Violin; raw novice.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Retired, Aug 27, 2021.

  1. Logan

    Logan Total Gardener

    May 27, 2017
    redditch Worcester
    Hi Colin
    Yes that's what I thought about joining a band.
    Yes it was best to have your violin tuned properly and good to take it easy with the practice.
    When I start learning a new song I usually go back to it the next day and do a bit more.
    Enjoy your day
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Retired

      Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

      May 30, 2019
      West Yorkshire

      Thanks Logan. I imagine being a band member will not seem as nice once the honeymoon period has worn off and living in the back of a van travelling seldom at home starts to bite.

      Like you Logan I don't jump in and go mad trying to learn anything in fact I often go over and over the same thing many times before it sinks in because I'm not the sharpest tool in the kit; all I have is patience and determination but I've never failed learning new skills some very difficult like metal spinning and tig welding aluminium. It's never been easier than it now is to learn something new assuming there's access to a computer. When Bron and I married 45 years ago it was a case of making all the mistakes and learning from them; I joined "The Craftsman Book Society" where I agreed to buy at least one book per month but the books at huge discount so I ended up with lots of books covering a wide range of jobs. This reminds me I was going to look if a violin magazine is published?

      Thanks again; I'm unsure about enjoying my day because I've just come down our mountain after removing lots of lower branches from the trees I want to fell in a few months; I'm getting ready and there are five big trees in total; it was horrible using the bow saw with the strong wind blowing saw dust at me and at the moment it's 10C but the wind drops the temperature well below this also standing upright is always a challenge on the steep slope; I've dragged all the debris down to the hut area where there's now another pile awaiting shredding.

      The heavy work has never bothered me but our dire climate bothers me a great deal also our valley side location makes working in the gardens a great deal more difficult; I felt rather giddy when I came indoors after the buffetting I received but I'm having a magic mug of tea and scoffing some Moser Roth 85% cocoa dark chocolate which I think I've earned.

      Moser Roth 85% Cocoa Chocolate Bars 5x25g

      I'm intolerant of dairy products but to my delight I can enjoy dark chocolate without any side effects so I have one of these small bars every day; they come in packs of five at 25g each looking like a large bar but they are individually wrapped; I've got a stack of nine of these and at the moment and two full bars of 90% Lindt dark chocolate in my desk drawer. My treat at Christmas is usually 3 boxes of Black Magic chocolates spread over the Christmas and New Year; this chocolate doesn't appear to change my weight because I'm a 6' tall stick insect weighing just over ten stones; friends know of my dairy problem so look after me with dark chocolate/s which I force myself to accept. :biggrin::yes:

      I've come round and am now fully charged again so I'll put the heating on in the studio and enjoy a violin practice shortly.

      Have you any new songs in mind to learn Logan and if so good luck; I'm obssessed with Lara's Theme on the violin and won't be happy until I can play it well but this is going to take many months if not years; I can play Twinkle twinkle little star which our local moggies seem to like because when I start they turn up.

      Kind regards, Colin.
      • Creative Creative x 1
      • Logan

        Logan Total Gardener

        May 27, 2017
        redditch Worcester
        Hi Colin
        Yes you're right about living in a van and not very nice.

        It doesn't matter how long it takes to learn something as long as you enjoy it.
        It must be getting more difficult for you to do the tree felling now that you're getting older and the mountain that you have to go up.

        You having a dairy intolerance must keep you slim and that's good.

        I like dark chocolate it's got more flavour.

        Thanks,I haven't learned any new songs at the moment some time ago I've learned 2 George Michael songs which are challenging because he doesn't repeat the words a lot like most songs.
        They're called, Strangest thing and Older.

        Well done that you learned twinkle twinkle little star, it's very difficult to learn to play a musical instrument.
        The cats must like you playing.
        Have a good evening
        • Friendly Friendly x 1
        • Retired

          Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

          May 30, 2019
          West Yorkshire

          Thanks Logan. Yes every year the work seems to get harder; I notice it more just after winter and springtime arrives; not working outdoors during winter tends to make me less active so when I do start heavy work again it flattenens me for a few days; aches and pains though wear off after a few days and I find plenty of mugs of tea help a great deal; Bron's excellent at supplying these.

