Well .... my 'ghast' is absolutely 'flabbered'!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Daisies, Dec 3, 2007.

  1. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Good to hear from you all taking no stick from stores. i haven't used Amazon, but have heard nothing but good about them.

    Talking about kicking up a fuss, i heard a while ago from my ex. He had bought a fridge/freezer from Currys and it went faulty after a couple of weeks or so. he went to the shop 7 got fobbed off. so at the weekend he went outside the shop with the faulty fridge and a big notice that basically slagged off the shop. the manager tried to tell him to move but he wouldn't (you don't want to get in an argument with him), the police were called & everything. anyway, in the end he got a replacement. Probably better than the first one but htat's not the point.

    like some of you, why do you have to go through loads of ****, time & money to get things fixed? it's not right.

    John, how did i know you took them to court [​IMG] Good on you.

    nice to get some reliable info about stores on here.

  2. dancing queen

    dancing queen Gardener

    Mar 25, 2007
    i purchased a clock radio in August from argos , it went wrong last week (could`nt find the receipt) i took it back to Argos and the young man who served me was adament he could do nothing without the receipt or proof of purchase .So i asked to speak to the manager , i said surely you can find out if one was purchased in August on you computer system (i paid cash) she was only gone seconds , she came back and said she would replace it this time. the young man was not a happy bunny , but i had my clock replaced , i would`nt have gone back if it was out of warranty
  3. Sarraceniac

    Sarraceniac Gardener

    Aug 6, 2007
    We have a small computer store in Scarborough (in my opinion the only one who knows what they are doing - 1 owner, 1 full time, 1 part time lad). If you ask them a question and they don't know the answer they admit it and ask you to call back - and they find out for you. If something goes wrong and you can't find the receipt, no problem. The owner says that things change so quickly they know when it was sold to within a month. There are still shops where you can get service. Guess who I spend my pocket money with?

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