

            May 5, 2012
            Public Transport
            At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
            I think part of the problem is that whereas the vast majority look at it from a legal or even conditioned standpoint (as in, conditioning in their upbringing dictates that they know what is right and wrong), there are those that either can't or won't see it the same way.

            Years ago, I was great friends with some neighbours who had a big family - they were lovely folks who as well as their own kids had taken in a lodger who had been hard on his luck at the time who subsequently ended up staying as part of the family thereafter (contributing a good wage too); I was slap bang in the middle, age wise, between them and their kids and they sort of 'adopted' me when I moved into the area. Now, as time went on, their daughter developed something of a crush on me (god knows why) - I was 21 maybe 22, she was 14 nearly 15; the odd bit is that she told her mum about her 'feelings' , and as I later discovered her feelings remained over a considerable period of time.

            I found out one day when one of the families dogs went into labour, and a pup got stuck - the daughter was the only one in the house at the time, and panicked so ran to my door and got me. I rang her mum who was at work to get her home, then went and hooked said puppy out which was closely followed by three others. Her mum arrived home when all this was going on, and there was floods of tears and a lot of giggles.

            Sometime later, when everything had gone quiet, her mum took me to one side and told me of her daughter's feelings and said to me that she (the mum) thought we would be ideal together! She said that she always dreaded her girl growing up and coming home with a wrong 'un, and was relieved that she liked someone decent, and that both her and her hubby wouldn't stand in the way if a relationship were to develop!

            Now, much as she was a lovely lass (very pretty), I just didn't feel 'that' way about her (she was more like a sister), and even if I did I wouldn't/couldn't have done anything because in my mind it wouldn't be right. However, my point is (I got there eventually) her parents apparently didn't see it the same way as I (and the majority of society) did.

            Now, had the attraction been mutual, I could have been in a whole world of trouble - and I cannot honestly say what I would have done.
            • Like Like x 4
            • Dave W

              Dave W Total Gardener

              Feb 6, 2006
              Anything I fancy and can afford!
              Tay Valley
              Human emotions can override logic and reason particularly in young girls and it seems in this case in some older males.
              In many cultures a relationship or even marriage between two people of of the ages of the couple in question wouldn't be blinked at. However in our culture it is regarded as inappropriate and furthermore she is below the age of legal consent and a minor in the eyes of the law. Furthermore the male in this case is/was a teacher, and married to boot, and for him to enter into a relationship with a pupil in his care under the age of 18 was a breach of the law (and for that matter plain stupid and unprofessional).

              It's a pity this case has been given so much publicity as it's not in any way easing the way to an outcome any time soon. But I suppose it sells newspapers.
            • Jack McHammocklashing

              Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

              May 29, 2011
              Ex Civil Serpent
              Fife Scotland
              What an excellent Church of England school
              The Retired priest remained govenor despite 38 sex convictions
              The PE teacher done for grooming kids in 2009
              The present teacher under investigation since 2011 for incorrect behaviour
              with the girl he has now run away with
              Oftsed award of merit as second best school for awarness of child molestation

              We can write the girl out of the equation, 15 love of a teacher who plays in a band etc

              He has no excuse, he is damned and should know better, getting involved with a pupil aged 14, a wife at home and he very well knows the rules no touching until the child is 18 years old

              We can not play the age difference card or you will be saying it is OK for a 16 year old six foot tall well developed male tenager, that it is perfectly OK to take a nine year old girlfriend and that is fine

              He must be mad

              Jack McH
              • Like Like x 2
              • Jenny namaste

                Jenny namaste Total Gardener

                Mar 11, 2012
                retired- blissfully retired......
                Battle, East Sussex
                the child is 18 years old
                I was married with a one year old at 18. Many, many moons ago. I was not a child, neither will she be when she is 18 .
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                • Sussexgardener

                  Sussexgardener Gardener

                  Oct 13, 2008
                  West Sussex
                  I think the reference to 18 years old is from Shiney's post re the change to the law.
                • Madahhlia

                  Madahhlia Total Gardener

                  Mar 19, 2007
                  Suburban paradise
                  Is it a good thing for our society that childhood is being lengthened far beyond what it used to be? Does it make sense to take the rights of adulthood away from people who are physically mature? Is it a forward or backward step to do so? Do teenagers have more, or less, responsibility and demands placed upon them than in previous times? Does it correspond with the stretching out of other life phases? Is it because we have enhanced life expectancy now? (I've been in middle age for about ooh, 30 years now and plan to spend a very long time in the active retirement phase).

                  Just wonderin'.
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                  • Reetgood

                    Reetgood Gardener

                    May 13, 2012
                    I am of the thought that it's a breach of trust and the older party has a responsibility not to behave like a fool. I don't think it's romantic. I don't think anyone would be served by prosecution however. I'd want his head on a stick if I were her parents though.

                    My view on this is affected by my own experience of dating an older family friend when I was 15 - my parents were very smart in letting it happen but keeping it very much under their eye. I also witnessed the damage done to a friend by her affair whilst at school with a married teacher. He was extremely manipulative and frankly I would not have complained if he never taught again. As far as I know he's still teaching. He was just not stupid enough to escalate it by any grand dramatic gestures.

                    Maybe my school was a hotbed of inappropriate activity but I would believe my friend wasn't the only one. I think what makes this case different is the going to France.
                  • Jack McHammocklashing

                    Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

                    May 29, 2011
                    Ex Civil Serpent
                    Fife Scotland
                    The girl is 15, the TEACHER is 30 it is illegal for a teacher to be with a pupil under 18

                    You can Legally have a child at 16 so long as the lover/husband was not a registered TEACHER

                    It is a law to prevent male adults from easily taking up the many offers from young girls
                    even 11 year old girls have a crush on a teacher
                    He damn well knows what he is up to and it is wrong, not only her underage anyway, but much underage with a teacher / pupil relationship

                    Jack McH
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                    • Jack McHammocklashing

                      Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

                      May 29, 2011
                      Ex Civil Serpent
                      Fife Scotland
                      Childhood is not being lengthened, only in the case of teacher pupil relationships
                      The schooling is longer now, but it is oh so easy for a teacher to have a relationship with a girl pupil. pick the one you want an metaphorically rape her, she will be besoted anyway, then move on to the next bit of skirt you fancy

                      Up in Scotland at the moment there is a lot of thirty year old female teachers having it off with 14 year old boys, then going to jail
                      :-) I just can not see why the boys report it :-)

                      I have put my Harris Tweed jacket on with leather elbow patches,six pencils in my top pocket, chalk dust on my cuffs and driven up and down outside the girls school for three weeks now in my open top BMW, nothing :-(

                      Jack McH

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