          I've taken down another small tree and did the shredding of the brash yesterday morning in the bitterly cold breeze; I thought it would be easy but there was more to shred than I thought.

          Tree work. 2022 _0002.JPG
          Here's a picture of the trees I want to take down these to the left the conifer to the right can remain; two of them must be over 50' tall; I'd considered felling them today but the wind wouldn't let me do it.

          Tree work. 2022 _0003.JPG
          The remaining sections of the storm damaged willow tree; this will be the most dangerous because it's a "Crack willow" which is a widow maker; it could split as the chainsaw bites and I'll be on red alert until it's safely down; I'm employing a gardening friend to assist with this and I'll securely bind each trunk to prevent them opening up.
          Tree work. 2022 _0004.JPG
          From further down the garden; I need a calm day to fell these because they are evergreens apart from the silver birch and will act like sails in a breeze; I can take these down working on my own without problems. Sorry about picture quality but I live in Yorkshire.

          I played a violin practice session yesterday afternoon but it was very poor indeed; after all the shredding I was too tense and being tense transfers to the violin but I feel any practicing to be useful so nothing lost; I've just enjoyed a violin practice and this time enjoyed it because I'm a lot more relaxed.

          I posted on the music forum asking for advice regarding violin magazines and yesterday paid a years subscription to "The Strad" costing £69.95 for 12 issues with free delivery so I've something to look forward to; this violin hobby isn't cheap but Bron spoils me rotten;

          Also on the music forum a member suggested this book;

          Gone by Min Kym review – one prodigy’s passion for her violin

          It's an heartbreaking story but I believe with an happy ending; something cheap for a change; used it only cost £3.56 through eBay and there are plenty on sale.

          Well done Logan learning the two George Michael songs; Bron and I play his " Careless whisper" many times; it's on my playlist; I'll have a look at the songs you kindly mention;

          Here's a truly wonderful song; normally I dislike jazz but this is exceptional;

          Good luck with your song learning Logan. :smile:

          It's nice to have a bit of spare time to ramble on a bit.

          Kind regards, Colin.
          • Like Like x 1
          • Logan

            Logan Total Gardener

            May 27, 2017
            redditch Worcester
            Hi Colin
            Those trees look like hard work and it's good that you're going to get someone to help you with the one.

            Yes I can understand how the body aches after the winter.

            Thanks about me learning to sing the George Michael songs.
            I know nearly all the carpenters songs and I go over them a lot just to remember the words. I've made a lot of playlists of them with the title of their albums. Especially ( Horizon, voice of the heart and made in America.

            It's good to practice your violin even when it doesn't turn out well.
            It's nice to spoil each other sometimes.
            Have a good evening
            • Friendly Friendly x 1
            • Retired

              Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

              May 30, 2019
              West Yorkshire

              Thanks for your good wishes Logan.

              You've done very well indeed to memorize The Carpenters songs which must have taken fierce concentration and as you say you still need to keep going over them. I too learn something then keep going over and over; I've just enjoyed a short violin practice once again going over and over Twinkle twinkle little star and the first two lines of Somewere my love. When I first started both these were extremely difficult; Twinkle is much easier now but I can't quite play Somewere my love the way I'd like to play it; I'm still hampered by bad cold weather making everything dismal and gloomy; I've got to heat up the studio before I go in but it takes a while and by the time I get in it's not as enjoyable as it should be but I'm sticking with it trying to practice at least once per day even if only for half an hour.

              I'll feel easier once the weather warms up and I can relax but as soon as the bit of warm weather arrives I'm forever busy outside on jobs such as the planned tree felling. I don't think soloist violin players indulge much in digging up huge tree stumps or felling trees plus other heavy work but I have to do this in order to maintain property and gardens; I'm not complaining because it's the way my life is and I'd rather be too busy than bored.

