Third year meadow.

Discussion in 'Garden Projects and DIY' started by Retired, Jul 20, 2021.

  1. Sheal

    Sheal Total Gardener

    Feb 2, 2011
    Dingwall, Ross-shire
    We've had lovely weather here for at least the last month. My garden is in dire need of water. I think you'll find the weather/climate has changed quite a bit since your trip in the Reliant Robin. I live more towards the east than west coast and the weather is much drier here. From what you say about your area, much drier than there too. In fact the Highlands tend to have better weather than southern Scotland.

    Potentilla's tend to be later than other shrubs waking up but they shouldn't disappoint you when they do.
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    • Retired

      Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

      May 30, 2019
      West Yorkshire

      Thanks Sheal for the weather information of your area; if ever you need rain Bron and I have plenty to spare;


      For a refreshing change we have sleet today but earlier this morning rain then a short shower of snow. Last year I had the cheek to buy an hosepipe; we endured a few days of hot sunshine. :biggrin:

      I agree regarding the Potentilla's; once they start to bloom they look lovely for months. I planted a number of Potentilla's last year and these look like twigs at the moment but I've noticed new growth appearing; everything will burst into bloom all at once although over the last week whilst out driving I've noticed lots of tree blossom.
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      • Sheal

        Sheal Total Gardener

        Feb 2, 2011
        Dingwall, Ross-shire
        It looks like I won't need any rain for the next couple of weeks, as the nice weather has decided to take a break. A rude awakening this morning with a covering of snow but it soon thawed in the sunshine - in between further snow showers. It's not enough though to give my ground a good soaking.
        • Informative Informative x 1
        • Retired

          Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

          May 30, 2019
          West Yorkshire
          Same here this morning Sheal after overnight snow and we've had lots of snow showers today the last a few minutes ago but I think this looked more like hail. We've had rain as well before the snow so as usual our ground is wet although when I broadcast the wildflower seeds it was pretty dry so for once I welcome this miserable weather.

          18 Cerastium arrived today but I didn't dash out in the snow to put them in the garden; hopefully tomorrow the snow will have passed through then I'll plant them; I'm fed up fighting our dire weather every time I want to work outdoors; time to back off now and choose my own time.

          It's a pity places like J Parkers can't consolidate orders because the shrubs/plants I've ordered are arriving in three different deliveries; I worked in distribution for 24 years where we consoldated loads of electric motors from our six manufacturing sites covering most of the country twice weekly from Southampton to Aberdeen; Huddersfield was the main factory and became central hub. Hermes will visit us three times in order to deliver the plants.

          Kind regards, Colin.
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          • Retired

            Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

            May 30, 2019
            West Yorkshire

            Yesterday the weather forecast for today was better so I didn't plant the Cerastium; I've just returned from the supermarket in heavy snow. GRRRRR. :mute:

            More shrubs are due to arrive so I'll end up donning my waterproofs and ignore the weather; not complaining though because I won't need to water the new shrubs/plants in.

            It's another excellent day for violin practice. :biggrin:

            Kind regards, Colin.
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            • Retired

              Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

              May 30, 2019
              West Yorkshire

              WOW the heavy snow this morning melted as quickly as it arrived so I've just spent half an hour up our chilly mountain (5C) planting the 18 Cerastium; the ground as expected was soaking wet so ideal for planting in saving having to water. Just five shrubs to plant once they arrive then I can relax until the weeding season takes off although I've already pulled out a lot of Cleavers before they get too settled.


              I've been fighting Cleavers for about five years and am now on top of them but as the weather improves I go Cleaver hunting most days; Cleavers grow amazingly quickly and spread rapidly; I removed lots of Mile A Minute Vine a few years ago and this keeps trying its luck but like with Cleavers I'm forever on the attack. I'm pleased the Cerastium are planted.

