Theresa May....... good or bad { so far }

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Anthony Rogers, Jul 14, 2016.

  1. CanadianLori

    CanadianLori Total Gardener

    Sep 20, 2015
    Battle Axe
    Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A

    Nobody over here is laughing. I guess because many of us, (me included -my family first came to Canada in 1808 and are UEL) are originally of British stock, our attitude is that this is a brave step and we applaud the fortitude it took to take it. I have zero respect for those countries who laugh particularly those who are playing host to terrorists... hmm, seems that would be most of Europe.....just my humble opinion.....
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    • "M"

      "M" Total Gardener

      Aug 11, 2012
      The Garden of England
      Do mean what is happening with the Government?
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      • Sandy Ground

        Sandy Ground Total Gardener

        Jun 10, 2015
        Making things of note.
        Scania, Sweden
        Short answer...yes, both government and opposition.
      • "M"

        "M" Total Gardener

        Aug 11, 2012
        The Garden of England
        Well, rather than Europe laughing, they would do well to take heed and note that what is happening is as a result of the Brexit; both were left reeling by the result and completely out of touch with the people. Those European countries laughing might do well to take it as a wake up call and have a closer look at their own nations.
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        • wiseowl

          wiseowl Admin Staff Member

          Oct 29, 2006
          Philosophy of people
          Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes

          My protocol as a moderator insists that I remain neutral,so No Comment seems to be my best option:whistle::ThankYou:
          • Funny Funny x 4
          • CanadianLori

            CanadianLori Total Gardener

            Sep 20, 2015
            Battle Axe
            Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A

            I can though - please?

            It's been over 200 years since my UEL family came up from the U.S. and my mother was from England. I am proud of this heritage but I am Canadian and very very proud to be a Canadian. I have Canadian flags tastefully hung year round and celebrate Canada Day with gusto.

            We have a Prime Minister who never saw a camera he didn't like and injects more Ah's into his speeches than a doctor soliciting throat exams. The man is an idiot who comes up with greeting card platitudes in reaction to terrible actions such as the Nice horror. We've had other things happen that made a poor impression of our country. Things that were perhaps in poor taste, seemed inadequate, or just plain bumbling but it has NEVER made me ashamed to be Canadian!

            If ever I was truly ashamed of my citizenship, I would go live elsewhere, become a citizen of my host country and relinquish my Canadian citizenship. I do not take citizenship lightly.

            The Man Without A Country, short story by Edward Everett Hale, 1868 - Read it years ago and recommend it to anyone who fails to have pride in their country. It makes you think about the importance and responsibilities of belonging to a country.

            I think this supposed "laughing" is nothing more than an immature reaction to uncertain times. I've seen many children react this way.

            The EU is the only group that stands to lose much if they cannot negotiate this exit in a sensible manner. And if they don't, the rest of the world will probably form direct commerce with Britain that will make crowd funding look like penny ante!
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            • daitheplant

              daitheplant Total Gardener

              Dec 19, 2006
              South East Wales
              Lori, you are spot on with your view, and, apparently, we have countries qeueing up to do business with a liberated Britain.
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              • ARMANDII

                ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                Jan 12, 2019
                Hi Sandy, your view is quite understandable, and I assure you no offence is taken and, as previously said, it's good to get your frank opinion. But, I beg you, take a step back and think what's really happening in the UK.
                Firstly, did you really think that the European EU members would not pour scorn, mockery, disparagement on our decision to leave the EU??? I don't think there's been any European Media, of any sort, that has not attacked the UK. But at the same time they are attacking and ridiculing the UK they're also acknowledging that they will lose at least a 13% contributions to the EU coffers.
                Putting that issue aside, let's take a hard look at what has happened in the UK since the Referendum. I think the decision to leave was a shock, even to the OUT campaigners and supporters and that shock caused a lot of confusion, anger, joy, and a whole gamut of differing emotions in the UK. It was a catalyst for what happened next.
                The Labour Party, already suffering major leadership problems, has fallen apart with the far left extremists Labour Party members, [not the MP's] taking control. That has caused the moderate left MP's to disassociate themselves from the Labour Leader and his Shadow Cabinet cronies. That was no more apparent than today when Labour MP's stood up in the Commons during the Trident debate when the MP's publicly criticised and disowned their Leader's policies and announced they would vote with the Conservatives/
                How is the new Government dealing with Brexit??, quickly, appointing David Davidson to oversee the procedure of leaving the EU, appointing Liam Fox to oversee the trade negotiations and agreements with the EU after Article 50 is triggered when the UK see's fit.......not when the EU says so. Boris, despite all his failings, he is an intelligent man, will be more than able to stand up for himself and the UK despite the dislike and antagonism he has created by his stated remarks and opinions of the EU. We do not want some bland, appeasing, Politician to confer with a mixture of hostile, resentful, EU politicians who had poured scorn and sarcasm on the UK when the danger of us leaving the UK became a reality. So there many political nation shaking events that have taken place and that still have to take place in the UK. But, if you look back, over the decades with hindsight..........they been inevitable and a long time coming.:coffee::dunno::snorky:
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                  Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2016
                • miraflores

                  miraflores Total Gardener

                  Apr 16, 2006
                  mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
                  taking time and more time and more is all too vague.
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                  • merleworld

                    merleworld Total Gardener

                    May 30, 2011
                    I wish Theresa May would stop trying so hard to appease everybody. Scotland and Northern Ireland are both part of the UK. The UK voted to leave the EU, so whilst I can understand that she wants all nations to pull together, she should be firm in making the point that they cannot hold the majority of the UK to ransom (not that they could in any case). If they don't want to be in the UK any more then that's another matter, but if either country has a referendum and decides to leave the UK, it will take them years to get into the EU (if ever ) and in the meantime they will have alienated their neighbours and trading partners. That's assuming the majority of them vote to leave. I have a sneaky suspicion that despite all the politicians' chest beating, most ordinary people will see that they are actually far better off in the UK than out.
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                    • ARMANDII