              "On top of the world" by The Carpenters always reminds me of the time I was glass fiber laminator it was played a lot on the works radio and I liked it from first hearing it; sad though how Karen died as are such deaths.

              Andre' Rieu is about to start on TV so I'll settle down to some proper entertainment which is so rare these days on normal TV.

              Wishing you a lovely day Logan.

              Kind regards, Colin.
            • Logan

              Logan Total Gardener

              May 27, 2017
              redditch Worcester
              Hi Colin and thanks for the kind wishes
              You are doing well with your violin practice, some songs and music can take longer to learn.
              It's a shame that you haven't got a lot of time to practice but those garden jobs won't always be there. Heating can be a bit of a worry at the moment, we have gas central heating and that's going up a lot for a few years.
              Yes it's a shame about Karen Carpenter and Richard wrote Top of The World when they were exactly at the top.
              Enjoy your evening
              • Friendly Friendly x 1
              • Retired

                Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                May 30, 2019
                West Yorkshire

                Thanks Logan. These gardening jobs seem to be never ending; in a few weeks we'll be back to grass cutting and trimming hedges again; over the years I've removed lots of big trees but we still have plenty left.

                All our bills are going up and with more price rises yet to come; energy bills will be a major concern to those already struggling on a low budget.

                I did the three supermarket shopping very early this morning; back home after a mug of tea I was out moving heavy logs from our mountain of a rear garden all the way down to the driveway where they are to be collected.

                I'd felled five tall trees and logged them but the remaining Willow tree was more of a concern and I'd arranged for a friend to visit to give me an hand; my friend has suddenly disappeared so I hope he's well; I've sent three emails but without reply so I don't know what's happened.

                Yesterday was another extremely hard day; the willow tree is now safely down; I did the job on my own with Bron supplying welcome mugs of tea. The two heavy trunks were over 50' tall; I tackled the easiest first this the more upright of the two; I worked out how to do it safely on my own; we've got quite a few trees remaining and stumps from the newly felled trees; the garden is very steep making it dangerous; just standing upright is challenging. I worked out if I secured an heavy duty rope to the big stump higher up the garden along the fence line then knowing where I wanted the tree to fall I added masking tape at this length then climbed the tree until the masking tape touched and secured the rope at this point to the trunk; this prevents the tree falling downhill; next I secured a heavy rope to the oak tree down the garden and willow trunk so now the tree couldn't fall uphill; climbing high up the willow I secured a third heavy rope but this time secured the other end across the garden to a conifer so now I had three supporting ropes with the middle rope for pulling; the only way this tree could fall was into our garden.

                I cut the wedge and the back cut using one of my 20" petrol chainsaws taking care not to cut right through then I gave the rope a hefty tug but without success so I cut deeper and after two attemps at cutting and pulling I was heading up the garden at speed as the willow crashed down exactly as planned; measuring the rope worked a treat.

                Now for the really badly leaning trunk; once again I set up the three ropes and did the chainsaw cuts but this time being a ten stone weakling built like a stick insect I simply wasn't strong enough to pull the weight of the tree against the opposite lean; now I was in a very poor postion; on my own with this heavy trunk leaning into the neighours garden and cut with the chainsaw ready for felling; to add to the problem the wind was increasing.

                At the right side of panic I set up my 2,500Lb winch with it's wire rope and now winched the trunk to vertical; now I gave a huge tug on the rope and over came the tree; as I tried to run up the steep slope I couldn't get a foothold but I was sure I was at a safe distance; just the tips of the top branches kissed my back as the tree landed; the measured rope proved a good idea controlling exactly were the trees fell hence I knew I could be safely out of the way.

