UK and the EU

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by clanless, Nov 9, 2015.

  1. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning @Anthony Rogers mt friend I learn something new every day,thanks for that;)

    Greenland was established as a province of Denmark. In 1979, Greenland was granted home rule by Denmark. Six years later, Greenland left the European Economic Community (the forerunner of the European Union) in order to keep its fishing grounds from European rules.
  2. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    We can't compare ourselves to Greenland (a part of Denmark) whose economy is based on fish and a total population of a small English city. But it does show that a country (or even part of a country like Scotland!) can leave the EU relatively painlessly.
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      ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

      Jan 12, 2019
      Clueless, firstly my sincere and genuine apologies if I have given you the impression that I have been ridiculing you..........I have not. I have expressed my opinion, several times, that you are intelligent, good hearted and have great humanity. What I have done, and do in other threads, is to attempt to introduce some humour into what can be a emotive and dividing subject. If my attempts to lighten the thread with the odd joke etc with my childish brand of humour has caused you to lose yours then, again, I apologise. What I have done is to question your assertions and views that you made and ask for evidence of such assertions.

      Actually, I don't think I have ever even thought of, or made an assertion of such a thing to underpin, support, strengthen, anything in any thread or discussion. Yes, I have confessed to have been a Manager for a length of time, of being called a "Trouble Shooter" in various modes of employment. Yes, I posted a complete and true answer given to me when I posed a question on this matter to 5 acknowledged legal experts, but that answer was their collective opinion and not mine. But I have never ever used whatever past employment credentials I have, relevant or irrelevant, directly or indirectly, to support my view in any discussion. But, since you appear to question my validity to discuss this matter at least let me explain "myself".
      Despite what you may think I am not a Political "animal". I mistrust and dislike Politicians as much as anyone else.......they do the "talking" and let others do the "walking". I am a lifetime Labour voter, but I will not vote Labour while Corbyn is Leader of the Labour Party.
      But I am a creature of Facts and Evidence [not figures], I was born that way, it's in my bones, and I make no apologies for that. I have made a living making decisions based on Facts and Evidence, I have made mistakes as any human has. But I have found over the years that, to my shame, I find unsubstantiated assertions, allegations, and procrastination, indecisiveness, constant changing of views, etc, to be irksome:dunno::doh: So I am guilty of deciding quickly what actions to take rather than dithering or fretting. I don't think I have stated anything that cannot be validated by looking up the appropriate EU/UK rules/regulations/legislation and confirming them.
      Article 50 was drawn up decades ago by the EU who, in their wildest nightmare, never thought that a Nation would ever think or dare to use it. The withdrawing party has the right to decide the length of time before triggering Article 50 and not the EU. But, on triggering Article 50, there is a deadline of two years in which to try to negotiate terms of leaving and any future trading agreements. Once the two years expire then, no if's, no but's, the UK will cease to be a EU member. It is that finality that frightens, panics, opponents of the Referendum decision.
      You are correct the Referendum is, technically, not legally binding, but it is Politically and morally binding. Can you imagine our standing in the world if we were to say "Ooo-err, we've changed our minds" for whatever reason??? What a bunch of indecisive clowns we would look, and deservedly so!!!. But nor is it illegal when a Prime Minister of a Democratic country freely, even though he expected to win, gives the Nation the right, by Referendum, to decide whether or not to leave the EU, and that Nation decides to opt for leaving. That decision was solely as whether to leave the EU and not when. But by the Nation taking the decision to leave it has served notice on the EU whether or not Article 50 is triggered now or in the future. When the Scots were given the Referendum to leave or stay in the UK I didn't see or hear anyone, either North or South of the border, using that "not legally binding" point over the outcome......strange, but not surprising, that it is being used now by those who didn't like the result of this referendum.
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        Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2016
      • pete

        pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

        Jan 9, 2005
        Mid Kent
        I still think until we tell the sods we want out they wont believe us.:biggrin:

        But I'm not for jumping in, although it needs to be done soon, otherwise they wont believe us that we want out.
        And the uncertainties will continue.

        Obviously the time lag is down to the summer holidays, and all the MPs want to get away and have fun, so not much is going to happen until at least September.
        There are far more important things to do.

        As I only get two weeks I do find it a bit of a bore.:biggrin:
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        • clueless1

          clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

          Jan 8, 2008
          Apparently the legality is being challenged of court.

          It's not quite as the headline suggests. It's actually to test the legality of leaving without parliament being consulted, but I personally see no reason for such a challenge unless it's a challenge against democracy.
          I guess we'll see.
          • Agree Agree x 1
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          • ARMANDII

            ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

            Jan 12, 2019
            Hi Pete, you're right, there will be a delay for various reasons. Firstly, David Davison, and Liam Fox are only just moving into new quarters and choosing the staff they will need for the Brexit and the Trade Negotiations and sketching out their plans and conferring with Business, the Prime Minister, the Foreign Secretary......and Uncle Tom Cobley and all!! Secondly, there are at least 7 challenges to Brexit, on different or similar legal technical points, from either single persons, persons acting as a front for organisations and being funded by them, and Organisations with connections to the EU. Some or all of those challenges will end up at the Supreme Court around October or later so Davison and Fox will not be in a hurry. Some of the challenges are pretty scrappy and weak as anti-Brexit people poke and scratch around in various dark legal corners to find some obscure, convoluted, technical legal points.
            One of the challenges argues that Theresa May does not have the Mandate to trigger Article 50. It's funny how they're not arguing the fact that she does have the authority to press the Nuclear Button in defence of the UK, but that she hasn't got the authority to carry out the decision voted by the UK population in a legal referendum. It's a bit weak to argue that because a referendum was called for by the previous Prime Minister and a decision to leave the EU was made while he was in power that the succeeding Prime Minister doesn't inherit one power when she inherits the rest. Also, the Mandate given by the decision doesn't disappear when a Prime Minister resigns because he doesn't think he's the right man to carry out Brexit. The one's to benefit from this will be the Lawyers and the Media:dunno::heehee:

