What did you have for dinner?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by al n, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. Logan

    Logan Total Gardener

    May 27, 2017
    redditch Worcester
    Today we had chicken breast coated in breadcrumbs with garlic in. Oven chips and baked beans.:imphrt:
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    • Kandy

      Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

      Apr 23, 2006
      Head gardener
      In the Middle Of Blighty
      EABE2C77-C466-4B71-A61A-5271A3313C50.jpeg @shiney The foreign muck bit wasn’t supposed to be derogatory but it was/is a saying from many years ago about eating such foods but I think people are a bit more excepting of such foods these days although they don’t tend to agree with my tum.If I eat anything slightly not right when out for a meal then I pay for it a few hours later.I have been like it since I was a youngster that is why I tend to stick to foods I know my tum can tolerate but even then I sometimes get it wrong:biggrin: I had read some of your article about fish and chips ages ago when I was researching to educate myself the origins of where fish and chips come from:blue thumb:

      Also learnt years ago that the Indians invented bungalows as were living in one at the time and I wanted to know where they first originated from so learnt something there.I do so love computers as a learning device:love30:

      Mr Kandy on the other hand loves all sorts of foods apart from Italian food as like me he isn’t keen on pasta.Problem is though he ends up with a dodgy tum if he eats certain meals but it doesn’t put him off of them:snorky:

      Had this for brekkie this morning and two hours later my sugar levels are 5.7:yay: (Sorry haven’t had din dins yet:biggrin:)
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        Last edited: Aug 30, 2018
      • shiney

        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

        Jul 3, 2006
        Retired - Last Century!!!
        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
        Off topic

        Lots of our words come from the Indian languages.

        Bungalow is interesting as it's said to be from Hindi but originates from Bangladeshi. Bangladesh (as the country it is now) didn't exist in the original days of the bungalow but was East Bengal. The word was bangla meaning a house in the Bengali style. It's used in both Hindi and Bengali.

        Lots of other words in common use such as:-
        Blighty - Urdu
        Pukka (much loved by Jamie Oliver) - Hindi
        Veranda - Hindi
        Loot - Hindi and Sanskrit
        Pyjamas - Hindi and Urdu
        Dinghy - Hindi
        Shampoo - Hindi and Sanskrit

        And loads of others.
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        • Kandy

          Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

          Apr 23, 2006
          Head gardener
          In the Middle Of Blighty
          04433290-95A9-4806-BCF4-923916AC79AD.jpeg Just about to have din dins as I am a little bit hungry:biggrin:.Sadly the only home grown veggies on my plate is the onion and the salmon although out of a tin helps my VitaminD3 levels:snorky:

          So I should be right at home if ever I visit India Shiney as I will know what they are all talking about.Mind you the crowds would put me off as I hate being squashed by masses of people:rolleyespink:

          Completely forgot what time I had finished my dinner think it was 12.30pm.Anyway just tested and the results are 5.8 so hadn’t overloaded on the carbs with that plateful:biggrin:
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            Last edited: Aug 30, 2018
          • Fat Controller

            Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

            May 5, 2012
            Public Transport
            At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
            Thought I should update this, sorry I haven't so far. The brisket was absolutely gorgeous, particularly as it is a cheap cut.

            Chicken pot pie - stunningly good! I will post the recipe shortly.

            Potato surprise, was OK, but not the success that I hoped it would be (trying to encourage a teenager to eat a bit more!); it consisted of a few small boiled potatoes, apple, sultanas, cashew nuts in a light coating of salad cream which was slightly sweetened using some icing sugar.

            Coated chicken and chips, well that is what it is really - quick, shop bought and just OK.

            Friday, we had fish and chips from a local chippie (they actually delivered it!) as we had been at hospital and travelling all day, and very nice it was too.

            Saturday - busy day (carpets being cleaned etc), so salad as it was easy

            Sunday - roast pork loin (bloomin' lovely, and again it was a cheap joint), with some dauphinoise potatoes

            Monday - We had forgotten to take something out of the freezer for dinner, so got a bit creative. We chopped a cauliflower into florets, a few carrots into small slices, some potatoes into chunks, added some frozen peas and some frozen sweetcorn; meanwhile, we walloped a couple of onions, a couple of bay leaves and some cloves into milk to infuse, made a roué and made a bechamel type sauce, adding a fair bit of black pepper - then, that went over the veg and it was topped with grated cheese and baked in the oven for 25 mins. We served it with a Fray Bentos pie (winter emergency stock), and better still we were able to freeze two portions (not baked of course) for future use - really nice and hearty.