                Most of the heavy logs are now awaiting collection but still a few more to do when I start shredding the brash and lowering the stumps to ground level but what a big job this has been. I'm so used to working on my own and this is the first time I've asked for help which a price had been agreed only to do as I usually do and sort it out myself; Bron and I are concerned about our friend; he's not responded to three emails; normally he sends a short reply or text and often phones us; it's a mystery but all the heavy work is now done.

                27 Feb 2022_0009.JPG
                One part of the willow safely down.

                27 Feb 2022_0011.JPG
                The second part of the willow down and now the fence line is clear of trees.
                27 Feb 2022_0016.JPG
                Big pile of brash awaiting shredding.
                27 Feb 2022_0017.JPG
                Some of the logs; it's amazing how heavy even this size of logs are and working on the steep slope carrying these can't be classed as fun.
                27 Feb 2022_0018.JPG
                The remaining stumps of the willow which caused me so much grief.
                27 Feb 2022_0020.JPG
                The only part of our site which is level; the rear of the bungalow; here's another barrow load of logs carried down the garden and steps.
                27 Feb 2022_0021.JPG
                The fence line now clear of trees but what a job it's been.
                28 Feb 2022_0001.JPG
                Heavy logs buried with lighter logs now waiting for collection; more logs yet to do.

                Kind regards, Colin.
                • Like Like x 1
                • Logan

                  Logan Total Gardener

                  May 27, 2017
                  redditch Worcester
                  Hi Colin
                  You have been busy and glad that you thought it through well, hope that your friend is ok.
                  You should get a lot more sun now those are down.
                  I collected my reading glasses last Saturday and everything is a lot clearer, didn't realize until afterwards.
                  I've been doing a bit of rearranging in the back garden, digging up some gooseberries that haven't fruited and planting blackcurrants in stead.
                  Going to plant some flowers as well.
                  • Friendly Friendly x 1
                  • Retired

                    Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                    May 30, 2019
                    West Yorkshire

                    Thanks Logan. Not receiving replies to my three emails I phoned our friend and he told me he was off work ill which I was sorry to hear about but he had phoned all his gardening customers to let them know he couldn't do their gardens until he was back at work but yet it took three emails and finally a phone call for me to receive a reply from him?

                    3 March 2022_0001.JPG
                    Work around our bungalow doesn't seem to get any lighter; here's the lumps of the tree trunks I've now lowered to just above ground level ready for collection.
                    3 March 2022_0003.JPG
                    This work is a bit different to doing a bit of weeding; this wood sure is heavy.
                    3 March 2022_0004.JPG
                    Stumps lowered and shredded mulch being spread.
                    3 March 2022_0005.JPG
                    Two of my toys the Timberwolf has seen lots of service over the years but more recently I bought the Hyundai so both have been used during this recent job; both are 20" bar types.

                    3 March 2022_0006.JPG
                    My trusty shredder which has done a great deal of shredding meaning I end up with lots of mulch rather than many trips to the tip.
                    3 March 2022_0008.JPG
                    We've still got lots of big trees; I'm considering removing about 30' from the top of the conifers but in better weather conditions.

                    The last load of logs has just been collected and after I sweep the pathway I can think about playing with my violins which I haven't touched for a week.

                    You'll be pleased to get back to normal with your eyesight Logan; the wait's been well worth it and it will have given your life back to you. Did your gooseberry bushes attack you because they aren't friendly; good luck with the blackcurrants. It's a good time to get the flowers in ready for the blooming season.

                    I'm looking forward to seeing the wildflower meadow in bloom once again; it was destroyed by our dire weather last year. I was so upset at seeing the meadow in such a flattened condition I strimmed then rotavated it; I then broadcast new wildflower seeds ready for this springtime but these started to grow so I strimmed them; I wonder what will happen this springtime; I've also sold my petrol rotavator; I'm becoming fed up of all this hard graft; I've been retired 21 years and am struggling to get time to play my violins; time I backed off and find out what retirement should be like?

