Discussion in 'Photography Talk' started by ARMANDII, Mar 14, 2013.


    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    Thanks for the good advice and thoughts, Steve. I guess what was intriguing me and making me wonder was the emphatic replies from the "No filter on large lenses" Brigade on the Pentax Forum. It just made me wonder if there was any thing to the degradation of image quality by putting a filter, of any kind, in front of a big lens.

    That's the way to do it, Dave [As Punch would say to Judy] It's amazing what will work when you use your brain!!

    Talking of using your brain........I've been struggling to find a decent long range wireless remote control for the K5. Pentax do a small short range one but if you move more than one and a half to 2 metres away it doesn't work!!! I wanted something with a bigger range and got a Hahnel remote control, which although for a Canon is supposed to be compatible with Pentax, in the post today. I put the batteries in, placed the receiver on the K5, plugged in the wire from the remote to the K5, every thing was flashing lights....great!!!!!...only it wouldn't work:gaah: I went through the check list to make sure I'd done every thing right.......still it wouldn't work:dunno:
    A hour later after doing everything I could think of I rang up the Retailer and told them the remote control wouldn't work with the K5. They assured me it was compatible with the K5 and we went through the check list together and tried, it wouldn't work. So I said I would return the remote control in the post the next day and felt really disappointed...failed again!!!;) Anyway, being a stubborn so and so, I went through the check list again trying to think what the problem was. :ideaIPB: Could it be???.......No, it couldn't be that simple, could it? So I took the battery covers off the transmitter and receiver......and, Yes, it was that simple.:doh: Something I always check...but not this time [what an idiot;) ]. What was it???.............I hadn't checked that the channels of the Receiver and Transmitter were set the same.:gaah: One channel peg was set differently, that's all it was. What an idiot I felt!!! Anyway, once the channels were the same the remote control worked perfectly. So I rang the Retailer again and apologised and explaining what I hadn't checked. They were relieved but also embarrassed that they hadn't thought of it!! I still feel an idiot just thinking of it!:snork:
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    • Steve R

      Steve R Soil Furtler

      Feb 15, 2008
      Well, possibly yes, it depends on the quality of the filters glass...if you use one of those 2 pound filters from ebay, then I guess you would see image degradation at the extremes of your big lens. But as always if you want quality then buy good glass, for example you just know a Hoya filter is going to be far superior to a £2 a throw filter from ebay...makes sense I suppose.

      Re your remote, dont beat yourself up for missing something you think of as simple..

      A few years back I threw the gear in the car and headed off to the Lakes, setup my tripod, mounted camera, removed lens cap and switched on...and...nothing!

      The battery was still in the charger at home...simple thing! you feel better.

      I've used (in the past) the visor from a welding helmet as an ND filter, and I've even used a zoom lens removed from the body, turned round and held against the body as an impromptu macro works but is a fiddle.

      You may also remember back in film days Armandii, the craze of smearing vaseline on your filter to replicate the focus of a lensbaby too.


      ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

      Jan 12, 2019
      What makes you think I would remember something like that, Steve????:hate-shocked: :lunapic 130165696578242 5: Yes, ..........I must admit I do!!, back in the days when I was in the rif raf.:snork:

      Batteries can be a pain!!! When I used to use my Canon Powershot it would "eat" the alkaline batteries like they were going out of fashion. The rechargeable lithium-ion batteries have given us all a new ability as they last longer and we're able to use them again and again. I have done what you did, I confess, Steve.:doh: Now I always carry a spare fully charged battery in the arm pocket of my jacket as well as remembering to carry one in the camera!!! I still stick to my rule of one lens on the camera [fast], one wide angle in my pocket, and a telephoto of some sort in a haversack and try to keep things simple..........doesn't always work as I slip up sometimes over something.:heehee:

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