Hi Anthony...on another thread ("signature? sticky?") you said you couldn't see my signature and asked about the difference between a pc and a mobile. I guess this is the reason you said you can't do quotes as you said nothing appears before the 'likes' etc symbols. Guess what? I just quoted your post here by highlighting it and clicking on "reply". Hopefully this is something that doesn't just work on a pc but on a mobile also. Try it!
I don't know whether this helps to explain it....... My doctor works every mon/tues/wed and every other thurs. We have 8 doctors in our surgery each with their own set days. They all used to do 5 full days ( Mon - Fri ), with 2 doctors every morning doing housecalls and emergency appointments and a different 2 doing them on an afternoon. Now if you want a doctor to come out we have to ring Worcester health centre ( around 20 miles away ) or emergency services. What I'm saying is that the doctors who are only doing a 3 day wk could work a sat.
Sorry Rosebay, that doesn't seem to work either... It was supposed to say " I just quoted your post here "
Ah well...it was something I did on my laptop so maybe it is not transferable on a mobile. Do others on mobiles here manage to quote posts? If so, perhaps they can let you know how it's done...or there is the computer section.
I think I must be quite fortunate really. In my one before last surgery, it was fastest finger first on the phone line if you hoped for an appointment that day. Otherwise, you would need to have a pre-booked appointment and that could be in a week to 10 days time! In my last surgery, once again it was the fastest finger first exercise; but, the receptionist did point out that if you queued outside the surgery from silly o'clock, you may (may!) get an appointment for that mornings slot. In my current surgery, they hold an "Open" surgery every single morning - so, turn up and the first 15 patients will be seen during that mornings surgery. Running alongside those surgery times are appointment (pre-booked) slots. There are no evening or weekend slots.Four Dr's are listed but I know of at least 5.There are a minimum of 2 surgery nurses.The surgery has an on-site (in house actually) pharmacyThe reception area is not one of those enclosed-speak-through-a-window-impersonal typesOh and an added bonus ... the location is set in the most scenic of places which is almost therapy in its own right! Look at the view, breathe deeply and ... I swear any blood pressure must drop by a goodly amount Could be worse!
I heard that Jeremy Hunt is bringing in this new law (for hospital GPs to work weekends) with new hospital doctors. Currently, it seems to be the case that there are only student doctors attending hospitals at weekends which is why crucial, professional advice is not available at this time; hence the 6,000 deaths annually that have been linked to this deplorable situation.
For you, I have no doubt it will be However, as a back up plan ... if it isn't ... haunt me! I'll take you there daily and we'll while away the hours listening to the lowing of the cattle and the whistle of the breeze through the trees. (Ok, that would be second best ... but, it isn't a 2nd best to be sniffed at )