                    Kind regards, Colin.
                    • Like Like x 1
                    • Friendly Friendly x 1
                    • Logan

                      Logan Total Gardener

                      May 27, 2017
                      redditch Worcester
                      Hi Colin
                      That's strange about your friend not contacting you but hope that he gets better soon.
                      Yes logs don't look heavy until you try to lift them.

                      Your toys look great and my brother used to have a chainsaw once, he used to have his own landscaping business but had to give it up because of his back.

                      thanks about my eyesight and yes it's great to be able to see things, but people look a lot different now.
                      Also about my blackcurrants, they should do better.

                      I hope that you can play your violin soon.

                      That's a shame about your meadow last year and when you sowed the next one, if you had perennial seed in with the mix they should come up. It's difficult to know what to grow so there's not a lot of work, could have shrubs but then they need trimming every so often.
                      Been learning this song, what is my life

                      Take care
                      • Friendly Friendly x 1
                        Last edited: Mar 5, 2022
                      • Retired

                        Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                        May 30, 2019
                        West Yorkshire

                        Thanks Logan. It's been difficult felling the trees and getting rid of them; working on the steep slope and the bad weather added to the problems; I had to ensure the logs I cut were facing across the garden otherwise they would be heading to the valley bottom at speed. Eight trees in about five days has been hard graft but worth it; another big job out of the way and these trees will no longer be a worry during high wind; I'll miss the catkins though from the willow tree. It's strange how highly visible I am when someone needs help but I'm invisible when I need help.

                        Our gardening friend is a one man band working on his own out in all weather; now aged 50 he's getting too old for this daily work but he's not trained for anything else; he doesn't receive sick or holiday pay and he doesn't pay into a private pension so now he's in a bit of a dilemma; from getting married in 1976 Bron and I planned for pension age investing in our private pension rather than having holidays; our holidays have always been spent at home improving our lifestyle year on year; whilst everyone we know was away on holiday we worked on our home and by doing this we not only learned many skills I was in a position where I could fully retire 21 years ago. Years ago I was talking to two former neighbours Terry & Mike both trying to outbrag each other as to holdays and cars; Terry said he was going to retire when he reached 50 but when he moved a few years ago aged 70 he was still working; things aren't what they always seem to be; so many live for today without a worry for tomorrow but tomorrow arrives surprisingly quickly.

                        You'll be able to see everyone's wrinkles now Logan. :roflol:

                        Once your blackcurrants get their feet into the ground they should do well; we've got a single blackcurrant bush in our front garden; it was here when we moved in 35 years ago but its never had fruit on it although it's the first to show new growth each year; good luck with yours.

                        I finally played my violin yesterday and Bron says I'm getting better; I've been too tired to play the violin during all the tree felling; the studio is cold so I'll turn the heating up today and enjoy another violin practice; I can play the first two lines of "Somewhere my love" so time now to learn the next two lines then join them up; it's my ambition to play this tune on a violin I make myself but whilst the weather is still bad at least I can learn how to play the tune on the violins I have.

                        How strange; I've never heard George Harrison's song "What is life" good luck with it Logan. The Beatles were excellent in their early years but seemed to lose the plot once they got into Yellow submarine phase; I was brought up in the sixties and in those long ago days there were many top class groups around also soloists of course; modern songs mostly are just a noise to us but then we're "square".

                        I'm unsure if I posted shuffle dances; I came across them a few months ago and we watch a lot of them because they are cheeful. We also like "Flashmob" videos.

                        I'm looking forward to warmer weather and was delighted early this morning whilst heading to the supermarket to see blossom on the trees at last; springtime has arrived; whooppee.

                        Have a great day Logan and watch out for frostbite.

                        Kind regards, Colin.
                        • Like Like x 1
                        • Logan

                          Logan Total Gardener

                          May 27, 2017
                          redditch Worcester
                          Hi Colin
                          Good that those trees are out the way
                          yes it's not easy for your friend working for himself.

                          Thanks about my blackcurrants, I have already got some and they're more reliable in fruiting.

                          Hubby has a private pension that will become mature soon that he can get.

