Discussion in 'Container Gardening' started by J.R.P., Jun 21, 2009.

  1. J.R.P.

    J.R.P. Gardener

    Feb 4, 2007
    Pro Gard are you telling me and everyone else that you have taken the time to look at all my 138 pages down my menu and all you can talk about is pallets, and all you can say is insults prove a lot about the credibility of my ideas in the real world, and at best they are pie in the sky.
    If you had taken the time to read what the benefits of my idea are you would read I was offering my growing system to the world for FREE to help feed people in the third world mainly and in a drought or flood situation as part of the UK world AID programme. So you saying to me that I'm wasting my time in trying to help people is an insult in its self. All I'm trying to do is tell people my water recycling system WORKS it's up to others if they use it or not, and I've tried to show people on my website too what more can one man do without help from others but if they are like you I've got no chance, so I guess I will be adding you to my list of NO HELPERS who I thought I would share my ideas with too. By the way your not alone I've just got a reply from [email protected] telling me they won't be able to help me publicies.
    May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John
  2. Paladin

    Paladin Gardening...A work of Heart

    May 13, 2005
    Retired but still grubbing the soil.
    Broadway UK
    Don't give up John!
    I can see you are a positive and determined bloke who actually cares.... Well done:)
  3. J.R.P.

    J.R.P. Gardener

    Feb 4, 2007
    Hi Mareley Farley and Paladin thank you very much for showing your support and to everyone else who as done the same. Just to let you know I've just put some more photos on to my website about the stage we are at on the Glyndon Estate before we have our Big street party there on the 4-7-2009. what I would like to see is my growing system used on all balconies with railings so people can grow things if they want to.
    May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John.
  4. water-garden

    water-garden Guest

    Insults are often used by people who have no argument.

    I Merely pointed out the following facts:

    Most of your pictures are not clear
    Most of the pictures that I saw have no descriptions so the viewer has to guess what it is they are supposed to be looking at.
    Now you say there are 138 pages to your website, quality is often better than quantity.
    You, can not see the wood for the trees.
  5. J.R.P.

    J.R.P. Gardener

    Feb 4, 2007
    (1) OK I'm not a Professional Photographer.
    (2) They are on the right hand side or below on my computer.
    (3) That's your opinion.
    (4) At least I CAN SEE the trees.
    I'm very sorry if you don't approve of what I'm doing.
    May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John
  6. water-garden

    water-garden Guest

    No need to be a pro photographer, you just don't publish poor quality pictures.
    (You don't suppose a baker never burns a loaf do you, he just does not let you see it)
    May be on yours, but not here.
    Yes and a lot of others
    You did not understand that one
  7. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    "but if they are like you I've got no chance, so I guess I will be adding you to my list of NO HELPERS who I thought I would share my ideas with too. By the way your not alone I've just got a reply from [email protected] telling me they won't be able to help me publicize."

    ** Please feel free, I'm more than happy to see my name added to the list the of the many who obviously share my opinion of the lack of clarity of your your web site and the overall failings of the general idea.**
  8. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    This is all starting to get a bit personal. Maybe everyone needs to move on and agree to disagree?
  9. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Perhaps if all these expert critics helped John produce a website that in their opinion hits the spot it would be more helpful,he is not claiming to be a web designer he is trying to help others.
  10. water-garden

    water-garden Guest

    Walnut, I did, but J.R.P. has not read it yet.

    But its pointless, since if you read the stuff he posted over 2 years ago, you will see he is ultimatly "flogging a dead horse"

    Perhaps there should be a new forum rule:

    Do not post the same post again, although this is a gardening website you do not need to re pot your posts.

    I say this because J.R.P. First posted the same stuff and the same advert (his own website) on the 4th February 2007
  11. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    JRP, I really commend you for what you are doing, and I appreciate that a lot of work has gone into your website, but please take some constructive criticism in the helpful spirit intended.

    I'm sure there is a lot of good content on the site, but it just doesn't grab my attention. The first link says 'Intro, there are 138 pages'. The menu is quite difficult to read, if somebody has less than perfect vision, and being flash movie based, it is going to be very slow to load for anyone who doesn't have a good broadband connection. There is nothing on the front page that tells me, as a first time unintroduced visitor, why I should have a good look.

    When developing a website, you should always aim for the lowest common denominator. If it is for general viewing for anyone, anywhere, then you need to consider that they may not have Flash installed, they may not even be able to view pictures. There are people using text only web browsers even these days (although very few). There are also people with less than perfect vision that may need the options to enlarge the text size, increase the colour contrast, or even use a speech synthesizer that reads the text out to them.

    There is an international committee (W3C) that has defined a set of accessibility guidelines, with the aim of making sure that web content is accessible to the widest possible group of viewers. It may be worth having a little look at their site:

    Web content itself is something that is of paramount importance. For us human readers, there needs to be some clear text that summarises what the web site is trying to tell us, in order that it grabs our attention from the outset. However we also need to consider automated readers, 'search engine spiders', ie programs that the likes of google and the other big names use to work out what a site is about so that it can index it and serve it up when someone searches for your subject.

    Best of luck.
  12. J.R.P.

    J.R.P. Gardener

    Feb 4, 2007
    All I was asking people to do is spread the word about something that works. I now say thank you for your time and good by. May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John.
  13. water-garden

    water-garden Guest

    Summary of J.R.P.
    He has treated the site like a blog

    He does it several more times. (I did not know gardeners corner was a sole blog site)

    He also does not read what is written, does not want to take constructive criticism.
    It was also J.R.P. who started with the insults when no offence was offered (Suggestions were offered)
    As the final example, clueless1 goes into detail of how to layout a good website, and J.R.P chooses to ignore it.

    And like I said, he is flogging a dead horse, he says he can not afford to copy right his idea (Which is a fair comment, but if you can't copy right something you think is of use, there seems to be no point continuing with it)

    I found this following reply to J.R.P. amusing

    I think the last word on this whole topic has to go to J.R.P.

  14. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    I 100% agree with You Water Garden.

    A lot of helpfull and polite advice has been given yet the response back from JRP has been extremly rude.
  15. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    I disagree with you both it's not for either of you to be judge and jury,polite my backside.

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