@Kandy don't laugh but when we lived in Bucks our friend was having IVF treatment and had to do injections in her thigh. She couldn't face doing it and her husband was in Africa at the time and they lived a few villages away so she came to us daily and t'other half did it for her! Get some rest to unstress ... and don't be up in the middle of the night doing chores and writing folk!
Hi @Victoria did your friend have her IVF treatment in the 90's? because when I was having mine in the 80's I used to have to go down to the hospital every day for my injections but when a friend of mine started treatment it had all changed and she had to do the injections herself and they told her to practise on an orange first I even had to collect my wee every day so had to carry a plastic jug plus the container that was given to me then had to siphone some off and send it through the post to be analysed.The stress of what we went through was unbelievable and at the end of it all we got no counselling when it all failed.I am surprised the marriage lasted as a lot of marriages I heard failed as each wife/husband blamed the other for the failure to conceive Good on your hubby to help out with the injections and hope that it worked for them in the end Haven't had a decent nights kip in years.The Consultant was shocked yesterday when I told home some of the times I am up through the night.I usually get the dinner veggies done or when it is light I go and potter round the garden or greenhouse until Mr Kandy gets up. He really does need to lose some weight
Right I am up early is this morning so hopefully Mr Kandy will be getting up soon as we have a bit of travelling to do to get to the hospital so hopefully there will be no traffic and roadworks to contend with Feeling a bit nervous about it all and will be glad when it is all done and dusted and I can then start the process of healing. Was going to have a shower last evening but the instructions says I have to have one this morning and a light breakfast and drink.Made sure I didn't eat any garlic bread or Brussels sprouts as I don't want to have tummy problems while the work is being done Also have my music sorted out so I can listen to Michael Jacksons Thriller while they are sawing and hammering my toe bones. See you all on the other side
@Kandy All the best for today and a speedy recovery. Make sure that it's only a light breakfast. It's unusual for them to allow you to have food if you're having your op today (food and anaesthetic don't go too well together) so go light on it. It's a fine balance between too much and not enough food . There needs to be just a little food in your stomach in case the anaesthetic makes you a bit sick as it can be unpleasant to try and be sick with nothing in your stomach. That's rather minor compared to having the op so nothing to be bothered about. Did you buy a whip to keep Mr K in hand whilst you're having to rest and recuperate? .
Sending positive vibes your way @Kandy Hope it all goes to plan and wishing you a speedy recovery Good point about the garlic bread/sprouts ... that would never have occurred to me!
Good afternoon everyone and thanks for the good wishes Well I am back home now with all my pills,injections sharps box etc and Mr Kandy is just doing me a spot of lunch so I can start taking the pain relief @shiney as I said either in this thread or the other one that this op was done without being knocked out so breakfast was fine.A nice lady called Helen put five injections in my ankle and used an ultrasound piece of equipment to locate the nerve behind my knee.It took a bit of faffing about as the sun was shining on the screen and she couldn't see the picture.Now I thought the five injections in the ankle were painful but this behind the knee one was something else especially as I was on my tummy while she was administering the drugs.I think I was praying at the end of it.I was told I was a model patient although I was tensing up a bit as I didn't know what to expect with it all.Evidently some patients swear and others cry while it is being administered but I am not quiet that much of a baby Anyway,I didn't get down to theatre until 10.40am and it was the Consultant surgeon who did the work while I listened to MJ.The surgeon also had music playing but I kept turning my volume up while he did the hammering etc.At one point I thought he was going to pull my leg off as he was tugging that hard My BP was monitored throughout although it was very high to begin with but that was because I was a bit worked up about it. The Consultant /surgeon kept calling me Chucky Egg so I think that is my new pet name.He took X-rays afterwards and the hammer toe has a 6" long pin in it with what looks like a wing nut hanging out the end of it but I can't see it properly So no showering only strip washes for the next six weeks and on no account get the dressing wet Just going to have my lunch now