I'm sure there are plenty more lurking in the shadows, that would give them probably just the reason to respond that they are wanting. A few nukes on Britain could wipe this tiny country out, they could take a lot more punishment than we can.
Nuclear war doesn't bear thinking about. An East Vs west escalation would end up destroying life as we know it. I believe the UK would roll over before letting the Russians press the button, we'd take it to the brink but end up giving in simply because that is more sane than a nuclear bomb.
I've always thought that if push comes to shove America would back down as well, if Russia was to give them a guarantee that only Europe would be in the firing line. Its the old divide and conquer thing.
I think they would be crazy to do otherwise, a modern world war would be a very different thing to WW2.
...which they would have happily sat out and watched the world burn if the Japanese hadn't had a brain dart and decimated Pearl. I've always thought we conned the Japanese into the attack.
I used to think similar, regarding not getting involved, but bear in mind they were helping us out an awful lot before they actually joined in. In a similar way to what we are now doing in Ukraine. At one time there was a rumour that Churchill knew Pearl Harbour was going to happen in advance but kept quiet about it, true or not I dont know, but I dont think they would have taken it seriously if they did get a warning.
Yes, but if Russia bombed the UK our Polaris missiles would be fired off and Russia would have no way of knowing whether the UK or the US fired them. So they would have to hit the US as well. Personally, I think North Korea is a bigger risk to the world's survival.
Well its all very worrying that a bloke with the shakes has his finger on, or very near the button. Oh I'm sorry my finger slipped, is just not a good enough excuse.
Putin is preparing for a long war in Ukraine, the US is warning. For as long as he can fund it - sanctions take time. Putin is counting on the resolve of the US and of Ukraine's European allies to weaken over time. It won't - there is no stepping back - Putin will learn a harsh lesson.
Ukraine is on Eurovision tonight ... as is Portugal. Both are pipped to win. If Ukraine wins, how can they possibly host next year?
Do you know Vicky I said the exact same thing to my hubs!! There is no possible way they have the spare money in their coffers to spend on hosting a huge musical event. They have a country and lives to rebuild....a bit more important I would say.
Isn't there always. It's not a song competition anymore . I'm not sure what it is but politics comes into it more than music.