              Kind regards, Colin.
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              • Retired

                Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                May 30, 2019
                West Yorkshire

                The last part of my plant order arrived being five shrubs; wrapped up again in waterproofs I ventured up the garden and planted them; finished at last with all seeds broadcast; plants and shrubs are in so can I now practice violin playing in peace?

                My bad luck remains the same as usual; a while ago I bought a Tascam recording studio this will mix eight tracks and after a bit of playing around with controls recorded a bit of violin playing; I also bought a Laney LX20R amplifier this I connected to the Tascam and all appeared to work but something was obviously wrong; the volume control worked fine on the first #1 position but trying to increase the volume was greeted by very loud screeching; I've not had time to do much about this and although I've briefly tried a number of times always had to break off more more pressing jobs.

                Yesterday at last I finally settled into the studio; once again I recorded a piece of violin practice but still the problem persisted; I played around with the controls but didn't get anywhere which brought me up to dinner time. After dinner back into the studio where I reconnected the amplifier from RH speaker to LH speaker and problem solved; I've restored vintage radios for over ten years even adding Sony stereo into the workshop; I got caught out with this because of "Polarity" I never gave it a thought because the amplifier has only one speaker; many weeks spent wondering about this problem; if I'd have still been working full time I'd have had spare time to sort this out but in retirement I'm always so busy; by 8:30 this morning I'd visited three supermarkets and popped into the surgery. I was amazed at the surgery; it's four years since I last visited and all I needed was a tube of ointment which I've just needed to use; I hadn't realized the ointment was nine months out of date so thought I'd better get a repeat prescription.

                At the surgery reception I was wearing my mask and gloves against Covid; thick perspex proctive screens surrounded reception counter making conversation poor; I said to the receptionist I don't like wearing the mask and gloves but better than catching Covid; the receptions replied "You either get Covid or not" no wonder Covid is still a very real risk and cases of Covid are rising again daily?

                Silly problems beset me every day; having just had breakfast this morning at 6:45 a burglar alarm sounded; our neighbours just at the other side of the top of our mountain are away for a weeks holiday so I'd better get up there and check all is well; half way up the garden the alarm sound changed direction; back down to our driveway and have a listen; the alarm was next door to us; both cars in the driveway so they are home totally ignoring their alarm; why do I bother; life gets sillier each day.

                Moan over for the moment so await the next problem. :biggrin:

                I'm looking forward to more violin playing today and now I can use my Tascam and amplifier. Whoopee.

                Kind regards, Colin.
              • Sheal

                Sheal Total Gardener

                Feb 2, 2011
                Dingwall, Ross-shire
                Time out at last now the planting's done Colin. Good to hear you got the amplifier sorted out and can concentrate on the music. :)
              • Retired

                Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                May 30, 2019
                West Yorkshire

                Thanks Sheal; I'm pleased to be on top at last; I can't be accused of dragging my heels because it's only taken 35 years. :)

                The amplifier bugged me a bit because each time I tried to understand it I should have been elsewhere so now it's connected correctly I can experiment with its controls.

                This morning after breakfast and having been subjected to nothing but bad news; pats on the backs at awards and sport I thought I've had enough of the lot of it; it's enough to drive one to suicide. In future we'll stick with YouTube where we can select something to cheer us up.

                I offered to drive Bron over to M&S in Pudsey for some well earned retail therapy; the last time we visited was before Covid when we said we wouldn't bother again because M&S was so poor regarding womens clothing they having millions of ladies slacks/trousers on the racks; Bron wanted a skirt but where were these? Just the same this morning; nothing to tempt Bron into buying apart from a couple of small items; I think M&S has lost the plot not sure whom they cater for these days. One thing new we noticed though was M&S Opticians.

                We visited the food section which was worth it but with Covid being so bad and on the increase it appeared half the customers were happy to spread Covid by not wearing face masks.

                It was a trip out though and even the car will have benefitted because it's the Adblue type and needs a good run to clear the exhaust. It was so windy at M&S I struggled against the wind to open the car door.