                      ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                      Jan 12, 2019
                      I guess that's part of a PM's job to a certain extent, merleworld:dunno:.:doh::heehee: But, from what I've seen she doesn't appear not to make hard decisions and say it "how it is". We're in early days yet so it's, to me, a bit previous to judge how she will manage. But she does appear to have asked questions on the Nuclear Station being built, in particular the more than doubling of the present rate that we pay per megawatt, before she gets landed with the future criticism of people bemoaning the cost etc.:dunno::snork:
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                        Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2016
                      • pete

                        pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                        Jan 9, 2005
                        Mid Kent
                        I think she has taken on a pretty big job, what with all that has gone on.
                        Hoping softly softly for a couple of months, lets face it, they are all on holiday now till October, so not much is going to happen.
                        I just hope things start moving and she gets in gear by then.
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                        • shiney

                          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                          Jul 3, 2006
                          Retired - Last Century!!!
                          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                          Re the nuclear power station:
                          There are many questions about it and I think that she is taking time to review the situation. There is the argument about whether it's the right type of reactor (some 'experts' say it's the wrong type), the possible problems with the overvalued agreement of which rate we shall pay for our electricity, the precarious state of EDF itself, the worry of having it built by the French and Chinese and the length of time it's projected to take to build it (varying from 2025 - 2035 :doh:).

                          Then there's a possible situation that I'm surprised the conspiracy theorists (come back "Dim", all is forgiven :snorky:) haven't pounced on.

                          Junker (president of the EU) hates our guts and has put Michel Barnier in charge of negotiating Brexit for the EU. Barnier hates our guts even more than Junker because he blames us for him losing his job of French Foreign Minister. So it may even be that May is waving a warning finger at France that adversarial negotiations (as Barnier has already proposed) could adversely affect the French economy. Apart from France having a two thirds stake in the project (with corresponding profit) they are expecting at least 5,000 of the projected jobs to be their own citizens (some pundits are saying it may be double that amount).

                          On the subject of how others see us:
                          I've just returned from touring through Germany, Austria, Hungary and Slovakia. Most of the comments (and I had many comments and discussions) were favourable.

                          In Germany they were mainly 'we'll wait and see'. (We weren't affected by the shootings in Munich apart from even tighter controls at the airport.)

                          In Austria they were almost totally just interested in what may happen and said that they would expect there to be confusion amongst our politicians for a while - and applauded the delay on Article 50. All except for one waiter (from Holland) who thought we were being silly to come out when we had such a high national debt - until we had our discussion about the real meaning of national debt. In its simplest form the national debt doesn't mean anything (if you total up all the national debts of all the countries there isn't that amount of money in the world!). All that is of importance is whether each individual country is able to service their debt. We can, Venezuela can't! As an oversimplification, it's just like you running up debt on a credit card, or bank overdraft, and whether you can pay the instalments or not. Similarly, and possibly a better example because of the size of it, is borrowing money to by a house and whether you can continue to make the mortgage payments.

                          In Hungary everyone I met, without fail, applauded Brexit and said that they would love to be able to leave. They weren't allowed to join the Euro as their country didn't qualify under the fiscal calculations (Greece didn't qualify either, so Germany backed them - something they have lived to regret). Hungarians are hoping that it this make it easier for them to get out. They're also not happy that Slovakia were allowed to join the Euro!

                          The Slovakians that I spoke to seemed to be confused about why they joined in the first place!!!
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                          • shiney

                            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                            Jul 3, 2006
                            Retired - Last Century!!!
                            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b

                            An excellent book. :blue thumb:

                            Not such an intellectual thing but there was a 1959 film called Ferry to Hong Kong where the main character (played by Curt Jurgens) gets deported from Hong Kong by being put on the ferry to Macau. Macau wouldn't take him so he became a man without a country. It was more of an adventure film. The ferry captain was played by Orson Welles and the love interest by Sylvia Sims. Noel Purcell played the chief engineer.

                            I don't know how many of you remember Noel Purcell but he made over 100 films and was in some TV series as well. He was Irish and played many Irish and Scottish parts, mainly sailors and similar parts (plus monks, vicars, priests and rabbis!!).

                            • Like Like x 2
                            • silu

                              silu gardening easy...hmmm

                              Oct 20, 2010
                              Always enjoyed Noel Purcell performances. He was Irish and could also make a good attempt at a Scottish accent too. There is nothing worse than listening to an actor (often American) making a complete dog 's breakfast of Celtic accents! Remember Noel being great in Moby Dick as a child. As for Curt Jurgens:wub2::wub2::wub2:. Not quite at the top of my heartthrob list (Yul Brenner) but close. Great cast, I wonder if it's available on DVD @shiney?..unlikely no doubt. Sorry to go off subject, I'm not even going to mention how I feel about being Scottish with the carry on we've got up here. Altho that said I sense there is the beginnings of people wanting our government to get on with the day to day problems of our country and stop their 1 track mind policy of breaking up the UK which the MAJORITY of Scots still don't want post Brexit. (3 surveys taken last week)....... Mind you has there been an accurate survey taken recently?:noidea:
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