            Tuesday - Barbecue chicken legs/thighs with salad

            Wednesday - Can't remember :redface:

            Yesterday - Tom Kerridge's real baked beans. Utter disaster, and we have loads of it left which is currently frozen. The recipe has red wine vinegar in it, and despite following it to the letter, it was overpowered by the vinegar, whilst also having an overly sweet taste to it. So disappointing as we were really looking forward to it. The only thing I can think to do with the frozen portions is to use them as a small part of something like a sausage casserole, and sort of dilute it in the casserole sauce.

            Tonight we have an el-cheapo chicken which we plan to cut into portions before dusting lightly in seasoned flour and then deep frying, served with chips (bit of a treat!); the bits of the chicken that are not used as portions, we are going to use as a base for stock for soup (probably roasted butternut squash for tomorrow)
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            • Fat Controller

              Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

              May 5, 2012
              Public Transport
              At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
              For clarity, this recipe is slightly adapted from a Sunday Brunch recipe. The salt and pepper amounts seem to be a hell of a lot, but the pepper is definitely correct - you might want to balance the salt against the chicken stock you are using.

              Chicken Pot Pie

              Serves 4

              250g cubed spuds, blanched
              5g crushed garlic
              150g sliced/diced carrot
              125g butter
              100g diced onion
              65g flour
              5gr salt
              5g fresh thyme
              5g fresh sage (or tarragon)
              10g fresh parsley
              5g cracked black pepper
              350ml strong chicken stock (you might need to add more of this to thin the sauce a bit if desired)
              165ml milk
              350g cubed chicken
              75g peas
              50g sweet corn
              Puff pastry sheet to top the pie
              egg wash

              1. Gently fry onion and garlic in butter for 5 minutes.
              2. Add the flour and cook 3 minutes.
              3. Gradually stir in stock to make a smooth sauce.
              4. Add the milk and bring to boil. Cook for 3 minutes.
              5. Add everything in, stir, take off heat and cool completely.
              6. Spoon into pie dish
              7. Pastry brush egg wash on the side of pie dish, put the pastry lid on, pressing on the sides to stick.
              8. Brush with egg wash and bake at 200C for about 25 minutes or until pastry is crisp and golden.
              9. Serve with green beans (and mash if you wish)
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              • shiney

                shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                Jul 3, 2006
                Retired - Last Century!!!
                Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                Not all of it's crowded :blue thumb:. Took these earlier this year.

                Taxi rank

                Your carriage awaits! :snorky:
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                • Kandy

                  Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                  Apr 23, 2006
                  Head gardener
                  In the Middle Of Blighty
                  @shiney Thats crowded:snorky:

                  I remember of one of your threads you showed us a market area and all the locals had about four people on each moped and the place was packed:yikes: I think this is one reason why we don’t go for beach holidays as I would get lost in the crowds when I went for an ice cream:biggrin:

                  When we go over to Wight for holidays we can walk for miles and hours and not see another soul because they are all packed like sardines on the beaches or walking round Godshills shops:biggrin:

                  We often find when we do go in a gift shop it can be empty as we enter but you can guarantee within a minute or so the place is packed like we are magnetised and draw them in.At that point we walk out of the shop:snorky:
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                  • Kandy

                    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                    Apr 23, 2006
                    Head gardener
                    In the Middle Of Blighty
                    3D7353B5-90E3-4EAC-82BE-8BAAAA3F0084.jpeg BD696284-75EB-4E38-93A4-653B6B9DCC27.jpeg Breakfast this morning.:smile:

                    Three eggs,some grated mature cheese,milk,salt and a sausage that I dry fried yesterday:smile:
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                      Last edited: Aug 31, 2018
                    • shiney

                      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                      Jul 3, 2006
                      Retired - Last Century!!!
                      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                      The Scrambled looks OK :blue thumb: but I don't eat sausage. Too much fat and additives - and the odd bit of sawdust! :snorky:
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                      • shiney

                        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                        Jul 3, 2006
                        Retired - Last Century!!!
                        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                        Here in the Shiney household mealtimes are becoming a bit more complicated as Mrs Shiney is now on a totally carbohydrate free diet! :scratch: So yesterday was marinated chicken (done with spices) put on skewers and grilled. This was accompanied by a variety of veg.