            Oh, I'm pretty sure that the EU believes us, Pete!!:heehee:

            Interestingly, Boris and John Kerry held a Press Conference this morning. One of the striking things was that you could see a genuine liking between the two of them and Kerry made a point of saying "disregard political words, I'm saying that Boris and I will have a great relationship." Plus, when one of the Media asked about Obama's "back of the queue" remark, Kerry admitted that informal trade talks were already taking place between the USA and the UK. But as he said any formal signing could not be done until the UK was no longer a member of the EU. But, to me, what it means that informal trade arrangements will happen as the US will let their businesses get on with trading.:coffee:
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              Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2016
            • Anthony Rogers

              Anthony Rogers Guest

              So it's official then.......

              Nothing will be done until sometime during 2017 with the final exit planned for 2019.

              I wish I could put a funny thing on my own post, cuz I think this is hilarious.

              Why not just get on with it.
            • clueless1

              clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

              Jan 8, 2008
              Perhaps they want to taunt the, for want of a better term, the extreme left fascists. Ie those that oppose democracy because they think it has served the right wing. You wouldn't believe how many posts I've seen on bookface saying that the leave voters were misled and didn't have the necessary information to make an informed choice, and should therefore not have been allowed to vote.
            • ARMANDII

              ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

              Jan 12, 2019
              If you do a little research, Anthony, or perhaps read this thread, you would know that it is only days since Liam Fox was appointed to head Trade negotiations, and David Davison was appointed to head the BREXIT team and that both didn't even have quarters or staff. Now logically it takes time to do organise things properly. Whether you like it or not, BREXIT [as the Prime Minister has repeated consistently] means Brexit:dunno:
              There are also around 7 challenges to the authority of the Prime Minister regarding triggering Article 50 which will, some at least, end up at the Supreme Courts in October or later. Most unbiased opinion reckon that the Prime Minister will trigger Article 50 in 2017. This is a time when people who voted IN should forget their disappointment, outrage and anger of the result and take a step back, take a breath and try to support the UK in it's future, rather than belittling, and perhaps sniggering, at the Team that is going to be carrying our and our younger generations economic future in their hands. Let's just accept what has happened, have hope for the future, and have the moral strength to wish the negotiator Luck whether we voted IN or OUT.:snorky:

              Would this do???:scratch::heehee:
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              • Anthony Rogers

                Anthony Rogers Guest

                Do you know something Armandii, perhaps it's time that you, also, stopped accusing people like me who voted remain of sniggering and belittling. Also I may have been disappointed but I don't feel any outrage and anger over it, only by being spoken down to by people like you.

                PS, when are you going to get David Davis' name right ?
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                • ARMANDII

                  ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                  Jan 12, 2019
                  :heehee: Perhaps I'm just cheering him "on":loll:

                  Actually, Anthony, I didn't mention you:scratch:, I said

                  Don't you agree with me?, isn't it time we all got together and genuinely supported those who will be handling BREXIT???:dunno::snorky:
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                  • Fern4

                    Fern4 Total Gardener

                    Jan 30, 2013
                    The gardener of the house!
                    Anthony I wouldn't bother as I think they want a one way debate on here. :dunno:

                    I'm doing a lot more than sniggering I can assure you. I was howling with laughter when I saw Bozo getting skewered by the American press. :biggrin:

                    No...we don't have to. When there is a General Election, do you see the opposition rolling over and accepting the new governments manifesto? No they don't do they - they oppose it and it's their duty to do so. That's because we live in a democracy and this gives us the right to oppose, protest and challenge.
                    • Agree Agree x 3
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                    • clueless1

                      clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

                      Jan 8, 2008
                      With respect, a general election is a very different thing. A general election changes very little, and used only internal anyway.

                      What we have now is a nation on a knife edge. The only hope of securing a half decent future is to have a stable government, with public support.

                      If after brexit negotiations are completed, people want to lynch the current government, so be it, but right now we do not want to be giving the eu a stick to hit us with.
                    • wiseowl

                      wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                      Oct 29, 2006
                      Philosophy of people
                      Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                      Good morning everything is going as planned ,just be patient even when you leave your place of employment you have to give a certain amount of notice,Theresa know's what she's doing,just have a little faith in her,she is nobody's fool,she even kept Boris on , (He won't be in that position for long)remembering "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer ;):old:

                      "Softly Softly catchee monkee":lunapic 130165696578242 5:
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                      • Anthony Rogers

                        Anthony Rogers Guest

                        Well said Woo,

                        And soon we'll all be able to go out into the countryside and where there were once farms we'll be able to hear the Local Hunt go by and see the little foxes being torn apart limb by limb. Oh, and Pritti will be signing on cuz she wants to abolish her own job :)

                        Yes, Theresa knows exactly what she's doing :)

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