                My next job is to sort my Tascam studio recorder out; I can use it in the studio and play back through the amplifier but so far not been able to use it connected to my desktop PC; it does connect but all files are empty although I know it has tracks to play on it; the Tascam will be fine it's just at the moment I've not sussed out how to fully use it but I'll win shortly.

                It feels strange to be free of heavy grafting. :phew:

                Kind regards, Colin.
                • Like Like x 2
                • Sheal

                  Sheal Total Gardener

                  Feb 2, 2011
                  Dingwall, Ross-shire
                  Enjoy it while you can. :)
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                  • Logan

                    Logan Total Gardener

                    May 27, 2017
                    redditch Worcester
                    • Informative Informative x 1
                    • Retired

                      Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                      May 30, 2019
                      West Yorkshire

                      Thanks Sheal; I hope the jobs remaining this year are just weeding; grass cutting and hedge trimming; the bungalow is fully refurbished as are the gardens; my big machines in the workshop are on standby and I hope they remain on standby but I'm ready for anything. :wallbanging:

                      Excellent suggestion Logan; many thanks. I spend lots of time on YouTube in fact Bron and I seldom watch normal TV programs just relying on YouTube music videos; movies and instructional videos etc where we can control what we watch. I've had a look on YouTube and there are a number of instructional videos showing how to use these Tascams which are highly useful but haven't helped in this problem.

                      Yesterday I downloaded the free user manual;


                      Only 92 pages so not too complicated; these Tascams are powerful bits of kit in such a small package; mine is the eight track version. The section covering connection to a computer obviously was of great interest to me. I've followed the instructions and saved the track to the Tascam I want to play on the computer; now I've progressed to adding the track onto the computer and I can see it but as yet still cannot play it; I'm now into codecs; my Windows Media Player won't play the track so more online research; I then downloaded the free VLC program but this too refuses to play the track but I'm getting nearer with each attempt also I've been viewing YouTube videos regarding using my amplifier; I've just put the heating on in studio and will double check the Tascam track still plays through the amplifier also with the new information I can play around with the amplifier controls; this is all new to me so once again I'm on a ballistic learning curve.

                      I find when I try something new or adopt a new hobby such as violin playing it's never going to be easy or straightforward; I wouldn't want it to be easy otherwise I'd quickly become bored.

                      August last year Bron generously bought me my first violin this the first musical instrument I've ever owned; at first I loved playing around with it and it was brand new; however it didn't take long for me to realize what a load of junk it was as despatched from the factory; I'd bought an electronic tuner but found I could only make sense with the E & A strings; enter a luthier who set it up as it should have been set up at the factory; there were a number of things wrong including the sound post which had been forced in but in the wrong place; the strings were rubbish too; back home this violin was now lovely to play around with.

                      I've prgressed to now owning three violins; a very cheap violin bought through Gumtree to experiment with because my intention is to make a violin from scratch; I've already bought the correct violin wood from Poland costing £110 just for the wood. The new violin Bron treated me to but more recently a much more expensive German 1880 violin it being supplied by the luthier and fitted with expensive strings also Bron treated me to a new carbon fiber bow and beautiful new violin case; I love my Bron to bits.

                      I've been gathering and making tools I'll need. I've now got the studio set up with Tascam 8 track recorder; Laney amplifier; a brand new car radio I've set up with Sony remote speakers allowing me to copy tunes like Lara's Theme to memory stick in MP3; the Tascam and radio are powered by AC to DC power supplies. The studio is fully set up including excellent LED ceiling panel lamps and it has central heating with thick carpet; a long way in short time and all through this I've been involved with other jobs needing doing like all the recent tree felling and sorting the meadows out.