                        Tonight will be home made soup followed by a double portion of grilled salmon fillet with lots of veggies. I'll have a couple of new potatoes with mine. Dessert will be slices of apple, sprinkled with cinnamon and pan fried in butter.
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                        • Kandy

                          Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                          Apr 23, 2006
                          Head gardener
                          In the Middle Of Blighty
                          84D39DAB-3ABA-4FF8-8CBC-4C0A86BC3CF7.jpeg 12337985-34DA-47B1-811A-820358C59811.jpeg @shiney Mrs Shiney will soon lose weight on a total carbohydrate diet but she will have to have some carbs or else she could start to have health problems from what I have been reading on the net recently.Most people are just on low carbohydrate say 20-30 carbs a day others slightly higher.I assume if she is on this type of diet her Diabetes is not being controlled properly especially if she is overweight? So a LCHF (Low Carb High Fat Diet) should help her but only time will tell oh and portion control is said to help with weight loss as well:smile: Get her a trampette and let her walk jog on that.My sister got one before me and lost 51lb in weight:biggrin:

                          Personally I wouldn’t have the soup for starters and the apples can be high carb especially if pan fried in butter:yikes: :nonofinger: and this is only the evening meal so dread to think what you are giving her for breakfast and lunch which is causing problems:scratch:

                          I am starting to cut down on what I eat because when I had my eye scan a few weeks ago and had the results it said I had background Retinopathy which came as a shock as all my other results have been fine.:cry3: I asked our diabetic nurse for a meter which she refused as she said Type 2’s didn’t need to test so I ordered one off of Amazon which I have started using this week and am cutting right back on what I eat and on weighing myself this morning have lost 1lb in weight which for me is a miracle with my Insulin Resistance although my 4.5 mile a day walk could be helping plus all the work I do over at the lottie spreading compost on the plots ready for Mr Kandy to rotavate :snorky:

                          I like eating sausages with 95% pork but I saw those ones in the farm shop we visited so bought some as the majority of meat is free of carbs:biggrin:

                          We popped down to the village shop in the village yesterday and saw this reduced so got it to try but instead of microwaving the burger I dry fried it and as it was a double one I will have the other one some other time and then put the rubber cheese on top but didn’t have the sauce that was supplied.It was ok to eat but nothing special to write home about and not something I would eat every day:biggrin:

                          PS,Even the fish that gets eaten is now polluted with plastic and other filth that is in the rivers and seas so we are all doomed :snorky:

                          PSS,Mrs Shiney can eat new potatoes as they are lower in carbs than the old sort,she just doesn’t need to have her plate piled high with them...

                          Quiet happy with this reading...:yay:
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                            Last edited: Sep 1, 2018
                          • shiney

                            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                            Jul 3, 2006
                            Retired - Last Century!!!
                            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                            Thanks @Kandy
                            She hasn't been put on a diet as her weight isn't too bad. A friend of hers who is a specialist in diet control for diabetes has suggested she try the no carb diet as he has had some success with reversing people's diabetes completely by doing it.

                            As she doesn't eat red meats he has told her she should increase her fat intake a little. Even eating other foods can give some carb in the diet. :blue thumb:
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                            • longk

                              longk Total Gardener

                              Nov 24, 2011
                              Sort of the same here. I eat proper sausages from my butcher because I know what goes in them (I've been there frequently while they're being made) and they have a reasonable fat content of about 20% so they're not dry. I also bring back a kilo or two of Sicilian sausages when I go over there for work. My naughty indulgence is those cheap chorizo rings from supermarkets - I know that they're bad but they're good to have in the fridge for standby. It takes us about three weeks to use one so it's not as if we're binging on them.
                              I tend to avoid all supermarket meat if I can - the bacon is downright nasty and if you look at a beef joint it still has a pulse! Beef needs to be hung for three weeks minimum and it certainly doesn't need water injecting into it to raise the weight :nonofinger:

                              Tuesday was a bit of a 'Ready Steady Cook' fridge clean up night. Cut a large onion into chunks, add garlic, tommy puree, passata, ras el hanout, smoked paprika, mushrooms, new potatoes, fennel and nigella seeds, naga puree, chick peas and chicken then toss it into the oven for an hour. Even if I do say so myself it was an absolute triumph!
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                              • Logan

                                Logan Total Gardener

                                May 27, 2017
                                redditch Worcester
                                Battered fish, baked potato with salad and sweetcorn.

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