Discussion in 'Games Arena' started by Webmaster, Jun 10, 2006.
Acorns squirrels or rabbits
squirrels (red ones!) Sweetener or Sugar?
sugar turkey breast or rainbow trout?
rainbow trout Loch or lake?
Lake Windermere OR Derwentwater ?
windermere turbine or fan
fan fresh water or sea water
fresh water drink or drive
drive... favourite colour for a small car: deep yellow or metallic blue....
:D Metallic Blue..... 4X4 or family car..??
family car walk or cycle?
cycle motor or peddle
Motor..... Veteran/Vintage English or a Japanese motorbike..?
Hmmmm - Veteran/Vintage (though I had Japanese!) Cheese or wine?
cheese most times gorgonzola cheese (similar to stilton but softer in taste) or emmenthal?
Separate names with a comma.