What cuttings have the GC members taken for overwintering 2017

Discussion in 'What To Do This Month' started by BeeHappy, Sep 27, 2017.

  1. BeeHappy

    BeeHappy Total Gardener

    Feb 19, 2016
    Mother Nature's Garden Apprentice
    Happy in the Garden of W' Eden ;)
    @Kandy :dbgrtmb: Excellent and even better as they are homegrown from the onset - I've never sown HC usually just leaving them to self-sow - but thanks to your fab info i shall be looking to save seeds next time :thumbsup:
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    • BeeHappy

      BeeHappy Total Gardener

      Feb 19, 2016
      Mother Nature's Garden Apprentice
      Happy in the Garden of W' Eden ;)
      Meant say more Salvia "Blue Angel" cuttings taken - I LUV this plant so could never have too many of them...also more Salvia "Amistad" cuttings taken -another IMHO you can't have too many of :)
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      • Kandy

        Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

        Apr 23, 2006
        Head gardener
        In the Middle Of Blighty
        7491C67B-06CC-4511-86B0-E0E1725BBEEF.jpeg 93E7FD2A-F356-4027-8EAF-AC5129B41ABD.jpeg 06F77C04-0BAD-4436-81F6-DEC8ED252F58.jpeg 17F9FD50-2A00-4B01-BB8B-B2B490271A6E.jpeg @BeeHappy i never had any success with HC when I left them to their own devices,never saw any seedlings so I got down on my hands and knees when the seed pods started to open,cut off the pods and sowed them as I have said.I have never looked back since:biggrin:

        These are some of my plants although with the crowded leaves I think I might have to repot them soon as they might not flower if they are too crowded.The photo with the self set seedlings in,as you can see on the left there is a little corm showing and that is what they look like after they have grown for around six months.Amazing how that little seed can turn itself into a round corm.It must be filled with water that it takes up in its roots as the seeds I sow are not round:biggrin:

        I do so like the different patterns and shapes that you get on the leaves as well:biggrin:
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        • BeeHappy

          BeeHappy Total Gardener

          Feb 19, 2016
          Mother Nature's Garden Apprentice
          Happy in the Garden of W' Eden ;)
          @Kandy LOL don't larrf plez :huh: ...but when i looked at that little round thing ...at first glance i thought it was a slug egg :eeew: :doh: :heehee:
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          • BeeHappy

            BeeHappy Total Gardener

            Feb 19, 2016
            Mother Nature's Garden Apprentice
            Happy in the Garden of W' Eden ;)
            I do so like the different patterns and shapes that you get on the leaves as well:biggrin:
            @Kandy yes i do agree :) - they are soooo pretty :wub2:... If you were nearby i would try and buy the lot off you :heehee:

            But I'll have to settle myself with checking my potted HC's and :fingers crossed: ive got some seedlings in them- thanks to you i now know what im looking for ...:uh-oh: i hate to think how many over the years i may have despatched thinking they were slug eggs :scratch:
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              Last edited: Oct 26, 2017
            • "M"

              "M" Total Gardener

              Aug 11, 2012
              The Garden of England
              Slug eggs


              Hardy Cyclamen Seeds


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              • BeeHappy

                BeeHappy Total Gardener

                Feb 19, 2016
                Mother Nature's Garden Apprentice
                Happy in the Garden of W' Eden ;)
                :goodpost:@"M" LOL :lunapic 130165696578242 5::lunapic 130165696578242 5::lunapic 130165696578242 5: :ThankYou: my friend :lunapic 130165696578242 5::lunapic 130165696578242 5::lunapic 130165696578242 5: soooo kind :rofllol:
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                • Kandy

                  Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                  Apr 23, 2006
                  Head gardener
                  In the Middle Of Blighty
                  @BeeHappy if you look at the photo of mine with the small corm especially the one to the right in the photo you should see a tiny leaf attached to it,and as you can see in the photo that “M” has put up the slug eggs will be in a cluster and not singly.:smile:

                  If you look at the photo that “M” has put up you can see the nobbly seeds inside the capsule that has opened and then eventually the others will follow. They say that ants like the sticky seeds and they carry them off and are supposed to distribute the seeds but I have never found any corms round my garden other than what I have planted.:biggrin:

                  When we go down to Somerset in September we see quiet a few plants in flower in peoples gardens and grass verges so I am thinking of planting some of mine in our grass verges but haven’t decided yet whether to or not:biggrin:

                  Also if you do get some seed from your plants make sure you sow it fresh because if you leave them too long they will go into a dormancy stage and can be a long time (up to a year) before they germinate:sad:

                  I am also growing seeds of Fritillaria Melagris,some of my trays are on year two next spring and have this afternoon open sownonto patches of compost in my borders cowslip seeds that I have collected from my plants this summer.They need a period of cold so as we are going to have frosts thought now is a good time and also they have to be sown on the surface as they need light to germinate:smile:

                  I think I must have the gardening bug:biggrin:
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                  • longk

                    longk Total Gardener

                    Nov 24, 2011
                    I don't go mad with cuttings in the autumn as it's just more to overwinter. But I have done;
                    • A few of the more choice Salvia
                    • Salvia elegans root runners from the one that is planted out
                    • Tender Tradescantia and close relatives
                    • Lily scales
                    • Impatiens niamniamensis
                    • Kalanchoe leaf cuttings
                    • Various hardy succulent leaf cuttings
                    • Layered Salvia glutinosa
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                    • BeeHappy

                      BeeHappy Total Gardener

                      Feb 19, 2016
                      Mother Nature's Garden Apprentice
                      Happy in the Garden of W' Eden ;)
                      @Kandy Thank you again for your info :imphrt:...I think it was because the photo showed a clear round thing ...thats what made me think slug egg not with the leaf attached - i have seen them with the leaf attached so, i was familiar with that but they haven't been clear -maybe they were more mature when i saw them as seedlings if i had seen them clear i wouldn't have thought of them as HC baby corms ..:scratch: if that makes sense - but now i know this is how they start out ;)- Natures amazing isn't it ...i too have been successful with Cowslip and Oxslip collected seed ...i needed lots for my wildflower bank ....so germinated a lot of them ...i LUV them they herald the joy of Spring to me ....not tried Frits as they usually self-sow for me too thankfully ...... and im very fortunate to have a fab nursery friend who grows them so well ....and at a fantastic price (well for me) ...but i make sure she's treated to a lovely day out and meal ...she never gets away otherwise:spinning: Like us Kandy shes got the GBug pretty bad :heehee:
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                      • BeeHappy

                        BeeHappy Total Gardener

                        Feb 19, 2016
                        Mother Nature's Garden Apprentice
                        Happy in the Garden of W' Eden ;)
                        @Kandy ME again :doh: i did mean to ask do you leave them the HC seedheads that is on the plant to open ......or can you take them off just before they open and finish drying them off in a paper bag :what: The reason i ask is that lots of my seedheads never come to dry off naturally due to the high rainfall....so thats why i tend to leave things seed of their own vocation in the hope of success...With the Cowslips, Oxslips, and Primroses its easier because they take a long time to dry of and by then it's usually a dry period for me here (June ish ) so I can collect seed directly off the plants. Im gonna be fixated on my HC's now :huh: gawping at them all the time :help:...now see whatcha done :heehee:
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                        • Kandy

                          Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                          Apr 23, 2006
                          Head gardener
                          In the Middle Of Blighty
                          Hi @BeeHappy i usually leave the seed pod until it has started to split open unless the actual seed stem has withered through it say being broken off from the corm then I have no choice but by that time the seed is usually the orangey brown colour so is ripe.I assume that as they are growing inside the pod then they start off a green colour then they grow and change colour when ripe.:smile:

                          As I live in a fairly dry part of the country then haven’t seen what happens to the seed pods with continually wet conditions like you have.Perhaps now is the time to move to drier climes:biggrin:

                          You have to be careful with trying to ripen off the seeds inside a paper bag because if they get too dry they will go into dormancy that is why I sow mine the day I collect the seeds if possible:smile:

                          What part of the country do you hail from or is that top secret?
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                          • BeeHappy

                            BeeHappy Total Gardener

                            Feb 19, 2016
                            Mother Nature's Garden Apprentice
                            Happy in the Garden of W' Eden ;)
                            images (15).jpg Dry parts of .....

                            Wales ....

                            :nonofinger: NO cant think of any


                            OMG from

                            me homeland

                            [​IMG] @Kandy NEVER!!!!

                            I is WELSH tru n tru ........I's got Welsh right tru me center

                            like a stick of Rock :heehee:
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                            • Kandy

                              Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                              Apr 23, 2006
                              Head gardener
                              In the Middle Of Blighty
                              @BeeHappy so sorry to insult you,I never thought of you being a Welsh person more of say a Cornish person:biggrin: (Not quiet sure of your gender though:scratch:)

                              I/We love Wales although at times when going away we have either headed up to the Lake District or Scotland but this year we headed to Snowdonia (Porthmadog) and even had a day on Anglesey.We also stayed at Ceredigion a few years back and when we stayed at St David’s we visited the Cathedral there.:smile:

                              I also follow a couple of ladies blogs from Wales so love seeing their land and what they grow in their polytunnels and gardens:biggrin:

                              I often look at the houses in Wales with all that lovely land but like Scotland and the Lake District If there is too much of the wet stuff it plays havoc with my Arthritis :sad:
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                              • "M"

                                "M" Total Gardener

                                Aug 11, 2012
                                The Garden of England
                                I'm hopeless at sexing bees too! :thumbsup:
                                • Funny Funny x 2

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