                          I will get a state pension which won't be a full one because I didn't work enough bringing up a family.

                          That's great about your playing and keep it up that's the right way of learning it.

                          I wasn't interested in the Beatles when they were together but after I was, but thanks about my learning to sing that song.

                          I'm not sure if posted that video before.

                          Yes spring is here and the days are getting a lot longer.

                          Thanks about my eyesight, yes I can see all the wrinkles and on me, but that's how it goes.
                          Thanks and you have a good day too.
                          Take care
                          • Friendly Friendly x 1
                          • Retired

                            Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                            May 30, 2019
                            West Yorkshire

                            Thanks for your interesting reply and for your good wishes Logan.

                            Your combined pensions should make a difference to your lifestyle; Bron and I are on state pension both having paid in fully also we have private pensions so we're actually much better off than when we were working and we no longer have outstanding debts like a mortgage; we paid the mortgage off in full immediately I retired. The only problem in retirement is lack of time; I've been retired 21 years and am still struggling to do what I want to do rather than what I have to do.

                            I've done very little violin practicing over the last couple of weeks due to my lumberjacking activities which I'm still on with; eight big trees taken down in five days now I'm working flat out taking down another seven but with only three left to fell; 15 trees in total it's been incredibly hard work on the steep often wet and windy slope also the breeze/wind is perishingly cold but I'll stick with it until I've done what I set out to do. I was out shredding very early this morning in 5C with a strong bitterly cold breeze hitting me I ended up putting my jacket hood over my head which helped a lot.

                            Bron and I were brought up with groups like The Beatles in the sixties but many of The Beatles songs we find very poor indeed; the sixties though were a great time in general.

                            A few wrinkles add character; I much prefer wrinkles to tattoos and body piercing which is the norm these days but then most people are like sheep. I'm sure if we had a pile of manure dumped on our front room carpet and said it was the "in thing" others would follow.

                            Having now caught up with the shredding I can move onto felling the last three trees these very tall indeed and I was out doing a bit of measuring at dinnertime;

                            I think I've finally got a bit of luck if this method of measuring tree height works; the remaining three trees should just have enough space to drop into our garden so fingers crossed; I hope I don't end up wearing a tree.

                            12 March 2022_0005.JPG
                            Working in the bitterly cold breeze on our valley side I removed all the lower branches I could reach with the loppers creating another big pile of brash to shred.
                            12 March 2022_0009.JPG

                            I aimed for the top corner and it being so windy I allowed for this but as I pulled the tree over the wind dropped which is typical of my luck; I was delighted though to land the tree where wanted; had it come down straight up the garden it would have dropped onto the adjacent lane where it would have been highly dangerous; I take a great deal of care regarding safety. The picture doesn't show how steep the garden is but I have real difficulty standing upright meaning judging the cut is difficult as seen by the lower back cut which I raised before actually felling; I have to put my boot on the chainsaw in order to fire it up because of the difficulty in starting it; the chainsaw is an Hyundai 20" and takes some pulling against it's compression.

                            I'll be glad to see the back of this heavy work then perhaps I can think about violin practice.

                            I hope your day is going well Logan.

                            Kind regards, Colin.
                            • Like Like x 1
                            • Logan

                              Logan Total Gardener

                              May 27, 2017
                              redditch Worcester
                              Hi Colin

                              Thanks for the kind remarks about our pensions.
                              Yes we paid off our mortgage when hubby's mom passed away and her house was sold and split between his sister and himself.

                              You've done well with those trees and you were lucky with that one tree, soon you'll be finished and be able to play your violin.

                              Really I was too young to notice the Beatles and anything else, I just heard what my brothers were playing.
                              The start of the 70s was when I took an interest in music. But I remember my dad used to like Shirley Bassey and see her on TV.

                              Yes it's good to be able to see properly, no matter what I can see now. I've always had to wear glasses and it's took a while to get used to only having reading glasses.

                              Take care
                              • Friendly Friendly x 1

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