                      I enjoy new challenges and the harder the better; violin playing is definitely difficult and I now know why the violin is regarded as the most difficult stringed instrument to play; violin playing isn't a cheap hobby by any means even at entry level; the Hidersine Vivente brand new violin with bow and case eventually cost over £260 but it was well worth having a luthier set it up correctly; it's now a nice violin.

                      I've been spread so thin with demands upon my time I've not known which way to turn; just when I thought I was on top then five heavy storms hit us in about two weeks followed by me then spending two weeks of very hard tree felling; surely I'm on top at last?

                      Now I've got a bit of spare time allowing me to concentrate on one job I'll sort out the Tascam/computer problem; not really a problem as such with equipment it's down to my ignorance of such things but I can learn how to do anything when I try.

                      Kind regards, Colin.
                    • Logan

                      Logan Total Gardener

                      May 27, 2017
                      redditch Worcester
                      Ok it was just a thought, I hope that you can sort it out.
                      • Friendly Friendly x 1
                      • Retired

                        Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                        May 30, 2019
                        West Yorkshire

                        Thanks Logan. :) I was really concentrating on sorting the Tascam out yesterday afternoon but as usual my concentration was shattered I was wanted elsewhere; if Bron and I were the only two people on a desert island I'm sure there would be a shipwreck.

                        If you lived here Sheal you'd think it wonderful always having your gardens watered for free and with no effort; last night we weren't sure if it was thunder or just the horizontal rain power washing the front of our bungalow and it was still doing this at 6 o'clock this morning; the wind is now just gusty and light rain is rare here; the forecasters should live here and look out of the window occassionally; outdoors is awash with puddles along the street; I'm worried for all those living along the River Calder valley nearby which often floods;

                        Mirfield pub notorious for flooding shuts again with no opening date yet

                        The Ship Inn floods so often it's flooded again but this time it might close for good; I'm surprised it hasn't closed years ago.

                        A few days ago I bought Bron a beautiful plant it reduced from £46 to £23 I don't know why I bothered it's now battered by the weather. Good job it's British Summer Time though or the weather could be really poor.

                        I might get the chance to play around with the Tascam recorder today?

                        Kind regards, Colin.
                        • Like Like x 1
                        • Retired

                          Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                          May 30, 2019
                          West Yorkshire

                          Well it didn't last long. Yesterday I struggled with the Tascam having to connect it to the computer with a very short lead meaning I had to balance it on my knee. This morning the new longer lead arrived so now I can set it up on my desk.

                          Having set it up and not making progress opening the music file I thought I'd better pop down to the pharmacy to collect a tube of ointment I can only obtain by prescription; I was told to collect in 48 hours from the surgery pharmacy having arranged this first thing Monday morning at the surgery reception.

                          Having parked away from the surgery and a short wind/rain swept walk I was in the pharmacy; sorry no sign at all of it on the computer; where do you normally collect from; our local pharmacy I replied but I was told it would be available here; a cheery farewell and I was at our local pharmacy; after a while awaiting the search; sorry we don't stock this; you could try visiting your doctor for a different prescription or take the prescription and try another pharmacy; thanks so much I'll take the prescription please and with a cheery have a nice day I headed home.

                          Going to the suegery pharmacy I thought I'll outwit the usual three lots of red traffic lights and go the way were just one set of red traffic lights would stop me; half way there temporary traffic lights at red this time three way with a long queue; the car in front of me decided enough was enough so turned around and headed off. Returning to our local pharmacy I have just have one set of red traffic lights; half way I was stopped by another set of temporary red traffic lights but on a very steep hill; I detest traffic lights with a passion and they seem to know it.

                          After all this fun back home I went online only to find I needed to jump through hoops just to obtain this extremely rare ointment; Boots don't stock it; in the end I emailed a pharmacy on the outskirts of Huddersfield and now await their reply; in the meantime I wonder if I can knock up a laboratory and do a bit of research then I could make my own ointment; it might be quicker and less hassle. Playing with the Tascam and violin; I can dream on.

                          Kind regards, Colin.
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